After asking for an alibi to no avail, the Inokawa police department let them go back to their homes and let them go back to their rooms to sleep.

Rabbit River sighed, Conan was speechless, even Maori Kogoro shook his head, is this Inagawa police department a pig? How did he release the suspect back to the mountain?!

It's no wonder that the prisoners didn't engage in any Blizzard Mountain Mode this time.

That's it? The rain is enough to see him, and the snowstorm is needed?

Not to mention the blizzard, the rain disgraces him!

However, this also shows that the murderer this time is very arrogant and does not even pay attention to the police.

But anyway, it's really late, it's almost 3 a.m., everyone is either angry or grief-stricken, and the detectives can't ask anything, so they can only go back to the room to rest as Inukawa said.

Rabbit River and they were walking in the corridor, and suddenly heard a little girl's crying sound from the corner, which sounded strange.

"What sound?!" Morilan squeezed Nanase Miyuki's hand in fright.

"I'll take a look!" Kanedaichi quickly ran to find out, followed by Conan.

The two came to the corner of the corridor, and saw a little girl in a kimono crouching in the corner, shrinking herself into a ball.

"Xiao Liuli? Why are you here? Are you okay? Kindaichi was surprised, and Conan looked around warily.

Madara Ruriu raised her crying little face: "Woo, sister Tateha is dead, woo, there will be many people who die like that, so Liuli will die too!"

Madara suddenly covered her mouth and turned to run.

"Wait, danger!" Kaneda grabbed Madara Ruri one by one, "Don't run around, I'll send you back, don't worry, big brother will definitely protect you."

Madara Ruriu froze slightly, looking at Kanedaichi blankly, what a strange big brother.

Conan was vigilant on the sidelines, did not find any suspicious people, and when he turned back again, he saw that the high school boy next to him had coaxed the little girl into laughter.

Conan was stunned, this kid has two brushes!

"Are you all right, Ah Yi?" Miyuki Nanase walked over and pulled Moriran, and Rabbikawa followed behind.

Kanedaichi stood up and said, "Oh, Miyuki, it's nothing, it's Xiao Liuli, I'll send her back." Seeing

Xiao Liuli's crying with rain, Mao Lilan took out a handkerchief to wipe away her tears and comforted her: "Xiao Liuli, don't be sad, go back quickly, your parents will worry if they can't find it."

Who knew that hearing this, Madara Ruri's tears came down again: "That kind of talent is not a father!" "


"He always did things that went too far with his mother

, woo-woo..." "Uh..." Everyone was overwhelmed, as if they had heard something they shouldn't know.

It turns out that Madara has an unknown little hobby, or a well-known hobby, and he has been obsessed with butterflies all his life, not only collecting butterfly specimens, but also building a manor for butterflies, just to let butterflies fly around him at all times.

But just like that, Madara Purple was still not satisfied, and he also asked his beautiful wife and daughter to wear a butterfly kimono, and stood by the wall with open arms like butterflies for him to admire.

Of course, the daughter can only look at it, but the wife can do a lot of things, cough, and then it is paid content.

In short, Xiao Liuli saw the black death butterfly at the party, was very scared, and wanted to sleep with her mother at night, but found that her father lit a row of candles and admired his green butterfly specimen in the candlelight.

Xiao Liuli was so scared that she didn't dare to make a sound, turned her head and ran to the yard, but found that her sister had turned into a real butterfly specimen.

Xiao Liuli was completely frightened, and she had a premonition that the next person to turn into a butterfly specimen must be her!

I have to say that this little girl's premonition is quite accurate, and the murderer's next target is really her.

When Kanedaichi was about to send Xiao Liuli back to the room, Rabbit Chuan pushed Conan out, and Conan followed with him.

No matter what hatred and grudge, it is a bit overdone to children.

But Rabbit Chuan is also such a small gang, if the two gods of death can't snatch people from Yan Wangye, then Rabbit Chuan can only say... It's okay, then think about it from a different angle, anyway, it won't be long before you can reunite as a family again, okay, okay!

