Kaneda broke out in a cold sweat, and his life-sustaining coffee was actually drugged?

Although I don't know if it's poison or sleeping pills, he can't drink it anymore, well, he doesn't need coffee to refresh his mind now.

Kanedaichi said: "Anyway, that person put the medicine in the coffee, his target should be me, he wants to put the medicine down me

, and..." Conan said: "Then attack Sister Ruri, so we might as well make a plan and catch turtles in an urn, how?" "

Kaneda raised his eyebrows, hehe, this little brother is reckless enough, let him a high school student take two children to catch the murderer, what do you think?

But Kanedaichi had to admit that this was indeed a good idea, why not try it?

Kanedaichi and Conan looked at each other, stuffed the confused little Liuli into the closet, Conan got into the bed and covered his head with a quilt, disguised as Xiao Liuli who was sleeping, Kaneda Yi lay on the table and pretended to be poisoned, trying to lure out the murderer.

In this way, Conan and Kaneda stayed up all night in a fight, but the murderer never appeared.

As soon as Kaneda thought of something, he suddenly opened the wardrobe, and Xiao Liuli, who was hiding in the wardrobe, was safe and sound, could it be that they guessed wrong?

But Conan and Kanedaichi always felt that things were not that simple.

After breakfast, Kaneda also wanted to go to the glass greenhouse, and Conan and Mori Kogoro also planned to go together.

Just as they walked out of the restaurant, Mr. Takezo ran over in a panic: "It's not good! Another butterfly nailed to the tree! Everyone

ran to the courtyard together, just like last night, a brightly colored yellow butterfly was nailed to the trunk, and the three words engraved under the butterfly - immortal butterfly!

Maori Lan exclaimed: "Oh my God, what is this?!"

Rabbit Chuan said, "This is the black vein golden spotted butterfly, and it is also the origin of the pattern on the long-sleeved kimono worn by Mr. Yang Yu last night."

"Could it be that even Mr. Yang Yu..." Obviously, everyone thought of it, but they didn't want to say it.

Maori Kogoro said, "Mr. Takezo, go to Mr. Yoha's room and take a look, and we will all look around for it." "

Yes, Mr. Māori."

Mr. Takezo ran into the house, and the rest searched the yard, but they preferred to find nothing.

However, it backfired.

The long-sleeved kimono of the golden veined golden-spotted butterfly was spread on the ground, and the madara was nailed to the butterfly mound full of fallen leaves with a wooden stake, and was buried in the butterfly's grave like last night's black death butterfly.

Rabbit Chuan's eyes were round, and he looked at the Madara Yang Yu floating in the air, did the God of Death really snatch someone from Yan Wangye?

Or did Yan Wang Ye rob the wrong person?

Oops, Rabbit Chuan Guan this person's yang life is not finished, without the Yin Difference Guidance can not reach the prefecture, but his shell has been cold, and now he can't go back at all.

Rabbit Chuan had to quickly think of a way to exhaust the yang life of this soul and send it to reunite with his sister who took the first step.

Madara Yangyu is messy in the wind, how did he die?!

Forget it, if he dies, he dies, but why is he all dead, and he still has to wear a lady's butterfly kimono, this is excessive!

Hey? Wait, how did he die?

"Yang Yu!!" Mrs. Alu, who witnessed this scene, passed out directly, not daring to face the cruel reality of losing her second son overnight.

Madara Yangyu floated to Mrs. Ah Lu: "Mom, don't cry, I'm here."

"Yang, Yang Yu..."

Maiko Rokuboro sat down on the ground in dismay, "How so..." Madara Yangyu floated in front of Rokuboro Maiko: "Maiko, I'm sorry..."

The Inagawa Police Department led the team to Madara's house again, and when the police carried away Madara Yangha's body, two fallen leaves suddenly fell out of his kimono belt.

Conan and Kaneda immediately thought that the murderer had changed Madara into a kimono in the butterfly cairn, why did he do this?

The Inagawa Police Department waved his hand and brought everyone to the hall again for questioning.

Before leaving, Miyuki Nanase suddenly exclaimed, "Huh?

Kanedaichi asked, "Miyuki, what's wrong with you?"

Nanase Miyuki shook her head and said, "No, it's nothing. "She just saw a beautiful butterfly.

The Inagawa Police Department held the autopsy report: "Preliminary judgment, the time of death of Madara Yangyu was from 4 to 5 am today, the cause of death was suffocation, suffocation by someone strangling the neck, and it is your turn to talk about your alibi."

Rabbit Chuan held his forehead and complained: "Forget about the night owls who stay up late, have you seen a normal person who will get up at four in the morning?" It would be strange that there would be an alibi during this time. Floating

beside Rabbit Chuan, Madara Yang Yu nodded, yes, sleeping soundly, he didn't even know how he died, it turned out to be strangled?

The Inagawa Police Department said, "That's really embarrassing, I got up at four o'clock in the morning today, and I got the inspection report of Miss Madara Kanaba's belongings." "

I didn't expect that this police department was quite dedicated, but it was not used on the ground.

Kaneda stood up and said, "Instead of the alibi in the early morning, it is better to investigate this morning's alibi first, the murderer should have moved Mr. Yowa's body to Butterfly this morning."

The Inagawa Police Department looked shocked: "What did you say?"

Conan nodded, that's right, this guy named Kanedaichi has two strokes!

And Rabbit River is observing the spotted Ruri, who escaped the disaster, the little girl Yintang is black, once she leaves the protection of the god of death, there will be a bloody disaster within six hours!

It seems that someone who is an older brother is going to die for his sister's safety!

Madara raised feathers, shaking!

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