The next day, Rabbitikawa pinched his fingers and calculated that today's invitation letter from Yoko Okino should be sent to the Maori detective agency, and in the morning, he would go to the Polo Cafe for breakfast.

Rabbit Chuan scanned the shop, did not see the familiar figure, and asked as Azusa Enomoto was serving, "Miss Azusa, isn't Mr. Amuro here today?"

Azusa Enomoto said, "Mr. Amuro is not here today, and he hasn't been here to work part-time lately.

Rabbit River knew that Bourbon discovered that Maori Kogoro might be related to Shirley during the Kiel incident, so he approached Maori Kogoro.

But now there is no Shirley, there is no clear goal, Bourbon only comes to the café to collect intelligence part-time, occasionally once or twice a week, naturally there is no need to catch up with Maori Kogoro as a teacher.

Rabbit Chuan finished breakfast and walked out of Polo Cafe, just as Morilan and Conan came downstairs to pick up the letter.

Conan immediately saw Rabbit Chuan passing by in front of him and shouted loudly: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, good morning!" "

Good morning?" Rabbit Chuan stopped, his face was full of doubts, and asked knowingly, "Sister Xiaolan?" Conan? Why are you at home, didn't you say to go out and travel?

Mao Lilan smiled awkwardly: "Ah, haha, how to say this..." In

the past two days of hot weather, Maori Kogoro took them to the countryside to escape the summer, they just arrived at the guesthouse, just put away their luggage, the innkeeper's father, that is, the local village chief, was killed.

When Maori Kogoro heard the news, he immediately rushed to the scene of the crime, and after some evidence collection, the sleeping Kogoro went online, and all the evidence pointed to the innkeeper, that is, the son of the deceased killed his father.

In fact, the homestay is already heavily in debt and is on the verge of bankruptcy, and the owner of the homestay wants to manage the village elder's father to borrow money for turnover.

But the village chief simply did not look at his homestay, which did not earn money but only lost money, let alone this runaway son, who cursed and cursed on his lips, but refused to borrow money.

The owner of the homestay was hot, anger rose from the heart, evil was born on the side, directly stabbed his father to death, and sat and waited for the inheritance.

Conan didn't think about it, and directly sent the homestay owner in, without thinking about sending the homestay owner in, how to solve their dinner, where to stay at night, and what to eat tomorrow morning.

Therefore, the originally planned summer tour, I went on the same day, and came back the next day, because the homestay was completely closed.

Rabbit Chuan and Mao Lilan chatted for a while, and Mao Lilan took out the letter from the mailbox while talking, and Rabbit Chuan followed them upstairs to sit.

As soon as Maori Lan opened the door, Rabbit River saw Maori Kogoro with a headband tied to his forehead, beer in one hand and a horn in the other, playing enthusiastically to the rhythm of TV broadcasting.

“L、O、V、E! I love Yoko! Yoko, yay!

Mao Lilan complained: "Dad, why do you start drinking early in the morning, cheer up a little!"

Maori Kogoro leaned lazily on the sofa: "What does it matter, I should have taken a leisurely vacation in the countryside today, alas, but now I have nothing to do."

"How can you be fine?" Mao Lilan held the letter, "I received so many letters today, maybe someone asked you to solve the case?"

"You put it over there, I'll see it later when I'm free." Maori Kogoro waved his hand casually and looked back at Rabbitikawa , "Why is your kid here?"

Rabbit Chuan sat on the sofa, smiled and said: "I wanted to eat an egg sandwich from Polo Cafe in the morning, and when I came out after breakfast, I happened to meet Miss Xiaolan, so I came up and sat down."

"Oh, then you sit." Maori Kogoro still looked that absent-minded.

Mao Lilan exclaimed, "Huh? Dad, here's a letter from Miss Yoko Okino.

"What?!" Maori Kogoro jumped up excitedly, "What's written in it?"

Mao Lilan opened the envelope, glanced at it and said, "Dad, Miss Yoko invited you to an engagement party." "

Engaged, engaged, engaged?!" Maori Kogoro instantly petrified, Yoko, Miss Yoko wanted, wanted, wanted to get engaged?

"Huh? It's not Miss Yoko, it's Miss Yoko's friend..." Mao Lilan looked back and saw that the old father had turned into a stone statue, and tears were like spring water, "Dad, dad, what's wrong with you?!"

Rabbit Chuan held his chin and said, "Uncle Maori has become like this since he heard the word 'engagement', and he can't listen to whatever you say now." Maori

Lan and Conan died speechlessly.

Rabbit River sighed, Yoko Okino's worry is not unreasonable, now is not the era of tolerance in the future, in this era, idols are absolutely not allowed to fall in love and get married.

Love prohibition treaties or even explicit provisions in the contract, idols and actresses marriage means retirement, and her career is over.

Kusano's dream is to reach the peak of her career at the age of 20 like Yukiko Fujimine, and then get married in a flash, retire from the entertainment industry, and be a happy little woman.

But her crush, who is also her crush, agent Xiong Du, does not think so, Kusano-Smoked is an artist he cultivated, and now his acting career is thriving, if they are together, it means that he will personally destroy the present and future of Kusano.

What's more, even if Kusanofu wants to retire and get married, the marriage partner should not be a poor little agent like him, but the kind of person who has a successful career and can make her live a worry-free and happy life all her life.

So, to keep these two together, it is not a simple "I love you" can be done, here is a bet on the future of a 20-year-old young actress.

Maori Kogoro took a day to slow down, it turned out that Yoko Okino's friend was engaged, and it was that friend who wanted to see him, which really scared him to death.

Adhering to the principle that the audience has a share, Rabbit River mixed into this engagement party trip.

"Oh, Miss Yoko, it's really my honor that you would invite me to your friend's engagement party!" Maori Kogoro greets Yoko Okino in the parking lot.

Yoko Okino is wearing a pair of Conan-style glasses, and is in the parking lot generously, her eyes always drifting unconsciously to Lord Rabbit.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at her slightly, and Yoko Okino subconsciously straightened her waist, with a reluctant smile: "Mr. Maori, you are too polite, I am sorry for suddenly making such an unreasonable request, you must have been shocked, right?"

Maori Kogoro smiled brightly: "How so?" Mao

Lilan asked, "Who is the one who is engaged?"

"When you arrive, you will know, you must know them." Yoko Okino sold a pass.

"Hey! Yoko? At this time, someone suddenly stopped Yoko Okino, Yoko Okino looked back, not far away there was a cool brother wearing sunglasses leaning next to the sports car, he touched the sunglasses slightly to reveal his true face, "It's really Yoko, did you bring a detective?"

Mao Lilan's mouth opened wide in surprise: "Aren't you the actor who plays the left text of the detective, that Kenzaki Shu?!"

Passers-by stopped to watch, and Kenzaki Shu quickly put on his sunglasses and walked over nervously: "Shh! Hush! "

On the other hand, the popular idol Yoko Okino, is as calm as a passerby.

Yoko Okino pushed her glasses, and the glasses given by Lord Rabbikawa were easy to use.

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