Suzuki Sonoko yawned, and suddenly felt a tingling pain in the back of his neck, and covered his neck with a whoops.

This familiar scene couldn't help but make Mao Lilan excited: "Yuanzi, are you going to start again?"

Suzuki Sonoko took the hand pressed on his neck and slapped a hand of blood: "Gee, bitten by a dead mosquito!" Xiaolan, what did you say to start?

Mao Lilan tilted his head and said, "Isn't it time to start reasoning?"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly came to his senses, pinched his waist and walked to Officer Henggou's side: "Ahem, Officer Henggou, I already know what is going on!" "

Huh?" Officer Henggou and Conan turned back in unison, "What do you know?"

"Of course, how the murderer drowned the dead!" Suzuki Sonoko looked confident, "That little white boat is just a trick to cover people's ears, the murderer does not throw people directly into the sea, but the drunken deceased is tied up with a fishing net and thrown to the sea, as long as the tide rises, the deceased will be drowned by the tide, so that even if the murderer is not at the scene, he can commit murder."

Maori Lan clapped: "Fantastic! Garden, you are a genius!

Suzuki Sonoko laughed loudly: "Yes, Detective Ben can reason without sleeping!" Officer

Henggou was immediately speechless, and sure enough, his reasoning with his eyes open was unreliable.

Officer Henggou retorted: "This is impossible, the deceased was only entangled in the fishing net, not tied, if the tide rises, even if he is drunk and fierce, he will definitely sit up, unless he is given strong sleeping pills, but this will not be known until the forensic report comes out."

Suzuki Sonoko died of embarrassment, and immediately thought: "That is, the murderer directly strangled people to death in the sea."

"Then why is he trying to blind his eyes!" Officer Henggou died of a headache, why are there so many bear children who came to add chaos today?

Haibara yawned and walked to Conan: "Detective, do you know the answer?" "

Well, I probably know who the murderer is, but..." Conan said, turning his head to look at the shell in Haibara's hand, and was suddenly speechless, "Please, pick up shells here, you are not embarrassed."

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are the common feelings of human beings, what is there to be obsessed." Haibara glanced at Conan, every time he came out with this person, he encountered a case, and he didn't know which was more obscure.

"Haibara-san~" Ayumi happily held up a small shell, "Look, this is also so beautiful~ Let's pick up a little more and go back to wear wind chimes!"

Mitsuhiko held a pile of shells in both hands and said, "Look, I've picked up so many." Genta

jumped up and said, "Let's go get a bag and pack the shells!" The

three little ones ran away again.

"Shells?" Conan looked down and saw that the beach was covered with all kinds of shells, and he understood it all at this moment.

Haihara noticed Conan's expression: "Oh, detective, have you figured it out?"

Dr. Agasa said, "Shinichi, do you know who the murderer is?"

"That's right, it's up to Detective Agasa to explain the truth... Hey? Conan was slightly stunned and rummaged through his pockets, "Oops, I put the voice changer in the hotel room."

Dr. Agasa also panicked: "What can I do about this?" Even if you tell me, I can't tell.

Haibara said unhurriedly: "It seems that Detective Agasa is out of drama, and can only wait for Detective Rabbitchuan's good show." "

Huh?" Conan and Dr. Agasa both looked at the Rabbit River strolling by the sea.

Conan turned his head and asked Haihara, "When did he discover the truth?"

"Probably when he started picking up shells." Haibara raised his hand to hold his hair stirred by the sea breeze, "But he won't say it until he's had enough of playing, right?" "

As for why did Haibara say that?

Because there are too many people on the beach during the day, they have not played well on the beach, and now there are fewer people, of course, you have to shop enough.

Haibara thought about it, this shocking remark, or don't tell this brother to control the old brother.

Rabbit Chuan is not sleepy at all today, and even a little excited, so I want to see how the old brother who did not have an anesthesia watch and a bow voice changer would solve the case?

Conan waited in a hurry, but saw that the suspect was arguing to leave, and Rabbit Chuan had no interest in solving the case at all, so he could only go on his own.

