But just like this, someone actually believed it!!

"So it is, it is worthy of being a detective!" The Inokawa Police Department Thaksin, "Then ask Professor Yamano to come with us!" "

I..." Professor Yamano glanced back at Mrs. Alu, Mrs. Alu's eyes dodged, and Professor Yamano gritted his teeth and actually recognized it.

Kanedaichi was already stunned, how could he admit it? Could it be that he thought wrong, impossible?

Rabbit Chuan covered his mouth, so that he didn't laugh, Professor Yamano should have thought that the murderer was Mrs. Alu and wanted to apologize for her.

Professor Yamano really thought so, back then, if he hadn't brought the Purple Pattern, Midori and Suga would have gone through a happy life, and Midori would not have suffered the humiliation to become like this, everything was his fault.

The Inagawa police department took Professor Yamano, and Rabbit followed the police silently, Kaneda was thoughtful, and the others did not speak.

Seeing that Professor Yamano was about to be taken out of the manor, Conan, who couldn't bear it, had to raise his hand, aim, and launch!

"Woo~huh~ah~~~" Maori Kogoro danced for a while, and sat under the big tree next to the butterfly mound, "Bridge bean sack!!

"This magical sound and dance! Finally appeared! Sleeping Kogoro!! "Yosuke Gogi immediately raised his camera and shot three times in a row, he finally got the big news!!

Taking advantage of the darkness, Conan put the speaker on the neckline of Maori Kogoro, immediately hid behind a large tree, took the voice changer and said, "Please wait a minute, Inagawa Police Department." I just made a little joke, in fact, the murderer is not necessarily Professor Yamano, he may be everyone here. "

Huh?" The Inagawa Police Department is not happy, what about playing with him?

But Kogaku's brilliance stopped him from leaving, and he remained honestly to continue listening to Maori Kogoro's nonsense.

Rabbit River saw that Conan's hiding position this time was very clever, the sky was very dark, the bushes behind the big trees were faint, and the voice of Maori Kogoro was mixed with the sound of the wind, making it impossible to distinguish the real from the fake.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Kanedaichi, cautious, Conan actually learned to be cautious this time?

World Consciousness: Is there a possibility that it is me....

Conan carried the mosquito bite and hid in the bushes behind the big tree and said: "First of all, this manor is heavily guarded and there are no external intruders, so the cold murderer "Undead Butterfly" is among us!" "

Police and detectives agree on that.

Conan hid behind a large tree and continued: "Secondly, the murderer used a very ingenious technique to create an alibi in his favor, in fact, the murderer did not carry Madara Yangyu's body that morning, and the body was in the butterfly mound from the beginning.

Mr. Takezo became angry and roared, "I've said it all, I'm not old and dizzy, it's impossible to see it!"

Conan shrunk his neck: "Ahem, I'm sorry, Mr. Takezo, I don't mean to say that you are wrong, but the murderer used whimsical magic to make the body temporarily disappear in order to ensure that his alibi was established."

"What? You said that the murderer used magic to make the corpse disappear?! The cigarette butts in Inokawa's mouth fell off, "How is this possible?"

"That's the magic mechanism." Maori Kogoro shouted, "Conan!

"Here it comes!" Conan ran around to the other side, took out the handkerchief in his pocket, and opened the handkerchief bag, "It's a beautiful butterfly!"

Seeing that there was only one dead leaf in the handkerchief, the Inagawa police department was puzzled: "What butterfly?" Isn't this just a dead leaf?

Suddenly, with a whoosh, the dead leaf flew away.

Conan didn't have time to go back, turned around and brought the bow changer to his lips, wanting to speak.

Seeing this, Tuchuan hurriedly said: "It wasn't blown away by the wind, it flew away by itself."

Conan took the opportunity to hide in the bushes.

Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand, and a dead leaf stood at his fingertips, and the dead leaf slowly parted to reveal beautiful blue butterfly wings.

Maori Lan exclaimed in surprise: "Wow! Dead leaves turned into butterflies?!

Rabbit Chuan said: "This is Karimainajis, that is, dead leaf butterfly, this butterfly closes its wings like a dead leaf, it is a butterfly with mimicry ability."

Nanase Miyuki tugged at Kanedaichi's sleeve and said, "Aichi, this is the butterfly I saw that morning!"

Kanedaichi stood in front of the butterfly, glanced at his watch, and said calmly, "Yes, the time to lift the magic has come." A

butterfly emerged from behind Kanedaichi and slowly sprang up in patches of butterflies.

Mao Lilan pointed at Kaneda and shouted: "Look at the pile of dead leaves in the butterfly mound!!" A

layer of dead leaves in the butterfly mound turned into butterflies and disappeared, leaving only a dazzling kimono lying quietly on the ground, and everyone was stunned.

Kanedaichi stood among the overwhelming butterflies, his brows were not extended, and his expression was solemn: "This is the "magic" cast by the "undead butterfly", using a dead leaf butterfly that is very similar to dead leaves, covering the dead leaf butterfly on the corpse, this is the truth of the murderer's hiding the corpse."

Rabbit Chuan quietly watched Kanedaichi standing there grabbing the job, no, it should be Conan who robbed Kanedaichi's job.

Kaneda was ready in the morning, but he was cut off by Maori Kogoro, but Kanedaichi didn't expect Maori Kogoro to blow up the beard, which made Kanedaichi's brain buzz, and finally walked to the butterfly cairn, and was cut off by Conan, no way, let's push it together!

The Inokawa Police Department was surprised: "But with so many butterflies, how can they all be obedient?"

"Because of anesthesia!" Conan snatched back home and was a professional in anesthesia.

"I saw Miss Maiko spray the butterflies with anesthetic in order to take pictures, and then when the predicted time comes, the butterflies wake up together."

"I think the killer adjusted the anesthesia dose so that the butterflies woke up around 7:30 a.m., so that Mr. Takezo's patrol at 7 o'clock could be avoided, making people think that the body was moved after 7 o'clock."

"The murderer only needs to eat with everyone in the cafeteria to get an alibi!!"

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