Rabbit Chuan returned to the room, lying on the bed, and was about to go to sleep, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door, and opened the door to see Mao Lilan standing at the door with a dinner plate.

"Are you already asleep?" Mao Lilan walked in with a dinner plate, "Dad said that you are burning again, I took medicine from Mr. Takezo, you take the medicine and go to sleep!" "

Oh." Rabbit Chuan agreed, but he didn't want to take medicine in his heart.

It is not a cold and fever caused by the virus, as long as he does not use his brain to burn the braincase, it will cool down for two days.

Rabbit Chuan made up his mind not to take medicine, antipyretic drugs generally have sleeping ingredients, what if you oversleep, then what can you do?

After a while, she put the tablet in her mouth and spit it out after Sister Xiaolan left, so as not to worry her.

But Rabbit Chuan picked up the medicine box, and suddenly felt as if he was not lightly ill, was he blinded?

Children's fever-reducing analgesic chewable (strawberry flavor) for children aged 3-15 years old with colds and fevers.

In this medical system, 15 years old is a medication threshold, and there are many drugs that cannot be used by children under the age of 15 without medical advice.

Therefore, Mr. Takezo only dared to give the children's fever-reducing medicine prepared for Miss Liuli at Mao Lilan's house, otherwise he would have to send people to the hospital.

Mao Lilan doesn't think there is anything, anyway, Rabbit Chuan is only 15 years old, and it is normal to take some children's fever medicine.

"I'll take a look." Maori Lan read according to the instructions, "15 years old ... Oh, and take 6 capsules three times a day. "

Rabbit Chuan took the tablet in his mouth, and before he could chew it, the tablet melted on its own, well... It is the taste of strawberry.

Mao Lilan touched Rabbit Chuan's forehead, tore another antipyretic sticker, and left the room with a dinner plate.

Rabbit Chuan lay dizzily on the bed, covered with the quilt, and fell asleep after a while.

On the other side, Conan and Kaneda have not returned, Xiao Liuli is still very afraid, Conan and Kaneda decided to stay and guard Xiao Liuli.

Kaneda Yi and Xiao Liuli who got into the bed hooked: "Make an appointment, big brother will definitely protect Xiao Liuli, good night, Xiao Liuli."

Conan smiled.

"Uh... Penis. Kaneda turned to Conan, not knowing what to do.

What to do, he can't do without now, how to send this child back?

Conan got into the chair, dangled his calves, and said, "What to do?" I'm also so worried about Sister Liuli, by the way, I'll stay with my big brother to accompany Sister Liuli!

Kanedaichi: "It's okay." Conan

and Kaneda stayed by Xiao Liuli's window all night.

Conan's head went down little by little, and the child's body could not stay up late, and slowly closed his eyes.

Kanedaichi also yawned, supporting his head with one hand, pouring coffee into his mouth with the other, and his eyes were all charged by coffee.

Kanedaichi could still hold on, but the murderer outside the door couldn't wait, and he took advantage of Kanedaichi's accompaniment to Xiaoliuli to go to the toilet at night and quietly sneaked into the room.

"Who?!" Conan woke up from his dream and saw a figure slip out, but when he chased him out, there was no one outside the door.

"What's wrong?" Kaneda ran over with Xiao Liuli.

"It looks like someone came in just now." Conan was relieved to see that Xiao Liuli was safe and sound, and accidentally found the coffee on the table, "Did you say..." Conan

picked up the coffee cup and sniffed carefully, there was no bitter almond smell, well, even if it was, it couldn't smell it now.

Kanedaichi asked, "What's wrong with the coffee?"

Conan said, "This cup of coffee can't be drunk, and I suspect that the man put sleeping pills in the coffee." "

Sleeping pills?!"

"Well, it could also be poison."

"Huh?!" Kaneda was shocked, was it so fierce?

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