Rabbit Chuan walked to the opposite side of Shimojo Noboru and asked for a while: "Okay, then let me ask you, why did you ask Miss Xiaolan what time it was when you arrived at the restaurant, didn't you deliberately get an alibi?"

Shimojo Noboru hooked the corner of his mouth and said: "I don't understand what you're saying, my watch was broken at that time, I want to ask the time, what's wrong?"

Rabbit Chuan shrugged: "Please, what age is it now, who still uses a watch to check the time, can't your mobile phone read?" Don't say your phone is dead, but I remember you called him three times after that. "

I..." Noboru Shimojo panicked, "I, I forgot, forgot can't I?"

Rabbit Chuan didn't care: "Okay, then let me ask you again, why did you say that Mr. Yoshizawa called before you?"

Noboru Shimojo didn't think there was anything wrong with this, so he adjusted his mentality and said, "Because Yuta said that he called before going to the Dongfeng Tower?"

Rabbit Chuan said, "But Mr. Yoshizawa arrived at Dongfeng Tower at eight o'clock, and your first call was at 7:47, how did you know that he called before you?"

Shimojo was shocked: "That's because..."

Rabbikawa said for him, "That's because when Mr. Yoshizawa called, you happened to be by the deceased's side, arranging the trick I just mentioned."

Shimojo Noboru panicked and was struck!

But he was very calm, and laughed and said: "Hahaha, I just took it for granted, accidentally guessed the order of the phone correctly, can this mean that I am the murderer?" And the bells and whistles you said, all your conjecture, what evidence do you have to say that I did it, you say! "

Conan secretly pinched a cold sweat for his brother, that's right, there is only evidence in favor of the murderer at the scene, and there is no ironclad evidence that Mr. Noboru Shimojo is the murderer, so they can only fish!

Rabbit Chuan rolled up his sleeves, isn't it just a fool, he is old and professional.

Rabbit Chuan said unhurriedly: "The evidence is the time of the murderer's crime, Mr. Yoshizawa called at 7:02, and at that time the deceased had no way to answer the phone, which means that the deceased was killed at 7:02."

"And it takes almost ten minutes to get to Dongfeng Tower from the crime scene, and you just happened to arrive at Dongfeng Tower at 7:12, which means that you have plenty of time to commit the crime, don't you?"

Rabbit Chuan looked like a strong word, saying a set of things, and the key was all right, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Noboru Shimojo admitted that he was at the scene of the crime, and he heard the phone ringing, so he knew that Yuta was calling at that time and subconsciously said it.

After he arranged everything, he rushed to the Dongfeng Tower in 10 minutes to find someone to testify for himself, and everything was as this little devil said.

But even so, Noboru Shimojo still has the confidence to be invincible.

Shimojo Noboru laughed heartily: "Hahahaha, laugh at me, you little devil can't even understand the time of death of the deceased, and say that I am a murderer!" Hahahaha, I almost burst into laughter! Tu

Chuan's eyes flickered slightly, raised his head and glared at him unconvinced: "What are you laughing at?" What's so funny, even if you die laughing, the dead were killed at 7 o'clock, it won't be wrong!

Noboru Shimojo wiped away his tears and said confidently: "You little imp pretending to be a detective, listen to me, the deceased died around eight o'clock, I was sitting at the table next to you, and you were my alibi."

Rabbit Chuan snorted very arrogantly: "Hmph, I don't believe it!" "

Conan clenched his fists, success or failure is here!

Shimojo Noboru was really carried away by the victory, and quickly asked the Henggou police officer for confirmation: "Hahahaha, the police officer over there came and told him whether the time of death in the autopsy report was

8 o'clock..." The Henggou police officer had a solemn expression and stared at him intently: "How do you know that the time of death of the deceased is around 8 o'clock?" Shimojo

Noboru seemed to have been poured with cold water, and his feverish brain instantly cooled down, yes, this person didn't have time to say anything just now, but now it's the same.

"I overheard it when you and your subordinates whispered, haha!" Noboru Shimojo did not retreat, he had to be calm and not panic.

