Yosuke Gogi greeted Rabbitakawa and Rabbit Creek simply waved at him, blinking his eyes and not speaking, he saved his throat and spoke when needed, now give him a look to experience for himself.

Yosuke Gogi didn't mind, the last time I saw this child, I was still held in a wheelchair, now it's good to be able to walk two steps, what kind of bicycle!

"What about this big brother?" Conan raised a smiling face and faced Kanedaichi, who bowed his head.

Yosuke Gogi introduced: "He is the famous grandson..."

Kaneda interrupted Yosuke Goki's words, stretched out his hand to Conan and said: "Hello, I am Kazuichi Kaneda, please advise."

Conan took Kanedaichi's hand and said, "Hello, I'm Conan, I'm a detective!" Conan

and Kaneda shook hands, and the auras of the two gods of death continued to merge and collide, merging into a new cadenza.

Rabbit Chuan only felt a little heart attack, and when it was over, he always felt that things were going to become troublesome.

"Kindaichi?" Maori Kogoro remembered, "I remember you, you are the grandson of the great detective Kinda Ichikosuke, a high school detective who has been active in the circle recently. "

Hello, Mr. Māori." Kaneda pulled Miyuki Nanase over and said, "This is my childhood sweetheart Miyuki Nanase, we were just playing at the beach and met Madara Yangha, and I heard that he was going to exhibit dream butterflies at home, so I came to take a look." "

Maori Kogoro has a rather bad perception of the detective teenager in front of him and his childhood sweetheart, hmph, another unlucky couple!

But Mao Lilan is very happy, isn't this her and Shinichi!

"Hello, I'm Mao Lilan, a sophomore in Didan High School."

"Hello, I'm Miyuki Nanase from Fudo Private High School, and I'm also in my second year."

The girls quickly chatted together, and as they walked, they were attracted by a beautiful butterfly resting on a flower.

"What a beautiful butterfly!" Miyuki Nanase reached out to touch the butterfly that had landed on the flower.

Mr. Takezo shouted at him, "Can't touch it!"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Miyuki Nanase immediately retracted in fright.

Maori Kogoro complained, "It's just a butterfly, what if you touch it?"

Rabbit Chuan tugged at the corner of Maori Kogoro's clothes and secretly gestured, roughly meaning that this butterfly is worth 3 million!

"3 million?!" Maori Kogoro stretched out three fingers, he can't earn 3 million a year, such a little butterfly is worth 3 million, and suddenly feels that this life is in vain.

Rabbit Chuan nodded along, knowing that Conan's "one" year of maintenance is 10 million, rounding up the price of three butterflies.

Kanedaichi also understood, and patted his chest in fright and said, "My good friend, such a valuable butterfly, why do you want to stock it in the yard!" "

Mr. Takezo doesn't understand ah, but he just said with a blank face that this is what their master means, alas, the rich man's idea is really unintelligible!"

Say sir, sir, sir.

Madara Ziwei, dressed in a traditional hakama with a whima and on crutches, walked over and said, "Mr. Mori, did Takezo do something rude?" "

Madara purple stripes are over sixty years old, his face is very heavy, his chin is bearded, his expression is extremely serious, and the feudal bosses are full of style, in short, he doesn't look very good with him.

"No, no, it's not a big deal." Maori Kogoro smirked, "We disturbed."

"That's good." Madara Purple was speaking, and a hand ball rolled over and stopped at the foot of Madara Purple Pattern.

"Oh, it's Ruri." Madara turned his head to look at the little girl standing not far from him, picked up the hand ball on the ground and handed it to her, and said with a kind expression, "Be careful, you can't play by the pool."

"Okay, Dad." The little girl took the ball with both hands and stood obediently in place.

The little girl's name is Madara Ruri, the third daughter of the Madara family, to be precise, the second daughter, who looks like a sixth grade of elementary school, wearing a butterfly pattern kimono, standing there quietly, like a kimono doll.

Nanase Miyuki praised, "It's so beautiful, Miss Xiaoran, you see, one of that child's eyes is green." "

One of Madara Ruri's eyes is emerald green, like a top-notch emerald gemstone, beautiful and clear.

Mao Lilan nodded and said, "Really, what a cute girl!"

Hearing the words of the two girls, Madara Ziwen seemed to be in a good mood, and said to the maid Takezo: "Since Yang Yu has returned, you should take Mr. Mori to the guest room first, and if you have anything to say, you will wait until the end of the party." Mr. Māori, I lost company first. Maori

Kogoro said, "Okay, Madara-san go slowly." After

that, Madara turned to leave, and Ruri, seeing her father walking away, turned around and threw the Temari ball into the pool.

"Miss Liuli, what's wrong?" Mr. Takezo was taken aback.

"I don't want to be touched by that kind of dirty thing!" Saying that, Liuli ran away angrily.

Everyone froze in place, this second daughter... It is a second daughter, in short, no matter the second daughter, the parent-child relationship of the Madara family is very problematic!

Mr. Takezo arranges for everyone to go to the guest room to put their luggage away, and Morilan and Conan are worried about Rabbitagawa's body and want Rabbikawa to rest in the room.

But Rabbit Chuan insists on going to the party, and the more such a time, the more he can't be left alone, and it is very troublesome if there is no alibi.

Mao Lilan saw that Rabbit Chuan's spirit was not bad, so he didn't stop it, after all, Rabbit Chuan said before that he was looking forward to seeing the fantastic butterflies on display tonight, and they all came, and if they missed it, it would be a pity.

In the evening, the party begins.

Madara purple pattern said that he wanted to exhibit butterflies, he was really exhibiting butterflies, and the venue of the party was directly arranged to be hung in the hall full of butterfly specimens, and as far as the eye could see, as long as there was a wall, it was full of butterfly specimens.

Rabbit Chuan felt pain in his eyes, and it was really tasteful to have a meal surrounded by a group of butterfly corpses.

Jin Tian took the chicken leg in his mouth and muttered: "It's true, it actually makes people look at this kind of thing, and they can't even be interested in eating a big meal." Nanase

Miyuki saw that he had a plate full of Noboru food, where was he not interested!

Maori Kogoro raised his glass and said, "But there are so many people here today, are they all here to see that dream butterfly?" What's so nice about butterflies?

"Because that's not an ordinary butterfly." A gentle old gentleman came over and said, "It is a very precious butterfly belonging to the "remnant species".

Kanedaichi asked, "Remnant seeds?

Conan replied: "Remnant species refer to certain species or taxa of animals and plants that were widely distributed in ancient times, and were massively extinct due to changes in geological history, and only remnants existed in a limited area.

The old gentleman said: "That's it, the butterfly to be displayed today was thought to be extinct 200 years ago, and Mr. Madara discovered its pupae in the wild, and it took 25 years to breed." "

25 years?!" Everyone didn't know how to be asleep, this person was too idle and panicked, right?

Maori Kogoro said, "You seem to know very well!

"Ah, sorry, my name is Yamano, and I study butterflies in college." The old gentleman took out his business card.

Maori Kogoro took the business card, saw that it was written on it, Yaeshima University professor Yamano Katsumi, and complimented: "It turns out that you are a university professor, out of respect and disrespect." "

Hey, where, where." Professor Yamano said to Conan, "But children, you know a lot, do you like butterflies too?"

Conan scratched the back of his head and smiled innocently: "It's okay, I saw it all on TV." Maori

Kogoro pressed Conan's brain and said, "What are you watching every day?"

Conan giggled, what to do, he didn't know?

Rabbit Chuan said four words for him: "Animal world." "

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