"Where is that person now?" Mao Lilan was indignant, and the whole person was furious.

Boss Toda subconsciously said: "In room 209." "

These fans are so fierce! Wait, they're not going to come to the Maori detective for revenge, are they?

Mao Lilan clenched her fists, someone dared to impersonate her father, she must let that person see who is the father!

"Dad, I'll teach him a lesson!"

"Wait a minute, Xiaolan!" Maori Kogoro quickly grabbed his girlfriend, and this punch went down, and his old father could not tearfully send his girlfriend into the barred window.

"What for?"

Maori Kogoro whispered: "Look, aren't there often such episodes in TV dramas?" When the Buddha-figure encountered the scene of the impostor, we waited first, and when the guy reasoned wildly, I suddenly appeared again, debunked the guy, and surprised everyone! Hahaha!

Mao Lilan narrowed his eyes and complained mercilessly: "You are all boring, mountain village police officer, what do you think?"

"That's great!" The mountain village police officer jumped up, "Please let me help you!" "

The confused detective and the rookie police officer hit it off, the two swords were combined, Mao Lilan was already speechless and dead, did not want to pay attention to these two childish ghosts, and left directly.

Maori Kogoro really became incognito and called himself Echigo-Eimon.

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, uncle, you are too obvious, isn't this the pseudonym used by the daimyo Mito Huangmen in the Taiga drama during a private visit to Weifu?

"Sir, Ling Yuan seems to have left her mobile phone on the car." Masao Kambo, who went to the parking lot, came over and handed the phone to Maori Kogoro, "This is Ling Yuan's, right?"

"Oh, thank you!" Maori Kogoro took the phone and walked away with the Yamamura police officer.

In the room, Maori Kogoro pulled Amuro Toru and the Yamamura police officer to change the cups and drink happily.

"Mr. Māori!" Amuro took the initiative to pour wine for the two to bring him closer to Mori Kogoro, but he himself did not drink much, but just brushed his eyes and knives at his colleagues.

Rabbit River chews the famous wild vegetables, which is worthy of the wild vegetables that the inn has to dig up at the risk of encountering corpses, the taste is really bitter, don't dig next time.

When he was full, Rabbit Chuan took Conan to take a bath, and then soaked in the hot spring for a short time, and when he returned, there was already one on the wine table.

The mountain village police officer was lying on the table and sleeping heavily, Maori Kogoro was also drunk, tied his tie on his forehead, it seemed that he couldn't tell the southeast, southwest and northwest, only Amuro looked sober, in fact, very sober, worthy of being a mixed sake factory, the amount of alcohol is good!

Maori Kogoro saw Rabbikawa open the door and came back, walked to the door, looked at the corridor and said, "Hasn't the reasoning show started yet?"

Mao Lilan complained: "That impostor may have escaped, I said I should teach him a lesson!"

Conan said, "I just went to ask the boss, and no one left the hotel. Maori

Kogoro couldn't wait any longer and rolled up his sleeves ready to scold people.

"Hey! Counterfeit open the door! Maori Kogoro slammed the door angrily, but never responded.

Maori Kogoro twisted the doorknob, directly pushed the door open, and saw that the house was pitch black, and the drunken Maori Kogoro rushed in regardless, pulled open the bedroom door, and shouted: "Impostor!" You Maori Kogoro Uncle is coming... Yes! Maori

Kogoro took a step back in fright, and in the dark bedroom, a man was hanging from the beam, and the man was dressed exactly like him, as if he had seen himself hanged on it.

As if there was a swishing cold wind, Maori Kogoro's alcohol consciousness instantly sobered up, scaring him to death.

"Dad, Dad! Are there ghosts!! Aaaaa——!a "Mao Lilan almost fainted, substitute for life!

It wasn't until Rabbit Chuan turned on the light that the screaming stopped, at first glance the person looked very similar to Maori Kogoro, but in fact it was really similar, but the one hanging on the beam had a snarky face and a two-handed small beard, and the real Maori Kogoro looked upright, and it was a figure-eight beard.

Hearing the screams, the staff of the hotel hurriedly ran over, and the sound of hurried running woke up the mountain village police officer.

Officer Yamamura walked out of the room and asked with a yawn, "What's wrong?"

Urakawa stopped and said, "It's not good, Yamamura police officer! The Maori detective hanged himself in the room!

"What did you say?!" The mountain village police officer felt that the sky was falling, and ran to the corpse with him, his eyes blurred with tears, "Oh, Mr. Maori why don't you think so much!" Whew, the sleeping Kogoro actually slept forever, and it seems that even his appearance has changed..."

"What are you muttering there, it's not fast enough to call your colleague over!"

The mountain village police officer heard a familiar voice and looked back to see that his soul was gone: "My mother!!" Ghost!!

Rabbit River saw that Amuro's entire face was dark, and he had caught up with the color of Osaka black chicken.

In fact, Amuro Toru still has a deep understanding of the level of the local prefectural police, after all, the level of the Metropolitan Police Department's search lesson has always been there, and not to mention the Metropolitan Police Department, even the brains of his own subordinates do not look very smart, but he really did not expect that the police officers of Gunma Prefecture were actually like this... Fantastic!

Rabbitagawa began, I really want to tell Amuro Toru, don't look at the mountain village police officer is not reliable now, but this is a police elite who can be promoted to the police department in less than a year, and it is a professional group that has passed the civil service examination.

Moreover, the Yamamura police officer and Zhufu Keiguang were young, and they agreed to become police officers together when they grew up, and Zhufu Jingguang transferred to Tokyo to get acquainted with Zero Valley.

As the saying goes, a friend's friend is also a friend, and the small hair is also considered small, and the rabbit river rounds it up, so the mountain village exercise is also considered to be half of the small hair of the valley zero?

Toru Amuro: ... Thanks, and don't want to.

The Yamamura police officer summons a colleague from the police station and explains to the people in the hotel that the living person in front of him is the real detective Maori Kogoro, and the one who died is an impostor.

As for why that person pretended to be Maori Kogoro, it should be to get the suitcase that the man in red kept in the boss.

Seeing that the key was still inserted in the suitcase, the mountain village police officer clicked and opened the suitcase, but he did not expect that the suitcase was an old newspaper from five years ago.

Maori Kogoro opened the newspaper, and the Yamamura police officer suddenly found that there was a black thread wrapped in the newspaper, and he pulled out the black line... Instant panic.

"! Head, hair! Help me! Ghostly! "

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