The mountain village police officer screamed and screamed, his hands were in a hurry, with a left punch and a right kick, and he fought with a mess of wet hair for three hundred rounds, and the wet hair was still wrapped around his hands.

"Ah——!" Mao Lilan hugged the chest of the Conan shield, the demon and monster are leaving, the demon and monster are leaving!

Maori Kogoro sighed helplessly: "What's the fuss, isn't it just a strand of hair clipped in the newspaper?"

"But these hairs have grown, right?" The mountain village police officer brushed it, "Look, this must be the curse of the long-haired man in red who died 4 years ago, it's a curse!" "

The evidence collectors at the scene acted in an orderly manner, each busy, and did not even give them a look at the boss who was playing treasure, which was completely accustomed to it, which can be seen.

"If curses can kill, then why detectives and police?" Maori Kogoro resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "In my opinion, this is how things should be."

"Five years ago, the man in red and the bearded man in sunglasses, which is today pretending to be my mustache, made a bet on what would happen to the sumo wrestler Akagi Maru, who won for the first time in a sports newspaper, a year later."

Maori Kogoro held up the newspaper, "The long-haired man locked his answer in a suitcase, and in order to prove that he would not change the answer, he gave the key to the bearded man and made an appointment to come and pick up the suitcase together in a year."

"The long-haired man was afraid that the bearded man would not keep his agreement, so he gave another letter to the boss, saying that if someone came to pick it up, he would give him the letter, and sure enough, the bearded man came the next day, and that letter was to warn the bearded man not to play tricks, otherwise he would kill him."

Officer Yamamura looked through the newspaper nervously: "But there is only this newspaper in the box, what is the answer?"

Maori Kogoro said, "There is still hair in the box, and a sumo wrestler's cut of hair means ..."

Officer Yamamura immediately followed Maori Kogoro's train of thought.

Maori Kogoro said seriously: "That's right, Akagi Maru had been debuting for 18 years at that time, but he had only won once 5 years ago, so the long-haired man bet that Akagi Maru would definitely choose to retire the next year." But he didn't expect that Akagi Maru would win one after another in the second year, and even upgrade all the way to the big pass second only to Yokozuna.

"Their bet must have been big, and the long-haired man thought he had lost, so a year later, on the way to the hotel, when passing by the famous suicide forest, the long-haired man couldn't think about it for a while and hanged himself."

The mountain village police officer felt that it made sense, and glanced back at the mustache hanging from the beam: "Then why did he also commit suicide?" Maori

Kogoro said regretfully: "Because the long-haired man's answer is correct, Akagimaru was injured in the final that year, and then retired due to injury, but unfortunately the long-haired man committed suicide before he could see this scene, and today the bearded man finally learned the truth, thinking that he forced the long-haired man to death, and felt guilty, so he ended his life."

"It's really better to be famous and reasoning, worthy of being a detective Mr. Maori Detective!" The mountain village police officer can praise vigorously, praising Maori Kogoro with a heart.

Rabbit Chuan applauded, worthy of Maori Kogoro, an old newspaper and a strand of hair can make up such a perfect reasoning, really admire, admire!

The little monk sitting on the head of Maori Kogoro also secretly drank a little wine, dizzy, and knocked Maori Kogoro's head like a wooden fish.

However, when he heard the long-haired man in red, the little monk suddenly remembered something, and whispered in Rabbit Chuan's ear: "His Royal Highness Rabbit Chuan, in fact, five years ago..." Rabbit Chuan

nodded, oh, I know, I know, it's not a big deal.

"I said, in this scientific age, how can there be a curse?" The mountain village police officer instantly left the red-clothed long-haired ghost behind, but some people sang the opposite.

"It's a curse!" Conan grabbed the strand of hair, looking innocent, "Look at this hair of different lengths, colors, and wet, how can the hair five years ago still be wet, it must be a curse!"

"Uh... This, this! The Yamamura police officer immediately turned to his Maori detective with a terrified little look.

Maori Kogoro lived up to his expectations and said, "No, this is by no means a curse for a long-haired man!"

Conan nodded in satisfaction, and heard Maori Kogoro continue, "It should be the curse of some long-haired Killer Matt!"

Conan rolled his eyes, speechless.

Amuro was silent, silently looking at this scene, a serious nonsense Maori Kogoro and a child who casually mentioned clues....

Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes, stood up and said in the circle: "Uncle Maori is joking, what is the curse, I think this strand of hair should have been picked up by someone in the women's bathhouse, right?" "

Huh? Female bathhouse? Maori Kogoro looked dazed.

Rabbit Chuan said: "Yes, in the evening, when we went to take a bath after eating, we saw a sign "washing" hanging in the women's bathhouse, so Miss Xiaolan did not wash until the evening. The

boss looked surprised: "Huh? Odd, our inn always cleans the bath in the middle of the night?

Amuro saw that Rabbit River was looking at him, and thought that Amuro's character was a rookie detective who was not in the fashion and worshipped Maori Kogoro, and that he should now actively express himself in front of Maori Kogoro, so he spoke: "In other words, someone deliberately hung a sign saying "washing" outside the women's bathhouse, picked up a strand of hair from it, and then returned to the room and clipped his wet hair in the newspaper.

Rabbit Chuan nodded, and then pointed to the ground and said: "You see, the tatami mat at the door is still a little wet, which proves that someone walks around this room with wet feet, but this fake Maori uncle's feet are dry, that is to say, someone else has entered this room, and that person also knows where the "cleaning" sign is placed, which means that that person should be an employee of the hotel, most likely a man!" The

mountain village police officer climbed up the pole: "That means that someone has entered the room, this is not suicide but homicide, and the murderer is in the male employee of the hotel?!"

"That's right!" Rabbit Chuan applauded himself, and suddenly narrowed the scope, so that the young ladies could go back to rest.

The three male employees watching the bustle at the door were panicked, how could they become suspects in the blink of an eye?

Shenbao Yafu quickly denied it: "No, Mr. Officer, we don't know this person at all, there is no wrong, why should we kill him?"

"You said you don't know if you don't know?" The mountain village police officer narrowed his eyes and scanned each of them with a skeptical gaze.

"Mountain village police officer!" The search officer suddenly shouted, "We found a mobile phone in the jacket of the deceased." The

mountain village police officer looked through the address book on the phone, there was only one number on it, and immediately dialed it.

But before the mountain village police officer spoke, the person on the other side was an output, which roughly means: "Duff, have you made a lot of money, hurry up, the landlord has given an ultimatum, if you don't pay again, roll him up and leave." "

Click, hang.

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