The ambulance and the fire truck rushed to the scene together, and the fire engine urgently extinguished the fire, but it was too late, and the mother and son in the tragedy had turned into stars in the sky with the fire butterfly.

Emergency doctors are helping Maori to treat the wound, fortunately there are no burns, simple debridement and bandaging can do.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Kanedaichi on the left, looked at Conan on the right, forget it, you can't make these two a round, this lethality is too great, bigger than the theatrical version, even the lucky Xiaolan can't stop it.

Once again sighing that the heroine Nanase Miyuki here is really pitiful, every time her life is in danger, no wonder before Kanedaichi was 37 years old, he gave up being a detective and became a middle-aged social animal, and some people will rumor that it is because Miyuki died.

Stay away from Kaneda Kazuho safe, next time definitely don't take Conan, if you want to bring the monster thief Kidd, by the way, let the monster thief Kidd see the well-known magician over there, a certain puppeteer of hell, I hope Kidd's ability to withstand will be stronger than Conan.

"Ahhh Black Feather Kuaidou rubbed his nose, "That unlucky ghost is nagging me? Afterwards

, Professor Yamano told Xiao Liuli the whole truth, and he did not ask for Liuli's forgiveness, but only hoped that Xiao Liuli could live happily.

Madara Ziwei's younger brother takes over the Madara family's property, and Xiao Liuli finally breaks free from the nightmare of his ghost father and leaves the Madara family that does not belong to him.

Professor Yamano also did his best to atone for his sins, and after Professor Yamano's report and more than half a year of travel, the academic community officially revised the discoverer of the luminous butterfly to Suka, and even the scientific name of the luminous butterfly was changed from "Yamato purple butterfly" to "Yamato Suga butterfly", and Suga finally saw the light of day.

This is just the beginning, Professor Yamano will live, he will grow up guarding Koryuri for Suga and Midori, and spend the rest of his life repenting of his sins.

For Rabbitchuan, things are just beginning, because things underground are much more wonderful than aboveground.

Minoru Suga, a 27-year-old single unmarried man with four sons, is fighting a lawsuit with the rich man Madara Ziwen for custody.

Madara purple pattern resolutely objected: "What's wrong with not being biological?" But my love for butterflies is serious! Besides, the children's household registration is in my name, and the maintenance is all paid by me.

Minoru Suga was simply mad: "Who is your child!" That's my cub! It's mine!

At this time, Mrs. Green joined the battle with her ex-fiancé's son: "Everything I give birth to belongs to me, and none of you can rob it!"

Madara purple stripe: "A green, we are husband and wife!"

Mrs. Green: "Bah! Old unorthodox guy! Get lost! Divorce!

Suga was proud: "Look, Midori's favorite person is me."

Mrs. Green: "Bah! You actually didn't believe me, and you dug a hole for me, hurt my children, get out! Madara

Purple / Suga Minoru: "Midori, you listen to me.

Mrs. Green: "me all!! "

Damn, the old lady took revenge for a lifetime, and she turned out to be lonely!

Onodera squatted on the ground and shivered, my mother, she is so fierce!

Rabbitakawa : Wow! Tear up, tear up, much more wonderful than on the ground.

Ghost Lights: ......

Probably because the blow was too great, Conan was lost for a long time, except for going to and from school, he locked himself in his room and did not go out.

Compared to the Moonlight Song murder, the Black Death Butterfly murder is indeed a bit bloody.

Asai honestly killed his father and enemy, but Onodera took it rightly to anger, not only killing his father's murderer, but also his half-sister, and as a result, he killed his half-sister.

Alas, it is difficult to say a word, those who have different fathers are not all their own sisters, and they are not Xiu'er, they are looking for a cousin.

After all, it is adult reasoning about the downgrading of the sub-supply direction, and the blow to Conan, Rabbit Chuan is understandable.

Rabbit Chuan has tried his best, compared to some other bloody and violent cases, such as Xue Ling Crushed Corpse, Magic Crushed Corpse and other cases, it is not easy to find an ordinary Black Death Butterfly murder incident!

