Rabbikawa and Kaneda arrive at the Butterfly Research Institute inside the manor, and Kaneda shares the clues he got from Professor Yamano with Mori Kogoro.

Conan thought thoughtfully, if he guessed correctly, only the person who was the right age was the most suspicious.

There are not only Conan and them in the institute, but also Maiko Rokuboro, who is holding a camera to take pictures of butterflies, and her subject is the black death butterfly.

Conan has already learned from the mouth of Rokuboro Maiko that the luminous butterfly is the black death butterfly, which is like two butterflies in the day and night.

Maori Kogoro sighed: "Alas, I really didn't expect that this kind of butterfly that attracted misfortune was cultivated by Mr. Madara Purple Pattern himself, what an irony!"

Mao Lilan didn't understand: "But why two names?" Maori

Kogoro said, "Maybe I don't want to make a bad impression on people, otherwise who would like this obscure butterfly."

Rabbit Chuan opened the butterfly atlas: "Black Death Butterfly has more than two names, to be precise, Black Death Butterfly is a common name, and its real scientific name should be called Yamato Purple Butterfly." "

Scientific name?" Nanase Miyuki glanced at the pitch-black black death butterfly, "What's the purple pattern?"

Rokuboro Maiko put down the camera and said, "Because the general scientific name has nothing to do with the appearance of the butterfly, but is the official name of the world named after the nationality and name of the discoverer, the scientific name of the luminous butterfly is the nationality and name of Mr. Purple."

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said, "That's right, for example, the Karimaina Gis butterfly that Senior Sister Nanase saw before, that is the name of experts and scholars, and we ordinary people generally call it - dead leaf butterfly." "

Dead leaf butterfly?!" Conan and Kaneda were taken aback, and some kind of situation seemed to come to mind.

Jingle bells, alarm clocks suddenly go off, interrupting their train of thought.

I saw Rokuboro Maiko turn off the alarm clock, and the butterfly that had just been at her mercy suddenly came to life.

Mao Lilan was taken aback: "What is the situation?"

Rokuboro explains, "Oh, it's okay, it's just that the effect of the anesthetic is gone." "

Anesthetics?" Anesthesia Master Conan was surprised, "Can your anesthesia be accurate to a specific time?" Is it okay to have anesthesia for as long as you want?

Rokuboro Maiko nodded: "Well, as long as it is within a certain measurement range, and then calculate according to the formula." "

Rokuboro Maiko is very confident, only anesthesia once in a while, and the butterfly will not develop drug resistance.

Conan and Kaneda suddenly realized that they finally understood why the "Undead Butterfly" had to carry Madara Yangyu's body in the morning.

The murderer used the dead leaves of the butterfly mound and the anesthetized dead leaf butterfly to perform an unheard of magic trick for them - the Great Transformation of the Dead!

Therefore, create an alibi in your favor.

But in this way, everyone has no alibi, who is the murderer?

"I've figured out the murderer's method now, but it's still a little close, who is the murderer?" Kanedaichi felt it was time to fold a buff on himself, "No matter who the murderer is, I will definitely find him out and block his grandfather's name!"

"Now there is only one doubt left, why is there no black death butterfly on Mr. Yang Yu's body?" Conan was also lost in thought, feeling that the truth was within reach, just a little close.

Conan has a hunch that as long as he can solve this puzzle, he can find the cold-blooded and cruel murderer - the undead butterfly!

Rabbit Chuan decided to send them another clue: "Do you know why the butterflies in this manor are all free-range?"

Mao Lilan said innocently: "Because the walls of the manor are very high, the butterflies can't fly out."

Rokuboro Maiko shook her head and explained, "No, because the pipes are laid on the wall, which regularly release the smell that butterflies hate, so butterflies will not approach the wall at all, let alone leave the manor."

Kaneda understood: "So it is, no wonder the murderer specially changed Mr. Yang Yu into a kimono, because he made hands and feet on the kimono and was dyed with the nasty smell of black death butterflies, so there were no black death butterflies on Yang Yu's body."

Conan also understood and asked, "Sister Maiko, how long will that taste last?"

Thinking that the child was curious, Rokuboro Maiko replied: "It will last for a week or so, even if the smell becomes very weak and humans cannot smell, but butterflies have a very developed sense of smell, and they can smell only a little." Conan

and Kaneda looked at each other, and evidence appeared!

Kaneda looked at Conan's small eyes that exuded a confident light, and suddenly stunned, wait, why did he look at a child?

Facing Kanedaichi's questioning gaze, Conan's whole body stiffened for a moment, bad, did he find something?!

Suddenly Conan jumped up like a small child: "Wow! It's amazing! I have to be careful, if I get that smell, the butterflies won't like me!

"Stop arguing, little ghost!" Maori Kogoro solved the bad Conan with a fist, and Conan held his head and asked Sister Ran for comfort.

Kaneda blinked, it turned out to be just an ordinary little ghost, forget it, now is not the time to care about this strange little ghost, it is important to solve the case.

At this time, Maori Kogoro crossed his waist and laughed: "Haha, I understand it all!" Xiaolan, you go and gather everyone to the living room, just say that the reasoning show of Detective Maori Kogoro has begun!

Rabbit Chuan looked at Maori Kogoro in surprise, full of confidence, is today's uncle reliable?

Everyone gathered in the living room, and saw Maori Kogoro standing in the center of the living room, shouting: "The murderer is Professor Yamano!!" "

Rabbit River covers his face, Conan falls, Kaneda is stunned, this is the reasoning of Detective Mori Kogoro?

In view of the reputation of Detective Maori Kogoro, the Inagawa Police Department still asked very responsibly: "Mr. Mori, what evidence do you have to prove that the murderer is Professor Yamano, you must know that Professor Yamano clearly has an alibi in the Madara Yowa case, he cannot be the murderer of the serial murders." Maori

Kogoro had a serious expression: "He

doesn't have an alibi, everyone doesn't, because..." Kanedaichi and Conan nodded, yes, everyone didn't have an alibi, because it was the murderer's trick.

"Because the servants are wrong!!" Maori Kogoro laughed loudly.

Mr. Takezo was not convinced: "How could we be wrong about such a big person lying there!"

Maori Kogoro asked, "Mr. Takezo is almost 60 this year, right?"

Mr. Takezo nodded: "Yes, I'm 57 this year, what's wrong?" Maori

Kogoro said, "Maybe you're old and dizzy and misunderstood?" Or you think about it now. "

Me, me!" Mr. Takezo was furious.

The Inagawa Police Department was also speechless: "Lord Madara is Professor Yamano's patron, and he has always been generous, why did Professor Yamano kill him?" "

The Inagawa Police Department almost said that Madara Ziwei died, where did Professor Yamano go to find such a big man who made a big deal?"

It is better to say that Mrs. Alu, the dead husband, inherits the inheritance, and here she benefits a lot.

Maori Kogoro lived up to expectations and said, "Professor Yamano is for Mrs. Aori!"

"Because the two of them are underground lovers, as long as Madara Ziwen dies, the two of them will live together with the inheritance of the Madara family from now on, and the evidence is Xiao Liuli." Maori Kogoro didn't say it directly, but some people knew it.

Kaneda kept patting his head: "What a mess is this!" "

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