"That's not right either!" Officer Yokogou approached Shimojo Noboru, "because the autopsy report I received said that the time of death of the deceased was presumed to be between 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock when the body was found."

"What did you say?!" Shimojo Noboru's face turned white, and he suddenly panicked, "Don't you joke, from the stiffness of the deceased and the corpse spots, isn't it easy to determine the specific time of death?"

Rabbit Chuan said, "That's right, in general, it is true that a more specific time of death can be inferred from corpse spots, postmortem stiffness, and anorectal temperature

, but..." Shimojo Noboru snorted and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "But, but what?"

Rabbit Chuan glanced at him regretfully and explained, "But Mr. Aramaki's body has been rolling in the waves, and the corpse spot is caused by the corpse's blood being affected by gravity and accumulating on the lower surface of the corpse, so it is impossible to infer the time of death from the corpse spot.

"And the body has been immersed in seawater, and the rectal temperature drops at a different rate than usual, so it is even more difficult to guess the specific time."

"In other words, the time of death of the deceased Mr. Aramaki is not even known to the police, only the murderer who designed to drown the deceased." Rabbit River stunned Shimoroku, "Shimojo-san, only you know!" "


Shimojo Noboru knelt.

"Arden..." The matter was discovered too quickly, and Shimojo's two old companions reacted, "Are you in revenge?"

At this point, Shimojo Noboru could only admit it, but his mouth was stubborn: "Yes, you two just thank me, because I finally plucked up the courage to kill our father-killer!" Officer

Henggou said, "Do you mean the accident eight years ago?"

Shimojo roared, "It wasn't an accident! My dad and they kindly wanted to call back Aramaki, who insisted on braving the storm to go out to fish, but I didn't expect that Aramaki guy actually took the opportunity to knock over my dad's boat, and they couldn't save them from falling into the sea, and returned to the port by themselves!

"Is this true?" Yuki Yoshizawa was shocked.

"I finally asked from the mouth of the crew who went to sea with Aramaki that day, and I can't be wrong!" Noboru Shimojo was indignant.

Nezu Shinji said, "Then why don't you take him to the police!"

Shimojo Noboru's face was gloomy: "Because he suddenly disappeared." Later, I went to ask Aramaki, but Aramaki said proudly, 'Do you know what perfect crime is?' That is, two people go to sea together, one pushes the other into the sea, there are neither corpses nor witnesses, and a crime that does not exist is a perfect crime. I was thinking, I'm going to send him a perfect crime too."

Isamu Yoshizawa couldn't believe it: "Are you crazy? Nezu

Shinji's expression was solemn: "What's the difference between you doing this?"

"You, what do you mean?! I'm avenging you two!" "You know how much courage I mustered to finally make a decision, I killed our father-killer, you actually said that about me!!"

"That's not right!" Mao Lilan stood up and said unswervingly, "The word courage is a righteous word to describe people standing up, and cannot be used as a reason to kill."

After speaking, Mao Lilan lowered his head embarrassedly.

Shimojo was speechless, and in the dim light of the sea-sky handover, he silently got into the police car.

After the police left the scene, she whispered to her girlfriend: "Did I just talk too much."

Sonoko Suzuki laughed, "No, what you said is great!"

Mao Lilan said: "I just think if Shinichi were there, he would definitely say that." When

Rabbit Chuan heard Mao Lilan's words, he turned his head to look at Haiyuan Mourning, and he remembered that because of this sentence, Haiyuan Mourning plucked up the courage and asked Mao Lilan to take the initiative to post it.

Although it is not like Belmode, blinded by the light of the right path, it is not bad.

Conan's cheeks flushed, sure enough, Xiaolan understood him best, and accidentally glanced at Gray Yuanwei's sunglasses, and was startled: "The black light is blinding, what sunglasses are you wearing?"

Haihara pushed his sunglasses and said indifferently: "I'm afraid of blinding my eyes."

Conan was speechless, he thought that Haibara was talking about his relationship with Xiaolan.

But in fact, what Haibara wants to say is 800 watts of the light of the right path, alas, mother, it's too bright, she really can't get along with this girl.

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