As we all know, Conan, who debuted as a sub-confession, will not have a murder plot of a minor, which means that the corpse of a child will not appear in the main film.

But Kaneda is different, he really achieves the realm of hardcore reasoning, that is a world under the aura of death, regardless of gender, old and young, everyone is equal.

Rabbikawa remembers that the first person to die in the Black Death Butterfly incident was 12-year-old Madara Ruri, and the time when the body was found was the next day, and everyone woke up after breakfast.

But now, not only the deceased has changed, but the time of killing has also advanced, I am afraid that I will not sleep tonight, let alone breakfast the next day.

Well, now is not the time to talk about this.

In fact, Rabbit Chuan was still slightly relieved, although he wanted Conan to see Kanedaichi's side for a long time, and make up for Asai's honest pseudonym in the Moonlight Murder... Oh, this one is not the point.

In short, Rabbit River's purpose is not to hit Conan and destroy Conan's beliefs, perhaps it is the role of Koxue's aura, and the deceased this time is not Madara Ruri.

But the time is advanced, could it be that the auras of the two gods of death collided, increasing the strength of the criminal magnetic field, resulting in an exponential increase in crime?

Rabbit Chuan reasoned in his head about formulas, exponents, functions, but ... Dizzy!

Yosuke Gogi just caught Rabbit Chuan, who was about to faint, and touched Rabbit Chuan's forehead, "Shhh, it's so hot!" You have a fever?!

Rabbit Chuan stood up strongly, "It's okay, I forgot that I had a fever and burned a little to the CPU." Maori

Kogoro reached out and touched Madara Tateha's neck and shook his head regretfully, "It's not saved, keep the scene, don't move her yet." Maori

Kogoro shouted at his daughter again: "Xiaolan, call the police directly!"

"Yes, Dad!" Morilan was hugging with Miyuki Nanase to keep warm, she let go of a hand, Mari took out her mobile phone to call the police, and said unhurriedly: "Hello, I have a murder here, the deceased is a young woman, the address is the mansion of Madara Ziwen in Mizono Town, Kanazawa City, please call the police as soon as possible." "

Miyuki Nanase and Morilan looked at each other, Miss Xiaolan's movements are so skillful, how powerful!

Miyuki Nanase rarely has the opportunity to call the police, because many of the cases she encounters are in Blizzard Mountain Resort mode, and at the end, she and Aichi basically get into an ambulance.

Because of the murder, the Ishikawa Prefectural police rushed to the scene of the crime overnight, led by a police officer who did not look very smart, General Inokawa.

The people of the Madara family had arrived at the scene before this, and Madara Ziwen looked at the dead eldest daughter with a sad face, but a strange light faintly flashed in his eyes.

Mrs. Green cried bitterly: "Ah! Tatewa! My pavilion! It's all a lie, I don't believe it!! "

Madame Midori relies on Madara Yowa and Rokuboro Maiko on both sides to keep her from falling to the ground, a fact she still can't accept.

Tateha's fiancé Onodera was so injured that he couldn't control his emotions and wanted to rush to the corpse and ask: "Tateha! Why, why did my pavilion feathers die?!

Kanedaichi and Madara hurriedly stopped him.

The Inagawa Police Department passed by Mrs. Midori and Onodera, who could not control their emotions, and asked the patrolman at the scene: "No one entered and exited the scene, right?" "

Well..." the patrolman hesitantly turned to look at the row of detectives over there, "they are the first to find the body."

The Inagawa Police Department turned his head and was surprised to find, "Huh? Do you look familiar? Maori

Kogoro coughed lightly and picked up the style of a detective, "That's right, I am Detective Maori Kogoro."

The Inagawa Police Department suddenly realized, "Oh, yes, that's you, the Metropolitan Police Department said that unfortunate plagues will occur everywhere you go." Maori

Kogoro almost fell, "Who made this rumor!!" The

Inagawa Police Department didn't want to bird any detective, and waved his hand, "Well, now the yard is too dark, in order not to disturb the police's on-site evidence collection, the relevant personnel of the incident all went to the house with me to talk." "

The Ishikawa Prefectural police stopped the detectives from the scene, and the detectives who were not in their own territory had to follow everyone in the living room.

In the living room, the Inagawa Police Department announced to everyone: "After a simple identification, the time of death of the deceased Madara Tatewa was not long ago between 11 pm and 12 midnight last night, the cause of death was potassium cyanide poisoning, and the body was nailed to the glass wall of the greenhouse by the murderer after death." "

It's changed again!!

Kanedaichi's world, where did potassium cyanide come from!!

Rabbit Chuan put ice water on his face, it seems that the murderer has been assimilated by the Ke Xue world, no, it should be evolution.

The police did not find any valuable clues at the scene, this is the inertia of continuous murders in the world of Kanedaichi, and the murderer will not expose traces until the last case.

So, next, you can only rely on alibi.

Sure enough, the Inagawa Police Department asked, "Therefore, I would like to ask you about your alibi during this time." "

Oh, I was in..." Gogi Yosuke reacted suddenly, "Wait, Mr. Officer, don't you want to say that the murderer is among us?"

The Inagawa Police Department said: "That's right, according to our investigation, this house has foolproof security, there are no traces of external intruders, and from the end of last night's party to the discovery of the body, there are only you people in the house, so the murderer must be among you people!" The

results of the questioning were not very satisfactory, Rabbitikawa , Conan, Mori father and daughter, Kaneda Ichi, Nanase Miyuki, and Goki Yosuke, several of them had been staying in the living room with sufficient alibi.

However, the Madara family of four, Professor Yamano, Maiko Rokubora, Shoyuki Onodera, and Mr. Takezo, a servant, have almost no alibi.

Rokuboro Maiko complained: "Whoever doesn't sleep in the middle of the night has an alibi, that's really a hell!" "

Strange detectives: I'm so sorry!

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