"What's the head?" Maori Kogoro was having a headache now, "If it's really a god, what detective does the innkeeper hire?" Just invite a big monk to come. The

mountain village police officer looked embarrassed: "That's what I said, but the last time I asked him, why didn't he tell me?"

Maori Kogoro was depressed, lit a cigarette and said, "Because he took the man's money, the man did not allow him to call the police, and the boss was not sure whether the man was deceased, so he asked me, a detective, to help him solve the mystery."

Conan asked curiously, "Didn't anyone else go to get the bag and the letter after that?"

Maori Kogoro took a cigarette and said: "Yes, the day after the man in red left, a suspicious man wearing a hat and sunglasses, and a beard on his face, came over, saying that the man in red asked him to come and take the things that were stored here yesterday. Officer

Yamamura asked, "And then?" Maori

Kogoro said: "Then the boss gave him the letter, and the man read it on the spot, and then angrily tore the letter and threw it in the trash, and left without looking back, and he never appeared again."

Amuro asked, "What was written in that letter?"

"The owner of the hotel put the letter together, and there were only 7 words written on the letter." Maori Kogoro suddenly paused, "The letter is written in red blood..."I will curse you to death!!!" "

Aaaa——!a Maori Lan and the mountain village police officer screamed in unison.

Rabbit River was so frightened that he leaned towards Amuro Toru, it was really scary, scary to death!

Miss Xiaolan's screams today were more than twice as high as when she saw the corpse, which shows that she is used to it.

Conan and Mori Kogoro were also frightened, only Amuro was out of place, and his face remained unchanged... I can't see if it's changed.

Maori Kogoro rubbed his ears and complained, "Really, I knew I wouldn't let you come."

"I'm sorry." Scared and shy, Mauriland hugged Conan in his arms.

Conan's little face was red, and he didn't forget to comfort his little Qingmei and said: "Sister Xiaolan, don't be afraid, as long as your uncle sees the contents of the suitcase, he will definitely solve the puzzle smoothly."

The mountain village police officer who was driving had trembling hands and a gloomy face: "Well, that suitcase should not be that man's hair, right?" "

The mountain village police officer and Mao Lilan immediately had a picture in their minds, in the black suitcase, a cloud of living black hair kept surging outward, crawling all over his body, and then strangling the person and dragging him into the suitcase....

Rabbit Chuan was already prepared and immediately covered his ears.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The two screamed and couldn't stop, and the car jumped three feet high.

Five minutes later, the troubled trampoline finally arrived at its destination, the Aoiya Hotel.

Rabbit Chuan staggered out of the car, Amuro put a hand on it, and said with concern: "Rabbit Chuan, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a little motion sickness." Rabbit Chuan covered his chest, but he got out of the car, and for the first time felt that the slow car was more thrilling than the fast car.

As soon as the car stopped, the hotel staff clicked out and said enthusiastically: "Welcome, oh, let me help you drive the car to the parking lot." "

The Aoiya Ryokan is a large ryokan with a dozen staff members, female waiters wearing uniform red yukata and male waiters wearing half-wrapped inn clothes over white shirts.

As soon as the group entered the hotel, a male waiter led two female waiters to greet him: "It's a mountain village police officer, welcome." "

Mr. Urakawa!" The Yamamura police officer introduced them, "This time it is Mr. Urakawa who found the body."

Urakawa scratched his head and said, "Oh, it really scared me at that time, I just went to dig a wild vegetable, I didn't expect to find a corpse, and it was still a white bone."

Maori Kogoro asked, "Were you the only one at the time?"

Urakawa said, "Yes.

Conan put his hands in his pockets, looked up and asked, "Uncle, do you often go digging wild vegetables?"

"Yes, it is a wild vegetable that is only available at this season, and it is a special dish of our inn, so every year my boss, Mr. Toda, and Mr. Jimbo, who just went to the park, would take turns digging wild vegetables."

Urakawa said unhurriedly, as if it was a normal thing to dig wild vegetables, digging and digging and encountering corpses.

Belch...... It seems to be normal, after all, this is a famous suicide holy place.

Sure enough, the smiling Urakawa said: "Speaking of the three of us, I have the highest probability of encountering a corpse, and I also had a hunch at that time, feeling that it was almost time to encounter a corpse."

Urakawa Shōji's words made the mountain village police officer completely uncomfortable.

Or Amuro Toru stood up and said strangely: "Why do you think so?" Urachuan

said: "Directly in front of our hotel is the entrance to the forest, because every year before the summer vacation our hotel will be closed, the boss takes employees to go on a team building trip, so people who want to commit suicide look at this sparsely populated feng shui treasure land, and every time they come back from travel, they will hang a few in front of them..."

Seeing that the guests were a little uncomfortable, Urachuan quickly laughed and hit haha: "But in recent years it has been much less, really, I met such a person recently, hahaha."

Urakawa looked very honest, really, they were safe here now.

Rabbit Chuan felt that he was thinking too much, but we are a rice flower tour group that has passed through strong winds and waves, how can we be frightened by a few suicide corpses!

Maori Kogoro wearing sunglasses put his hands in his pockets, looked grim, and said without changing his face: "If you say that it is suicide, then it will not be my turn to appear." "

Huh?" Urakawa noticed Maori Kogoro wearing sunglasses, "Isn't this gentleman a police officer who came with the Yamamura police officer?"

Maori Kogoro pretended to clear his throat.

Officer Yamamura excitedly put on a posture and introduced: "No, no, no, listen up, in fact, this gentleman is a detective who makes the bad guys fear

..." Urakawa interrupted Officer Yamamura's line, "You're Mr. Mori Kogoro's assistant, right?" We have been waiting for a long time. "

Assistant?" Maori Kogoro was shocked, "You said I was an assistant?

Urakawa Shuji's expression was dumbfounded: "Huh? Isn't it? Maori

Kogoro and the Yamamura police officer looked confused, and the others were even more confused, and Rabbit River knew that there was a good show to watch now.

The group came to the front desk to find the innkeeper in an imposing manner, but got a shocking news.

"What?!" Maori Kogoro slapped his palm on the table, "You said Maori Kogoro has arrived at this hotel?!!! The

boss was taken aback: "Yes, yes, he arrived three hours ago." Maori

Kogoro hurriedly asked, "What about the suitcase?"

The boss, Yoshiro Toda, said: "He took it to the room, the Maori detective is very kind, you see he signed for us!" "

Maori Kogoro picked up the autograph, the whole person is not good, Maori Kogoro has arrived, then, who is he?

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