Onodera looked gloomy, and his brows were almost frowning into a hill, but the reflective lenses blurred his anger.

"What stupid thing are you talking about!" Onodera pretended to be calm, "Say I'm Mrs. Midori's child, what about the evidence?" Don't talk nonsense if you don't have proof! "

You're 25 years old..." Kanedaichi and Conan choked, yes, they were inferred based on age and circumstances, but the evidence was... This person is also too capable of carrying it, right?

Rabbit Chuan recalls that Oops, missing a clue that Onodera accidentally fell out of the contact lens case after being knocked down, but it was not a big problem.

"Then take a DNA test!" Rabbit Chuan stood up at the critical time, "It really can't be fake, the fake can't be true, and the results of science can't be quibbled." "

Conan and Kanedaichi: Uh... Forgot.

DNA is much stronger than contact lenses, who stipulates that people who wear glasses cannot wear contact lenses, they can be changed!

"Ahem!" Sleeping Kogoro cleared his throat, "Okay, you should almost admit it, Immortal Butterfly, Onodera will do it!"

"What a convinced! I didn't expect to be seen through by detectives to this point. Onodera brushed his hair behind his head to reveal his ruthless nature, "That's right, I'm the child born to Minoru Suga and that woman named Midori, that is, the immortal butterfly!"

Mrs. A Lu's hair was disheveled, and her expression was in a trance: "Ah Che... Are you really Ache?

Mrs. Green refused to believe: "No! That's impossible! "

Oh, he inherited your ridiculous genes." Onodera took the contact lens case out of his pocket and wiped his fingertips in his eyes, revealing green pupils that were exactly the same as Mrs. Midori.

"You really are Ache..." Mrs. Alu's figure swayed, and Mao Lilan quickly helped her, her son killed, "Why?"

"Why?" Onodera smiled, "I also want to know why, why whenever I ask my grandmother about my mother, the kind grandma turns into a demon and shouts, "You don't have a mother!"

"Every new moon night, grandma would go up the mountain alone, I secretly followed behind, and saw grandma nailing butterflies to the tree, beating and cursing, Ah Lu to die! Ah Lu die!

"I vaguely realized that this woman named Ah Lu is my mother, I went to rummage through my father's old photo album, and finally found Ah Lu's photo, it was a green eye exactly like me, I knew she must be my mother, but I didn't understand, why did my grandmother hate her so much, until 3 years ago, my grandmother's relics found my father's suicide note, which said the real cause of my father's death, and the words were full of blood and tears!"

Onodera gritted his teeth and stared at Mrs. Midori: "It's not just because the research results were snatched away by that old bastard Madarme, but because of you!" He only told one person about the research, and that was you, and you met the old rich man a week ago and sold him your father's secret! It was you who betrayed your father! He died of despair!

"No..." Mrs. Green felt that the blood all over her body was coagulated, it was obviously a hot summer day, but she seemed to be in an ice cave.

Onodera pressed it step by step: "After getting the suicide note, I immediately came to the butterfly estate in Kanazawa, and when I knocked on the door, I saw Madara Purple Pattern, and his wife, a woman with the same eyes as me, and their three children, what a betrayal!"

"At that time, I swore that I would definitely kill the old bastard who stole my father's research results, and you who betrayed me and my father for the sake of the old bastard's property?"

"It's not!!" Mrs. Ah Lu broke free and rushed to her son, "I never told Ashi's secret to Ziwen, the reason why I married into the Madara family and gave birth to three children is to take revenge on him!" "

Can you still get revenge when you have a baby? Everyone didn't know it.

Conan quietly came out from behind the scenes, and he felt that something was wrong with the development of this matter.

Rabbit Chuan holds Conan, we are eating melons, today's melons are ripe.

Onodera laughed angrily: "Hahaha! Having a child with my father-killer is revenge, what are you kidding! Mrs

. Ah Lu steadied her mind: "Ah Che, you listen to me, the only man I really love is Ashi, I have only given birth to Ashi, my mother has not forgotten you, my mother loves you." "

What do you mean by that?" Onodera was shocked, "Aren't the three of them your children?" It's impossible, Liuli's eyes are the same as yours, they must be your own, what are you quibbling about to this day!

"I didn't know that Ashi wrote the suicide note, it seems that I didn't have his trust." Mrs. Ah Lu lowered her head and shed sad tears, "Ah Che, mom, I want to take revenge with your father, so I fostered you in his hometown, and then secretly returned to the Yaeshima University Medical Research Laboratory that had dropped out of school.

"My main business in college is to study artificial insemination, and Ashi once assisted me, and his aoko was still frozen in the laboratory, so that I could give birth to Tatewa, Yangyu, and Ruri, who are the children of me and Ashi."

"What..." the crowd couldn't even say anything, "Is it scientific to engage in artificial youth teaching 25 years ago?!"

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, in order to take revenge, he completed the artificial youth teaching experiment alone more than 20 years ago, this Mrs. Green is really a talent, but unfortunately it is not used in the right place.

Conan held his chin and said, "No, what Mrs. Green said should be true, because Ruri's blood type is type A, and she can't be Mr. Madara Purple's child." "

So, then, then I killed you..." Onodera finally looked horrified.

Mrs. Ah Lu lowered her head and said, "I will give birth to Ashi's children in the number one Madara family in Kanazawa, let Ziwen pamper them with joy, and then tell him in his ear when he dies, "Those children are not your biological flesh and blood, they are the children of me and Ashi", I will take away all his hope at the end of his life and let him end in hatred, this is my revenge on him!"

"But I didn't expect things to turn out like this..." Mrs. Green covered her face and knelt on the ground, she was not a good mother, this was her retribution.

"Hee-hee, I'm so stupid, a person misunderstood, resented innocent people, and killed his own sister as a result..." Onodera smiled and laughed and burst into tears, "I was wrong..."

Everyone silently lowered their heads, for the tragedy born of this series of misunderstandings, no one found the shattered light in Onodera's green eyes.

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