The eyes of everyone present focused, Rabbit Chuan looked down at Conan, Conan shouted flatteringly: "Rabbit River Geigei~" Rabbit Chuan:

Huh ~ Meat hemp is dead!

Rabbit Chuan didn't want to speak, but the old brother personally came to hug his thighs, what else could Rabbit Chuan do?


However, it is too late now, and the child wants to sleep, so write it down in a small book and forgive him for the time being.

After all, as the saying goes, beat the brother of the tiger, go into battle father and son soldiers, alas, who let them be brothers, he can't dislike the old brother and call him dad.

Conan: No, I didn't call Daddy.

Officer Henggou walked to Rabbit Chuan's side: "Huh? I remember seeing you in the case of His Holiness the Celestial Lady, you were the kid who was carried down the mountain by the Maori detective, right?

Tuchuan laughed: "Hahaha, Officer Henggou has a really good memory."

Officer Henggou said, "So you're a disciple of a Maori detective?" Tu

Chuan quickly denied: "No, it's not that humiliating identity." "

Huh?" Officer Henggou was stunned.

Conan raised his head and said, "Brother Rabbikawa is a famous young detective in Tokyo and the younger brother of high school student Detective Shinichi Kudo. Officer

Henggou suddenly woke up: "It turns out that you are the young detective Rabbit Chuan!" I've heard that you're not only good at solving cases, but you're also very good at encountering, oh, dealing with bombings.

Rabbit Chuan laughed twice: "Haha, there is no explosion, and I don't want to be famous, thank you!" "

Matsuda Jinpei, you wait for me!!

Matsuda Jinpei who is on vacation in Hokkaido: Aaaa Who is thinking about me?

"Haha, please advise more, please advise more." Officer Henggou smirked, he had a hunch that he could leave work before dawn.

Rabbit Chuan remembered that the last time he was in Tianbu Mountain, in the cable car, Conan directly turned his back to Officer Yokogou and reasoned, this Henggou Officer was really fooled.

At this time, Officer Henggou's phone rang, and the autopsy report came out.

The coroner in Shizuoka Prefecture is not easy, I don't know whether it is 24 hours on standby, or overtime, in short, it is really not easy!

Shizuoka Prefecture's coroner: Alas, it is not enough to compare with the top, it is more than the bottom, and it is better than its counterparts in Tokyo.

Hearing the autopsy results, Noboru Shimojo hurriedly said, "You already know the time of death of that guy from Aramaki, so you can let us go back now, right?"

Officer Henggou's expression was solemn, and he said very hard: "I'm sorry, according to the time of death presumed by the autopsy report, the three of you don't have an alibi, so you can't leave here yet."

"What did you say?!" Noboru Shimojo couldn't believe it, "You quickly tell me when he died, if we weren't here at the time of the crime, we couldn't have been the murderer."

Conan jerked Rabbit Chuan's pant legs: "Brother Rabbitchuan!

Rabbit Chuan protected his trouser belt in Conan's anticipation and stood up and said, "You can kill people even if you are not at the scene."

"What did you say?" Officer Henggou and the other three looked at Rabbit River in shock.

"Just follow what Sister Sonoko just said, get Mr. Arakamaki drunk and wrap it around a fishing net. Dig another pit in the beach where he can lie down. "Rabbit Chuan randomly picked up the body of a Pai Da Star on the beach, dug a hole in the beach, and put the body in.

Suzuki Sonoko waved his hand and said, "Oh, that won't work, the tide can't rise all at once, and when he finds himself drowning, he will definitely escape."

"So, add this, as long as the weight is pressed on the corpse, he can't run away." Rabbit Chuan picked up a large, round white shell and placed it on the starfish's carcass.

"But we didn't find anything heavy at the scene." Officer Henggou turned to Maori and asked them, "Did you see anything like that?"

Mao Lilan shook his head and said, "No.

Rabbit Chuan held the white shell up to Officer Henggou's eyes: "Don't you think this shape is very familiar?" "

Familiar?" Officer Henggou looked closely at the shells, but still couldn't think of it.

Rabbit River walked to the beach and gently placed the shell in the sea, and the shell floated on the sea like a small boat, gradually drifting away with the tide.

"It's a ship!" Officer Henggou finally realized, "The murderer pressed the boat on the body of the deceased, and when the deceased was drowned, the water level rose to a certain height, and the boat was washed away by the waves."

Rabbit Chuan nodded: "That's right, the murderer put wine bottles, buttons and slippers on the boat to make us think that the deceased was thrown from the boat, and in order to prevent the deceased from escaping, he also specially added sea water to the boat." Officer

Henggou said: "Although it makes sense, who is the murderer?"

Rabbit Chuan said, "I think the person who carried out this murder plan should be to ensure his alibi, Mr. Shimojo Noboru who has been staying with us in the hotel, and the murderer is you!"

Noboru Shimojo was shocked and angry: "What are you kidding!" What evidence do you have that I am the murderer, it's funny, my alibi is the most sufficient, and this is still wrong?

Rabbit Chuan helplessly spread his hands: "You didn't say that you have to follow the routine of police and bandit films, so of course there is a mistake!" "

Me!" Shimojo Noboru was speechless, me off!

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