And Conan has been reflecting on himself recently, if he hadn't revealed the truth of the incident in front of everyone at that time, wouldn't Onodera be so determined, and Mrs. Midori wouldn't have gone with him, if... Alas, it's a pity that there are no ifs.

Rabbikawa pinched his fingers and calculated that in the past few days, the crime rate in Yonehana Town has decreased by 70%, and the homicide case alone has decreased by 90%, which can be regarded as a contribution to society.

Conan didn't go out and waved, not only reduced the crime rate, but even the dates were normal, and Monday to Friday were finally connected again.

Rabbit Chuan threw his schoolbag and lay on the ground, no, can't go on like this, going to school every day is really boring! If this continues, he really wants to make a career!

Recently, the person in charge of White Rabbit Pharmaceutical said that they used nattokinase to develop a new drug, which can effectively dissolve blood clots, promote blood circulation, and reduce blood pressure in the ring, and basically have no toxic side effects.

Rabbit-Chuan: "I understand the truth, but why natto?" The

person in charge squinted his eyes and sent an improved version of the health care product: "Of course, to ensure your health, I heard that you have a headache recently, and I heard that you do not have the habit of eating natto, medical nutrition experts recommend that you consume 5000FU of nattokinase every day, which can effectively supplement energy and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases." Tu

Chuan looked up at the sky: "So I still have to thank you?" The

person in charge said: "No thanks, we should do it." "

Rabbit Chuan collapsed, oh my God, I really wanted to be the next anti-fraud app, but unfortunately he just used the flip machine.

When Kenji Hagiwara returned, he sighed, "This thing is good!" I said, eating natto is good for the body, this is the secret of the grandmother of Longevity Village to live to be 120 years old.

Rabbit Chuan gave him a blank look, as if he saw an old man who had been cheated out of his pension after buying health care products, and said with disgust: "Pull down, what natto, people eat mermaid meat." However

, although Rabbit Chuan is very disgusted, this thing sells really well, and even exported overseas, after that, White Rabbit Pharmaceutical has been at the forefront of the world in anti-disease and anti-aging.

Winery: Immortality, I'm a professional!

Now there are more class hours, and the teacher has nothing to talk about in class, and he is too lazy to even leave homework.

Rabbit Chuan talked about the mountain in the chat room, and at nine o'clock in the evening, he chatted for a while, and at ten o'clock he forced the phone to shut down, lay on the bed, closed his eyes and counted the sheep.

Go to bed early today and go to school tomorrow.

One sheep, I really want to take a holiday, two sheep, hurry up and take a holiday, three sheep, four days off ,......

The next day, Conan and his friends were out of luck.

At lunchtime, Mr. Kobayashi was accompanying the students to lunch: "Everyone listen well, don't be picky eaters, chew slowly and eat them all." Okay, let's go! "

Okay~, Kobayashi-sensei~" The elementary school chickens began to cook.

Conan looked at the food on his plate, carrot bread, omelet rice, fruit and vegetable platter, miso soup with white radish, and a box of student milk, and said weakly: "Alas, I am already a high school student, and I actually have to eat a nutritious lunch, which is really tearless!"

"Is it? I quite like it. Haibara lamented a small piece of carrot bread and put it in his mouth, "When I used to study abroad, I ate buffet in the cafeteria alone, and it felt good that everyone ate a nutritious lunch in the classroom like this!" "

Huh, huh?" Conan suspected that the man was in Versailles, "I missed it too, but..."

Mitsuhiko, you picked out the carrot again!

Ayumi grabbed Mitsuhiko's small movements, and Mitsuhiko scratched her head and said, "Haha, I, I just want to pick it out and eat it together later."

Conan silently grabbed the raisins from the bread in his hands and found an opportunity to dispose of them later.

Everywhere are such serious children, it's really troublesome, or the self-service canteen is good, you can choose what you like, and there is no strange comparison, just eat faster than others, what's great, really childish!

Speaking of the fastest guy in this class, of course, it's Yuan....

"Wow! I'm number one!

Conan heard someone behind him stand up and looked back in shock: "Huh? Isn't it Yuantai today? "

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