Rabbit Chuan woke up feeling refreshed, it seemed that the magnetic field effect of the god of death had been completely integrated, or that this event should be over.

In the morning, the guests had gathered in the restaurant, but the owner, Madara Purple, who was never late, did not show up.

Morilan and Miyuki Nanase were standing by the window, when several black death butterflies suddenly flew outside the window, and they looked in the direction where the butterflies flew: "Oh my God! Come on, there are a lot of black death butterflies outside, and they all fly away in one direction! The

detectives all ran to the window, and the overwhelming black death butterflies in front of them all flew in one direction, and this ominous scene seemed to guide them.

The detective realized that something big might happen, and as the Black Death Butterfly came to the pond, the scene in front of him stunned everyone, and the third deceased appeared!

Madara purple stripes were crucified on a cross in the pond, a severed arm floated on the surface of the water, and a black death butterfly was crushed by black pressure wrapped around his body, and everyone seemed to see the legendary scene, the cursed butterfly summoned by the woman's resentment.

The timid girls were already screaming, even Mauriland, who usually killed a bear with one punch.

The murderer's still nailed a butterfly to the big tree by the pond, it was a large purple butterfly with broken wings, exactly the same as the corpse of the madama purple stripe, and the drop was still the familiar name - undead butterfly!

The third time the Inagawa Police Department entered the Madara house, the owners of the family were obviously few, and the original family of five, now there is only one surviving person at home.

Mrs. Midori's expression seemed sad and joyful, in short, very strange, which made Conan and Kanedaichi more suspicious of her.

But Maori Kogoro is firmly opposed, how can the flower-like Lady Green kill people!

Now that the people are almost dead, excluding the deceased, the only suspects are Mrs. Midori, his assistant Masanoki Onodera, photographer Maiko Rokuboro and Professor Yamano, and the servants of the family.

The time of death of Madara purple stripes is, 1:00~2:00 in the morning, the cause of death is that someone cut off his left arm, and finally lost too much blood and died, compared to the first two cases, this case is too cruel, and the hatred of the murderer can be imagined.

The Inagawa police department asked again, but no one had an alibi in the middle of the night.

Kaneda wanted to understand what exactly happened 25 years ago, and Conan felt that he should understand butterflies, why everything is related to butterflies, and maybe there are some clues hidden in butterflies.

The two Shinigami acted separately, Conan went to the Butterfly Research Institute in the manor, and Kaneda went to find Professor Yamano.

There is something to study about butterflies, so Rabbikawa chooses to follow Kanedaichi to listen to the story.

Madara purple pattern is dead, the saddest person is Professor Yamano, after all, it is difficult to find a gold owner like Madara purple pattern who has a lot of money and generous!

That's right, Madara purple stripes are not only friends of Professor Yamano, but also the funders of Professor Yamano's university laboratory, this big money owner has spent a lot of money to fund Professor Yamano's butterfly research, and the most important thing is to give money painfully!

Twenty-five years ago, Minoru Suka, who works in a laboratory with Professor Yamano, who is Mrs. Midori's lover, was also sponsored by Professor Yamano.

Professor Yamano: People are stupid, there is a lot of money, come quickly!

Minoru Suga: I'm coming! Uh, I'm dead....

Professor Yamano also revealed that Minoru Suga and Midori were a pair of lovers who were very in love, and on the day he introduced the big moneylord, they happened to come together to send him an invitation, saying that they were going to hold a wedding in advance, but they did not expect that the wedding did not take place as hoped, because the groom committed suicide at home.

After that, Midori disappeared for most of the year, and when Professor Yamano saw her again, it was at a wedding, but the groom changed from Suga to Madara Purple.

Nanase Miyuki heard a love tragedy, but Kanedaichi heard a different voice, the wedding in advance and disappeared for most of the year, it was difficult to do...

Rabbit Chuan listened a little crookedly, Professor Yamano was not honest, and this was too round.

However, it may also be Kanedaichi's problem, if Conan comes to ask him, he will definitely know everything, for example, Madara Purple Pattern fell in love with Mrs. Midori's eyes at first sight, so he snatched Suka's research results and beat him in academia to make him depressed.

As soon as Kaneda didn't get the clue he wanted, Rabbikawa proposed to go to Conan, oh, to Mori Kogoro.

Walking on the road, the more Kaneda thought about it, the more angry he became, and when he saw the black death butterfly that fell on the dead mouse on the side of the road, he kicked it over.

"Stop!!" Rabbit Chuan hurriedly stopped him, "This butterfly is 3 million, you are going to stay and sell yourself to Xiao Liuli?" "

3 million?!" Kanedaichi didn't know how to get his feet down, "Isn't this a black death butterfly?" How could it be worth 3 million? "

It's better to say that as soon as he kicks down, he will rush the reputation of the black death butterfly, maybe someone will pour 3 million to him!"

Rabbit Chuan thought that Conan should have found a clue at the Butterfly Research Institute, so he took the initiative to tell Kanedaichi: "Because the black death butterfly is a luminous butterfly, but it does not emit light during the day."

"How is this possible?!" Nanase Miyuki couldn't believe that the real body of such a beautiful luminous butterfly was actually a weird black death butterfly!

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Kanedaichi: "Have you forgotten?" When Miss Tenkan Yu died before yesterday, her body was full of luminous butterflies, and today's Mr. Purple Stripe is the same butterfly. "

You mean the Black Death butterfly likes to gather on corpses?" Kaneda suddenly looked up, "Why is there no black death butterfly on Yang Yu's body?" "

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