Seeing that something was wrong, Conan swooped away, and went to the shore to pat his chest, sighing in relief, fortunately he ran fast, otherwise he was afraid that he would become that ball later.

Conan shook, so scary!

Under the umbrella, Haihara is sitting on a beach chair, humming a song, applying sunscreen, and today is also a delicate girl.

Haibara mourned Conan walking over with a lost soul, and said in surprise: "Why did you come up?" Why don't you go and have fun with the one at your house?

Conan said with a depressed look: "You slipped away quickly, but it hurt me miserably." "

Huh? What the? Haibara looked at Conan puzzled.

Conan said, "Are you hiding from Xiaolan? "

Huh?" Haibara squinted at Conan with a sincere expression and put on sunglasses, "I just think that the kind of girl who lives in the sun is better not to associate with people like me." "

Huh?" Conan looked confused, "What are you talking about?"

Haibara turned his head to look at the endless sea and said, "The other party is a dolphin, yes, everyone likes dolphins, who would like a cold-blooded and brutal shark that escapes from the cold and dark bottom of the sea?"

Conan was full of question marks: "Really, I don't understand what you girls are thinking?" How do you say sharks so pitiful? At

this time, Dr. Agasa was carrying a bucket of ice, a large watermelon was held in the ice, and Rabbit Chuan was carrying a baseball bat, and the two walked back with a laugh, of course, they had to knock watermelon when they got to the beach.

Rabbit Chuan vaguely heard their conversation, and sat directly on the beach and looked at the sea with Haihara Sorrow: "Don't Xiao Wei like sharks?" A

faint sadness lingered around Haihara's side: "How can anyone like sharks?"

Rabbit Chuan said in surprise: "Shark fin is so delicious, how can anyone not like to eat sharks?" "

Eat and eat sharks?!" Haihara and Conan were sluggish for a moment, why would anyone eat sharks?

"Shark fin is a very precious ingredient, one of the eight treasures, and tonight's main course is yellow braised shark fin." Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "I originally wanted to eat Buddha jumping over the wall, but this time it was too urgent, and the chef didn't have time to prepare the dishes, so I had to forget it." Seeing

Rabbit Chuan's very regretful look, Conan immediately said that today is another day that needs to look directly at the generation gap.

Haibara let the sunglasses fall from the bridge of her nose, revealing a pair of beanie eyes, and her lips trembled slightly.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Rabbit Chuan blinked, feeling that Haibara was about to say in the next sentence: "Shark sharks are so terrible, how can you eat sharks?"

Conan said dumbly: "No, nothing, just suddenly found that the shark is quite pitiful."

Rabbit Chuan nodded: "Yes, now it has been eaten into farming, in order to protect the ecological environment and species diversity, we must protect them, so whether it is sharks or dolphins are protected animals, we can't favor one over the other!" "

Hmm." Conan and Haibara nodded stiffly, they couldn't bear to look directly at such a vicious and cold-blooded shark now, so pitiful, they were actually eaten as farmed.

Rabbit Chuan was very satisfied, stood up and patted the sand on his body, and was about to call his partners to come and knock on the watermelon, when suddenly there was a noise not far away.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" A man in a life jacket yelled, "You guys play with such a big boat, what if you bump into other guests?"

Rabbit River looked over, it turned out that Suzuki Sonoko didn't know where to find a small wooden boat, Morilan and Suzuki Sonoko were supporting the boat on both sides, and the children were sitting in the boat playing in the water.

Suzuki Sonoko said dissatisfied: "Why are you so fierce, aren't Xiaoran and I holding the boat?" And now the wind and waves are not big, so we will not let the boat hit people! "

Suzuki Sonoko is quite confident in her girlfriend, and it is just a small wooden boat, which is guaranteed to be dead.

Mao Lilan persuaded: "Yuanzi, we are really not good at this.

Suzuki Sonoko did not speak, and knew that he was ignoring, and Maori Lan said embarrassedly: "Sorry, we will return the ship immediately."

"Okay, Ardennes, you make a little noise, don't scare the tourists." The good-looking Yuta Yoshizawa grabbed the irascible Noboru Shimojo and said to Moriran, "I'm sorry, this guy was dumped by his girlfriend yesterday, so I'm in a bad mood."

Shimojo Noboru said shamefully: "Don't talk nonsense, what I was dumped, I dumped her first!" Probably

showing his cowardice in front of the girl, the grumpy Shimojo Noboru stopped talking, and watched the honest Yuta Yoshizawa pull the boat away.

"Don't bother, I'll just come by myself." Maori Lan felt a little embarrassed.

Yoshizawa Yuta smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, cleaning up the garbage on the coast is originally the job of our coast patrol officer."

"Oh, so you're coast guards, I thought you were fishermen?" The bearded bald man lay on the beach chair, leisurely drinking beer, and said sarcastically, "Oh, yes, of course, fishermen who can't catch only pick up garbage on the beach!"

"You bastard!" Shimojo was furious, "We can't catch fish, it's not all your !!."

"Forget it, Ardenne!" Yuta Yoshizawa stopped his grumpy brother, his face gloomy, "Mr. Aramaki, at eight o'clock tonight, the Dongfeng Building of the Queen Hotel, let's see you all!"

Noboru Shimojo followed with a ruthless remark: "Hmph! Lao Tzu is waiting for you, don't run if you have a kind!

Suzuki Yuanzi was dumbfounded: "Hey, Xiaolan, isn't the restaurant we ordered just..." Mao Lilan

nodded stunnedly: "Well, it's the Chinese cuisine Dongfeng Lou..."

Shouldn't they encounter underworld firefights?

"Hey ~ Miss Xiaolan ~ Sister Yuanzi ~" Rabbit Chuan shouted, "Come and hit the watermelon~~~"

The game of playing watermelon on the beach is very simple, as long as you blindfold your eyes, turn around in a circle in place, and then find the right direction under everyone's guidance, and finally swing a baseball bat to hit the watermelon.

Yuan Tai: "Sister Xiaolan, a little on the left!"

Suzuki Sonoko: "Xiaolan, don't listen to him, go to the right!" To the right!

Mitsuhiko: "Sister Xiaolan, you go a little further!"

Sonoko Suzuki: "Go further right, a little more right!"

Mao Lilan, who walked blindfolded, was puzzled: "Isn't that right? How do I feel like I'm getting further and further away?

Rabbit Chuan: "No, ah, Sister Xiaolan has arrived!"

Mao Lilan was excited: "Really? So I'm going to knock?

Rabbit: "Knock, knock, knock!" Miss Xiaolan, you are hard!

"Okay, you guys get out of the way, I'm going to knock!" Mao Lilan took a deep breath and jerked hard, "Drink-ah! "


Cracking sound!

"Huh? This doesn't feel right! Mao Lilan took off her blindfold and was stunned.

Rabbit-Chuan: "Yay! Knock on the coconut la(● ́∇'●)ノ~"

Maolilan:"Eh?!!! What about me, my watermelon? "

Melon-eating masses: already eaten, haw, haw.

Coconut Tree Lying Innocently: First of all, I didn't provoke any(╥_╥)

of you

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