Genta stood up suddenly, Conan thought that Genta would fight with the child arrogantly, but he didn't expect that Genta just wanted to ask the teacher for leave to go to the health room to rest.

After Motata left, Mitsuhiko stared at Mota's dinner plate and said, "It's strange that Yuantai didn't eat lunch today!"

Ayumi guessed, "Could he be losing weight?"

Conan said: "It's impossible, how could he think of losing weight when he was so gluttonous." "

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi feel that something is wrong, Motota has not played with them in the past few days, and he also walks alone after school, as if they are worried about whether Genta is being bullied by senior students.

Conan feels that Genta is not the kind of person who will be bullied, and it is good if he does not bully others.

Haibara mourned, "Could it be that something is wrong at home?" For example, if someone in the family is seriously ill, or there is a problem with the relationship of the parents, if that is the case, we can't help at all.

"You all guessed wrong." Teacher Kobayashi came over.

Teacher Kobayashi was also very worried about Mrs. Yuan, so yesterday I went to visit Mrs. Yuan's house, and there was no problem at all in Mrs. Yuanta's house, but Mrs. Yuantai himself seemed to be afraid of something, and as soon as he returned home, he hid in the quilt, trembling with fear.

The parents and teacher asked, but he refused to say anything, so Mr. Kobayashi had to ask Mrs. Yuanta's friends to help the teacher ask what happened.

Conan and his friends responded together, Conan himself is also confused these days, is preparing to do a big job, it seems that the ordinary daily life, finally about to make waves again.

When the bell rang after school, Mota took an unusual path today, climbed the school wall, climbed the wall after confirming that there was no one around, turned around and ran after landing.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Wait a minute! Yuan

Tai was so excited that he almost peed in fright.

Conan and his friends got out of the garbage heap, and Conan sat on the trash can: "Yuantai, what are you doing secretly?"

Yuan Tai breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be you!"

Ayumi said with an innocent look, "Genta, are you training as a ninja?"

Mitsuhiko suddenly realized: "That's so, that's why you have to lose weight!"

Genta said, "Yes, yes, I saw a great ninja movie last time..."

Conan interrupted Genta's lie, "Can a ninja movie scare you into hiding under the covers?"

Haibara came over and said, "You must have dreamed that you were being hunted and killed by ninjas, right?"

Yuan Tai roared: "I'm not dreaming!!" Conan

and Haibara were expressionless, and the agitation method really worked for children.

"I'm real, really..." Genta clenched his fists, "I'm really being hunted down, it's a killer, he wants my life!" "

Kill, kill?!"

Conan and Haibara looked at each other, and Mitsuhiko and Ayumi laughed hilariously: "Hahaha! Yuantai, don't joke, how can elementary school students be targeted by killers!

Haibara mournfully muttered, "Yes, he is not me and you."

Conan was speechless.

Seeing that the friends didn't believe what they said, Yuan Tai made fun of himself, turned around and left: "I knew that no one would believe me!" The

friends quickly caught up and apologized: "I'm sorry, Yuantai!" Mrs

. Yuan decided to forgive them and said, "I feel like I'm being followed these days, and it's not just tracking, I was pushed on the stairs of the overpass the day before yesterday, and yesterday a motorcycle ran a red light and crashed towards me, this is definitely not a coincidence, because I..." Before

Mrs. Yuan's words were finished, with a clang, a large screw landed at his feet, and then the top of his head was covered by a shadow.

Conan shouted, "Not good! Come on! Conan

and Haibara pushed their friends away, and a huge neon sign fell from the sky and smashed into the place where they had just stood.

"What? Are you all right? "Rabbit Chuan happened to pass by and witnessed this scene, and the young death group was finally punished by heaven?

"Ah, Brother Rabbitchuan!" Ayumi ran over excitedly.

"That screw came off, and then the department store light smashed down." Mitsuhiko was visibly flustered.

Yuan Tai objected vehemently, "No! Must be a killer! Brother Rabbit Chuan, there is a killer who wants to kill me! "

Killer?" Rabbit Chuan's mind came up with a long-haired winery model worker, and he glanced at the "R" sign that fell to the ground, "R, RUM, no, no, it should be RICE, is it the eel rice killer?" "

Brother Rabbitchuan!" Motsucha narrowed his eyes in dissatisfaction, "Hmph! You all don't believe me!

"No, Motata may be right." Conan picked up the neon cable, "You see, the cable was cut by a knife.

"So someone cut the cable on the roof of the building and deliberately let the light sign fall down." Rabbit Chuan looked left and right and found a Kamen Superman gacha machine, "It seems that he knew that Genta would come, so he had been waiting for Genta upstairs."

When Mitsuhiko heard that someone was trying to harm his little friend, he was immediately filled with righteous indignation: "Then let's hurry up and arrest him!" He must still be in the department store now!

Conan poured cold water and said: "But we don't know the appearance of the gangsters now, there are so many people in the department store, how to find it?"

Mitsuhiko instantly turned off the fire: "Say and say the same."

"So, why was Mrs. Yuan being hunted down and killed?" Rabbit Chuan blinked, quickly said it, and made him happy.

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