"Okay, that's it!" The Inagawa Police Department had a headache listening to it, "Now please come with us... What the? Feed! "

No one expected that Onodera, who had almost collapsed, would have the strength to escape.


Why did he run into the house?

Everyone chased after each other, and Conan walked into the door first, witnessing a scene he will never forget in his life.

Onodera removed the decorative Western sword from the wall, stabbed it into his abdomen, and fell to the ground in pain.

Kaneda didn't have time to stop it, and shouted outside the door: "Onodera, don't do something stupid!" "

Onodera cut it up, he couldn't forgive himself, he wanted to atone for what he had done wrong.

Mrs. Ah Lu rushed over: "Ah Che!

Conan slowed down and shouted outside: "Sister Xiaolan, call an ambulance!"

Mrs. Green: "There is no need for that anymore."

Conan shouted, "What are you talking about?" He still has salvation... Mrs. Green?!

Mrs. Green didn't know when she drew another sword and aimed it at everyone: "Everyone give me out!"

"Lady Green, what are you doing! Hurry up and save people! Conan tried to step forward to stop him, but was held down by the Inagawa Police Department.

Whose bear kid? What a tiger! The other party has a knife!

Mrs. A Lu's expression was lonely: "It's all my fault that A-Che became like this, as a mother, I have never done anything for this child, so I want to fulfill his last wish."

Conan and Kanedaichi's hearts were horrified: "Mrs. Green, do you want to?!" Mrs

. A Green smiled and nodded: "Since Ah Che wants to die to apologize, then I will accompany him."

After that, in the terrified eyes of everyone, Mrs. A Green broke the gasoline lamp, and the fire spread instantly, and the burning flames surrounded the mother and son.

Everyone wanted to save people, but Mrs. Green in the sea of fire never put down the blade in her hand.

Conan was anxious like a headless fly, looking around for something to kick, trying to knock down the sword.

But no! Nothing, the fire spread too fast.

"Abominable!" Conan stomped his foot in a hurry, there was no way, Conan could only export with Kanedaichi.

"Don't! Mrs. Green! Even if you die, Tateha and Yang Yu won't be able to come back to life, and nothing will change!"

"No matter how big a mistake you make, as long as you have a heart of repentance, then live to atone for your sins!"

"As long as you live, no matter how painful things happen, one day you will definitely wait for the light, it will definitely be, so don't give up!!"

Conan and Kaneda finished speaking, but Mrs. Midori remained unmoved.

Mrs. Ah Lu knelt in the fire, there was no light in her dazzling green eyes, and said with a smile: "You are right, but sometimes "living" is more painful than "death", neither I nor Ah Che can carry this deep "sin" to live, so let's free ourselves

..." Conan shook his head: "No! It's not right for you to do this!

Kaneda shouted, "What about Ruri? You think about Liuli, she is still so young, how can you let her live alone!

"I'm sorry." Mrs. Green burst into tears, "Please help me and Liuli say sorry, using them as a tool for revenge is something I regret the most."

"However, now that revenge is over, I hope that Liuli can live happily and happily with her brothers and sisters, I have been trapped in the dark cage of revenge all my life, and Liuli's happiness is my last wish."

"Ahem!" The Inagawa police department saw that the fire had engulfed the roof, "It's not good, the fire is too big, everyone quickly escape from the house!"

Kaneda stood in a daze, his legs as if frozen to the ground, he knew very well that he could not save them.

Yosuke Gogi: "Kindaichi, let's run quickly!"

"Conan, let's leave quickly.

"Nope! Can't give up yet! Conan threw off Mao Lilan's hand and desperately rushed into the fire.

Mao Lilan stretched out his hand and grabbed the air: "Conan!

Rabbit Chuan stood at the door and watched the chandelier on the ceiling dangling and about to smash down, and quickly shouted: "Conan! Flash away!

Kaneda said, "Little ghost! Be careful! "

It is worthy of being the chandelier in the world of Kanedaichi, and the chandelier kills everywhere.

But Conan is now full of saving people, where can he hear Rabbit Chuan's voice, and when he reacts, the chandelier is already close at hand.


In the nick of time, Maori Lan pounced Conan out.

"Xiaolan!!" Conan picked up Mao Lilan, "It's okay, Xiaolan, sister Xiaolan!"

"I'm okay, shhh!" Mao Lilan suddenly felt pain.

"Sister Xiaolan!" Conan's pupils are weak, and the falling chandelier slag has plunged into Mao Lilan's calf, what should he do now?

Rabbit Chuan gasped and completely gave up the idea of being friends with Kanedaichi, and sure enough, even the heroine's aura could not survive the world of Kanedaichi, goodbye, and the friends were safe!

The awakened Maori Kogoro was struck by this scene: "Xiaoran!! "

He just slept, how did he become like this?

Maori Kogoro immediately poured a bucket of water on himself and rushed across the line of fire in a wet coat.


"Xiaolan don't talk! Keep up, little ghost!


Maori Kogoro draped his coat over Conan, carried his daughter on his back, and pulled the stubborn Conan out of the fire quickly.

"Ah Che!" Mrs. Green threw away the blade and held her son in her arms, "I'm sorry, Ache, my mother won't leave you alone again, we will always be together in the future, forever..."

Onodera cried, like a newborn baby, he finally found his mother's embrace.

"Mom... Mom..." The

entire mansion quickly fell into a sea of fire, and with the updraft of the flames, countless luminous butterflies rushed into the sky, dotted with fluorescence, as if the sky was full of stars.

"It's all my fault!" Professor Yamano looked at the luminous butterfly and said the truth, "Actually, I always knew that it was Suga Minoru who discovered the luminous butterfly, that day, I was at the door of the research room, I overheard the conversation between Minoru Suga and Midori, and I also told Mr. Ziwen this secret, I just wanted to arouse his interest and fight for a little more experimental funds for the laboratory, but I didn't expect that things would turn out like this... I'm sorry..."

Professor Yamano knelt down, but the people who could respond to the "I'm sorry" were no longer in this world.

Maori Kogoro suddenly remembered: "Ah! That's not 3 million luminous butterflies, all flew away, what to do?

Kaneda sighed, "Just let them go..."

I don't know if I'm talking about butterflies or what.

Kaneda saw more such tragedies and learned to be relieved.

But Conan is different, a 17-year-old boy, facing such a tragic ending for the first time, it turns out that if the truth is not found, the prisoner will confess his guilt and go to a happy ending.

"It's my fault..." Conan knelt on the ground, tears of remorse buried in the land of this estate.

Rabbit Chuan stood behind Conan and muttered, "Husband's mourning is greater than the death of the heart, and the death of a person is secondary, and if the heart dies, no one can save it."

Conan lowered his head: "No, it shouldn't be like this..."

Rabbit Chuan touched his conscience, well, it didn't hurt at all.

In the end, this tragedy, born of many misunderstandings and mistakes, ended in flames.

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