What is quadratic?

Simply put, it is a dimension born from ACGN, that is, the derivative world of Animation (animation), Comic (comics), Game (games), and Novel (novels).

The 2.5 dimension is the existence between anime and the real world, such as stage dramas, TV series or live-action movies.

Unlike Conan, who is of all ages, Kindaichi's reasoning is more hardcore and very suitable for adaptation into a TV series, and as far as Rabbikawa knows, Kindaichi has been turned over five versions so far.

And Kindaichi, who appears in front of Rabbit River today, is the so-called "Kindaichi boy of the 21st century" - Matsumoto Jun's version of Kindaichi.

If you can't imagine what Matsumoto's version of Kaneda looks like, then think of the face of the Japanese version of the pattern man Domyoji that is popular all over Asia, although it is very handsome, but it feels less ordinary and lecherous original taste of Kanedaichi.

However, in this way, it is quite compatible with the painting style of the Ke Xue world, in short, it is not inferior to Kudo Shinichi in terms of appearance.

Although he has become handsome, this is not a reason for him to reduce the dimension to hit the world of Ke Xue!!

Of course, it only hit Rabbit Chuan's shell, because Rabbit Chuan subconsciously undertook the turmoil of the world, but Rabbit Chuan's spirit is still very good, that is, he is unwell and a little feverish.

Alas, in order to maintain world stability, Rabbit River paid too much.

In fact, it is also Rabbit Chuan's own problem, every time the world consciousness eats other world fragments, in order to maintain world stability, Rabbit Chuan will personally observe it, witness the progress of fusion, and do not appear space-time faults.

Just like the last time Rabbit River went to Tomori Town, Rabbit River was on holiday here, Sawada Tsunayoshi was going to school, quickly find a reason to rationalize, and wait for two days to assimilate, let's take a holiday together!

And Kanedaichi's side, Rabbit Chuan has always thought that Kanedaichi's side is an ordinary detective drama, and there is no special ability, and the world of Ke Xue is similar, isn't it a hardcore case, there are more dead, the murderer loves suicide, and there is a criminal planner who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, sprinkle water, not a big problem.

Snap, slap in the face!

Alas, so you can't be lazy, it's tears to say too much!

Along with Kanedaichi came Miyuki Nanase and Yosuke Goki, and Rabbikawa had observed Yosuke Gogi at Lake Sorrow, so Yosuke Gogi was still the same as he was at that time.

Miyuki Nanase is not a plump and sexy beautiful girl in the manga, but also blends into the slender painting style of the girls in the Kogaku world, looking a bit like Matsumoto Jun's Miyuki actor Kyo Suzuki, imagine the heroine Natsuki in the weekly version of "Head Text D".

Leading them into Madara was also a man and a woman, who should be the ones involved in the incident.

Rabbikawa remembers that this version is the same as the current situation, there is no existence of the deep mountain Hikage, Kanedaichi met the second miss of the Madara family, Madara Yangyu, who ran away from home, and persuaded people to go home, but was taken home to see it....

Thinking of this, Rabbit Chuan saw Mr. Takezo, the maid of the Madara family, shouting at the young man: "You are back, Second Miss, the master has been worried about you these two days, and is about to invite a detective to find you!" "

Second Miss ?!!" The detectives on both sides were all stunned, blind, this is obviously a man?

"Oh, I see." Madara Yangyu said impatiently, "These are the friends I brought, you help them arrange a residence, they will be here for a few days, by the way, to participate in tonight's party."

Mr. Takezo said respectfully, "I see, Second Miss."

Everyone present watched the "second young lady" of the Madara family leave in a daze, and then looked back at Mr. Takezo, the maid of the Madara family, what happened?

Rabbit Chuan spoke, "I remember that the Madara family only had three daughters... Ahem! "

Oops, my voice is a little mute, shouldn't I be speechless later?"

No, don't get sick, destroy Kanedaichi!

Kanedaichi suddenly stirred, as if he felt a murderous aura, and looked at the murderer, it was a little ghost who had just spoken, and his voice was a little hoarse, as if he was sick.

Feel breathless, because you are sick, so you are not happy, what a little ghost!

The young woman who got Madara Yang Yu back said: "Because Yang Yu was not in good health when he was a child, so the old man Madara raised Yang Yu as a girl, and the family has always called Yang Yu the second young lady.

"So it is." Morilan and Nanase Miyuki nodded, indicating that they understood, they had indeed heard that some people had a tradition of raising sick and weak boys as girls.

But the detectives don't understand ah, if the child is still young, they can understand, but Madara Yangha has grown up, and there is no need to be treated as a girl now, right?

And as far as Rabbit Chuan's tone is concerned, it is obvious that the Madara family still claims that there are only three daughters in the family, which is too weird!

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Rokuboro Maiko, a trainee photographer." The young woman Rokuboro Maiko said.

Maori Kogoro gave up thinking about the second young lady, walked up to the beauty, and said with a smile: "Hello, Miss Maiko, I am..." "

You are a detective Maori Kogoro, right?" Yosuke Gogi took a photo and said, "It is said that wherever you go, there will be a plague of life, and it seems that you will get something good today."

"Hey! You're overdoing it! Maori Kogoro burst out, "You remember, it was the detective who summoned his real name outside the case, so he is not a plague!" Also, who are you?

Conan snickered, "He's Uncle Yosuke Gogi.

Mao Lilan asked, "Conan, do you know him?"

Conan replied, "Brother Rabbit Chuan knows him, and he also wrote a novel based on Brother Rabbit. "

But the content is very general, it's not as good as his father's compilation!"

Since Conan met Mr. Random Steps, his reading of mystery novels has improved, and his father can only be regarded as second-rate now, and this person is at most third-rate.

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