The dishes ordered by Rabbit River have been served one after another, abalone ginseng wing belly is a rare dish, the natural ingredients are exquisite, the chicken, duck and fish meat is also unsatisfactory, only this chrysanthemum tofu, which is not very satisfactory.

Chrysanthemum tofu is a traditional dish with rich flavors and flavors, which tests the chef's knife skills.

The chef has to cut a piece of tofu into a ball of fine strips, and the chef who has worked hard will cut it evenly and without breaking, and put it in the soup like a blooming chrysanthemum, light and flexible, like a work of art, people are reluctant to taste.

And the soup of chrysanthemum tofu is also very exquisite, to use Huangshan Gongju into the soup, not only looks like chrysanthemums, but also has the fragrance of chrysanthemums, which makes people have a long aftertaste.

Rabbit Chuan does not require this chrysanthemum tofu to be as thin as a hair as Nawensi tofu, but this thick filament is obviously failing.

It's already summer, and generally speaking, midsummer is followed by autumn, and autumn is the season of chrysanthemums, and Rabbikawa originally wanted to use chrysanthemum tofu with "color, fragrance, and meaning" as the autumn staple of the new restaurant, but now it seems that it is not possible.

Rabbit Chuan put a question mark on the chef's knife work in his heart, it must be that the chef was lazy when practicing knife skills, and the tofu cut too little.

What should I do if the knife work is not good?

So what else can be done, anyway, after the summer is not necessarily autumn, just continue to practice!

Next, the back kitchen of Dongfeng Lou puffed up his strength to practice knives, and the scraps could not be wasted, and all of them were made into employee meals, causing hotel employees to eat mapo tofu shredded for many months.

The hotel staff cried with a sad face: Mapo tofu is delicious, but we can't eat it all at once!

Then braised tofu, steamed tofu, boiled tofu, fried tofu, slippery tofu, three fresh tofu soup, sixi tofu balls....

In the end, the main dish of Dongfeng Lou's autumn became a tofu banquet, and the tofu banquet sold in the holiday hotel by the sea was also unique, and it was a small fire, of course, this is all a matter of later.

Rabbit Chuan came out of the back kitchen and saw that Suzuki Sonoko had mingled with the two fishermen, and there was constant laughter on the wine table, not knowing what he was talking about.

Rabbit Chuan walked over and listened.

Sonoko Suzuki: "Oh, in fact, the fisherman died in the sea, and he died well!"

Noboru Shimojo: "Hahaha, big sister, what you said is really right!"

Yuta Yoshizawa: "Come!" Let's have another toast!

Tuchuan stopped, beckoned the waiter and said, "Go and send them a plate of peanut rice." "

If you eat a grain of peanut rice, you won't get drunk like this."

"Yuanzi, you are so rude!" Mao Lilan hurriedly grabbed the garden, she was so worried that her girlfriend's disaster would come out of her mouth and be targeted.

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko's eyes were confused, and her cheeks were red.

Rabbit Chuan leaned sideways on the back of the chair and looked over: "Sister Yuanzi shouldn't be drinking, right?"

"What did you say?" Oh, I didn't drink and just took a small sip. Suzuki Sonoko gestured with his finger, less than a centimeter tall.

Rabbit Chuan estimated that it was less than half a tael, Suzuki Sonoko looked only slightly drunk, his consciousness was still very clear, he was young, and he was not shallow!

Mao Lilan was worried about his girlfriend's informality, but Yoshizawa Yuta was very open-minded: "It's okay, our father knows that there is a storm, but he still insists on going to sea, and there is something wrong with them when there is an accident."

"No, it wasn't an accident." A strong man with a tiger's back and a bear's waist walked over, "The ship our dad was sitting on was hit and sunk by that guy from Arakami with a pirate ship!"

Yuta Yoshizawa said, "Shinji, why are you still saying such things?" "

The person who came was Noboru Nezu Shinji they mentioned earlier, with dark skin and tight muscles, and at a glance, he knew that he was a master fisherman in the wind and sun.

Noboru Shimojo also said that Nezu Shinji was too stubborn, Nezu Shinji snorted, seeing that it was already 8:40, the murderer had not actually arrived, so he wanted to call him.

The abominable pirate actually dared to release his pigeons!

Noboru Shimojo smiled and said, "It's useless, we've already called, and no one answered at all." "

Toot - toot - beep!

"Hey! Feed? "

This time the call actually got through, but no one on the other side spoke at all, only a strange voice, crackling, sounding like the sound of ocean waves.


"Abominable! The phone hung up! Nezu Shinji was angry to death, "Shouldn't the old man have deliberately released our pigeons and gone fishing himself?"

Noboru Shimojo was lying on his stomach in the window, looking out the coast and Yuta Yoshizawa came over and said that it was a shortcut to the hotel.

But now is the time of high tide, and there is no way to walk on the coast.

Shimojo held his forehead and said, "Oh, leave him alone, and when we wake up, let's go over there and take a look."

Conan also lay on the window, looking at the dark coastline, and an indescribable feeling lingered in his heart.

"Oh, it's so full~" Rabbit Chuan stretched his arm, "Doctor, Miss Xiaolan, let's go for a walk by the beach?"

Mao Lilan replied: "Okay! But the garden..."

Suzuki Sonoko stood up and said, "Let's go and blow the sea breeze, the sea breeze at night will be cooler." "

Mao Lilan also thought about it, blowing the sea breeze and sobering, but awake is sober, but not by the sea breeze to wake up, but by the corpses on the coast.

"Ah——!" Morilan and Suzuki Sonoko screamed in unison.

"What's wrong? What happened? Hearing the screams of the girls, the three of Shimojo Noboru quickly ran over, "Oh my God! Isn't that Aramaki?! "

On the dark coast, the waves are constantly lapping, and Aramaki Ichiyoshi is wrapped in fishing nets, like a sea fish caught ashore and dead, desperately opening his eyes and staring at them.

Wake up, wine wakes up, completely awake!

After calling the police, Officer Yokogou of the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Department rushed to the scene.

"The deceased made an appointment with the three of you to meet at the Dongfeng Building of the Queen Hotel at 8 o'clock tonight, but after the appointed time, Mr. Aramaki never appeared, and when it was 9 o'clock, you came to the beach to sober up, and you found that..." Officer Henggou approached the three fishermen sharply, "The deceased was washed ashore by the waves, and he was wrapped in fishing nets, what I said, right?"

"Yes, yes." The fisherman trio was taken aback, "We didn't lie.

Officer Henggou said sorry and said, "But I heard that you fishermen have a very bad relationship with the deceased, I think it should be that the three of you invited the deceased here, and then worked together to kill people, and finally pretended to find the body of the deceased?"

"What are you talking nonsense!" Noboru Shimojo was embarrassed.

"What they said is true, we heard it during the day, and they did meet at Dongfeng Tower at about 8 o'clock tonight." Suzuki Sonoko turned to look at Moriland, "Right, Xiaolan?

Mao Lilan nodded: "Well, and we also ate at Dongfeng Lou in the evening, and they sat at the table next to us." "

Huh? Yuanzi Xiao and Miss Xiaolan. Officer Henggou looked shocked, "Miss Xiaolan, didn't you go back the day before yesterday?" By the way, what about the Maori detective?

Mao Lilan explained: "My dad didn't come this time, I came to play with the garden."

Dr. Agasa on the side said, "Although we saw them in Dongfeng Lou, the three of them arrived at different times.

Officer Henggou was shocked again: "Dr. Agasa, why are you there!" "

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