In the evening, Tuchuan and his party came to the Dongfeng Building, a Chinese restaurant on the second floor of the hotel.

The east wind, that is, the wind in the east, Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs Mountain Ghost" cloud: "The dark and the dark and the day are obscure, and the east wind is fluttering and the gods and spirits are raining." It

can also refer to the spring breeze, "Liji Moon Order": "(Meng Chun Moon) The east wind thaws, the stinging insects begin to vibrate, and the fish are on the ice."

However, the east wind of the Dongfeng Building comes from Zhuge Liang's sentence: "Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed." "

In short, take a good sign.

In the past, I opened a restaurant in Jiuji, directly called JiuI Restaurant, I don't know why I can't open a branch now, I have to pay attention to it, and I don't know who to learn from, I hired an old god stick to help see feng shui.

"Wow!" Ayumi said excitedly, "The red-faced god at the door is so powerful!" Mrs

. Yuan said, "I remember that many Chinese restaurants would worship this statue.

Mitsuhiko said: "That's Second Master Guan, the strongest god of war in the Three Kingdoms, and it is said that he can attract wealth."

Dr. Agasa said, "Why not just worship the God of Wealth?"

Tu Chuan said with a smile: "Because Guan Gong is traditionally the god of martial wealth, it can not only bless a prosperous business, but also deter Xiaoxiao, after all, no one dares to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong!" "

Yes, for a long time, I also invited a Guan Gong to return to the town mansion, sitting north facing south, facing the gate, gathering wealth and suppressing the evil spirits!"

Jiu I teruji: "Heavenly Spirit Spirit, Earth Spirit Spirit, Second Master Guan is on top, bless me with a prosperous business... Forget it, business is long or not, in short, don't make a life case! Don't make a life case!! Don't make a life case!!

Rabbit Chuan looked down at Conan, and suddenly remembered that this restaurant had his dividends, alas, forgot, it's okay, the second master is here, there is not a big problem.

Second Master Guan: Don't be ridiculous, this land is not under my control.

Chinese restaurant Dongfeng Lou is a mid-to-high-end restaurant located on the famous Izu coast, and the price is not close to the people, but it is the kind that can be extravagant occasionally.

So Maori Lan was surprised: "Huh? Doctor, why are you here?

Dr. Agasa turned around: "Oh, it's Xiaolan, we happen to be staying in this hotel."

Tu Chuan looked up and said, "Sister Xiaolan, Sister Yuanzi, come here and sit together, we just happened to be ordering!" "

After all, eating Chinese food, multiple people are not a matter of multiple pairs of chopsticks.

Sonoko Suzuki sat down generously, picked up the menu and said, "What did you all order?"

Rabbit Chuan said: "Yellow braised shark fin, grilled sea cucumber with green onion, West Lake vinegar fish, Longjing shrimp, Dongpo meat, jade cabbage heart, chrysanthemum tofu, snow sponge bean paste..." The

menu in his hand fell on the table with a snap, Suzuki Sonoko was slightly stunned, today's menu seems to be a bit trenched!

Mao Lilan asked, "What's wrong, Yuanzi?" "

Ah, it's okay." Sonoko Suzuki thought for a moment, if the AA system, Dr. Agasa would probably bleed heavily, so she should go and secretly buy a bill later.

It is said that when eating in a Chinese restaurant, it is generally the richest person who eats halfway, and then secretly pays when he goes to the bathroom, otherwise, by the time of the final checkout, it is likely to fight.

In short, in Suzuki Sonoko's heart, Chinese restaurants are a very dangerous place, and I don't know why there are always fights.

"Hey! Chick by the sea during the day! With a familiar and arrogant voice behind him, Noboru Shimojo put his hands in his pockets and walked towards them.

"Hi~" Suzuki Sonoko didn't have a good impression of this person, just said hello politely.

"Sorry, my watch is out of battery, what time is it?" Noboru Shimojo looked like he was cooked.

Mao Lilan raised his hand, glanced at his watch and said, "It's 7:12."

"Gee, I'm coming too early!" Shimojo Noboru pushed away the chair at the next table impatiently, "Abominable!

Suzuki Sonoko took the opportunity to say: "I think we should still order some simple dishes, it seems that someone will quarrel later, let's eat quickly, hurry up and flash people!"

Noboru Shimojo said as he flipped through the menu, "We're not arguing, we're just trying to tell that guy who has no law about what rules are."

Suzuki Sonoko raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Rules?

Shimojo said with a gloomy face: "Yes, it is the immutable law of nature."

Rabbit Chuan immediately handed over the menu and instructed the restaurant to serve the dishes within half an hour, otherwise points would be deducted!

The chef who is preparing the dishes: "Who is this?" So arrogant!

The assistant chef of the Far Moon Academy whispered: "The consultant from the main store. The

chef was shocked: "Slippery, let me move!" If you dare to make a mistake, be careful that I deduct your wages! "

The chef: "That chef, the apprentice is not paid. "


Rabbit Chuan saw that Shimojo Noboru at the next table did not order, but ordered two bottles of Red Star Erguotou, like drinking beer, pouring himself into a glass, now his cheeks were red, and he looked completely on top.

Rabbitakawa : Shina is ruthless!

Shimojo Noboru said: "That guy actually set up nets everywhere and wanted to catch all the fish in the sea, so we have to educate that uncle Aramaki tonight, and let this foreign guy remember that the fish in the sea are not caught as much as he pleases, and now that he has hollowed out the sea, what should our children and grandchildren do."

"Doesn't anyone official care about him?" Suzuki Sonoko understands this truth, and he can't exhaust himself and fish.

"No one can control him." During the day, he met Yuta Yoshizawa and said, "Because this matter is not explicitly stipulated in the law, even if we sue him, we will not win."

Shimojo Noboru said drunkenly: "Hiccup ~ It's Yuta, hehe, you're late." Yuta

Yoshizawa sat down and said, "No, it's just eight o'clock now, I said you drank too much, right?"

Noboru Shimojo didn't know if he heard clearly, but just nodded and asked the other person why Nezu Shinji hadn't arrived yet.

Yuta Yoshizawa said, "Shinji went to put incense on his father, and he has to come later."

Shimojo held the wine glass: "Yes, today is the death day of our fathers of the three of us."

Suzuki Sonoko was shocked: "You..."

Rabbit Chuan knew that Suzuki Sonoko must have misunderstood, thinking that the father of the three of them was the same person.

Shimojo Noboru did not speak, and Yoshizawa Yuta said: "Eight years ago, in a storm, Nobuji's father and our two fathers were killed on the same boat. Speaking

of this, Yoshizawa Yuta poured a glass of two-pot head, choking tears, oh, what kind of wine, it's too top.

Come on! The motive for killing is coming! The good man doesn't look back!

Rabbit Chuan looked at the next table with one hand on his cheek, but a cup of two pots overturned everything, at least to finish the meal.

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