The three of Yoshizawa Yuta pestered Officer Henggou: "Mr. Officer, it's almost 12 o'clock, can we go back?" Officer

Henggou said apologetically: "Please wait a little longer, at least until the forensic examination is completed and we get the time of death of the deceased before we can let you go."

Noboru Shimojo shouted dissatisfied, "What the hell! How long do you make us wait, isn't it all done in police movies? Officer

Henggou complained: "You all say that it is a police and bandit film, it is all blind filming." Nezu

Shinji also said: "Besides, when I called him at 8:40, someone answered the phone and hung up, and his phone was found with the body in the fishing net, and we were all in Dongfeng Tower at that time, and we were not allowed to answer the phone at all, falsifying call records and alibi, so when do you want to return to us?"

Officer Henggou didn't know how to explain it, but his intuition from years of handling cases told him that the real murderer must be among these three people.

Gollum~ Suddenly, a can rolled to the feet of Officer Henggou.

Conan ran over and said, "Officer Henggou, help pick up a can that was hit ashore by the waves."

Officer Henggou was stunned for a moment, picked up the can that rolled to his feet and handed it to Conan: "Here you go, don't make any more trouble."

"Thank you, Officer Henggou, I'm not making trouble, I'm cleaning up marine debris and protecting the environment." Conan took a closer look at the can, "Shh How is the shell of this can tattered, like the corpse that was slapped ashore!

Officer Henggou said with a smile: "Because there are a lot of shells on this beach, they must have been caught by the shells on the beach when they were rolling... Yes! Officer

Henggou suddenly realized: "The body rolled on the beach under the action of the waves, and the entangled phone was accidentally pressed to the call button by the shell, and then rolled in a circle, pressed the call button again, and the phone was hung up, so a large number of scratches would appear on the phone and the deceased."

Officer Henggou approached the three suspects again: "That is, if the murderer was not at the scene at that time, you can also let the phone connect and then hang up." Yuta

Yoshizawa said, "How can it be so accurate?" Just by chance, right? Officer

Henggou: "That's what I said, but in this way, the alibi of the three of you will not be valid!"

Shimojo Noboru said impatiently: "Really, hurry up and determine the time of his death, hurry up and let us go back!"

Conan also wanted to continue to guide Officer Henggou to solve the case, but Mao Lilan pulled Conan: "Conan, it's already 12 o'clock, hurry up and let Dr. Agasa take you back to sleep!"

Conan began to sputter and roll: "No! Nope! I'm going to stay and watch Officer Henggou solve the case!"

Suzuki Sonoko covered his mouth and yawned: "Aha~ I see that coral head police officer can't solve the case tonight, go, go back to sleep!" "

Conan: Plan A guides Officer Henggou to solve the case and fails, immediately starts Plan B, explains the reasoning to Dr. Agasa, and lets Dr. Agasa tell the truth himself.

Conan beckoned to Dr. Agasa: "Doctor, you put your ears together..." Genta: "

Ah! Conan, you actually whispered to the Doctor!

Ayumi: "Conan, have you discovered the truth?"

Mitsuhiko: "What?" I want to listen too!

Conan scratched his head awkwardly: "Haha, no, hahahaha..."

Conan gritted his teeth secretly: Gee! Damn it! Plan B also failed, and it seems that only Plan C can be started.

Rabbit Chuan only cared about his own pleasure, he never expected that the last fire would burn on him.

Conan suddenly shouted at Haibara: "What?! You said that Brother Rabbit Chuan already knows the truth!

Haibara looked confused, the wind was too strong, she didn't hear clearly, what did Conan just say? She didn't say anything!!

Conan ran to Rabbit Chuan's side, pulled the corner of Rabbit Chuan's clothes, and said loudly: "Brother Rabbit Chuan!" Please be the murderer? Tell me quickly!

Rabbit Chuan covered his chest, feeling that when he was stabbed in the chest, this wave of backstabbing was caught off guard.

Elder brother! Dear brother!

Give you another chance, say! Solving the case or Oudoudou, which is more important!! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

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