Kanedaichi gave up pursuing the past of Hikage in the deep mountains, and since then, Hikage Fukayama, who has lost his memory, and the second young lady of the Madara family live a happy life.

I just don't know if when they wake up from the dream, will they feel afraid, afraid that they have let go of a murderer, afraid that they have been a murderer, and afraid that the person sleeping next to them has been a murderer?

It can be seen from this that Kanedaichi and Conan are completely two people, Kanedaichi will sympathize with the prisoner's life, and even feel guilty when he personally exposes the true face of the murderer, but he has to face it.

And in Conan's eyes, the murderer is guilty, no matter what the reason, killing is absolutely not allowed, even if it is someone he likes, persistent and firm, and moving forward.

Therefore, Conan is firm in his will, running after the case, trying to find the truth, then Kanedaichi is being tricked by fate, chased by the case, and avoided.

After all, the dead and prisoners of those cases can't run out of Kanedaichi's circle of friends, and it's no wonder that Kanedaichi will become an ordinary uncle of social animals at the age of 37, of course, it may also be because the relatives and friends around him are no longer enough for him!


Ahem, pulled away.

Then again, because the Lake of Sorrow incident was solved by Rabbit-River, at that time Kanedaichi did not know in which sea of time and space floated, so now there is no Tono Hidechi who is named Hikage Fukayama at all.

In other words, the current Kanedaichi should have no reason to go to the Madara Purple Pattern House.

So, according to the principle of summoning detectives in events, when the Lake of Sorrow incident summoned Detective Shinichi Kudo, will the Black Death Butterfly incident summon the most famous detective Maori Kogoro now?

On the way to school the next day, Rabbit River and Maori Lan chatted about extinct butterflies.

Rabbit Chuan said casually: "I saw when I read the magazine yesterday, there is a person named Madara Purple Stripe who revived the extinct butterfly? It's so powerful, it is said that it is still the only dream butterfly in the world, I don't know what kind of magical butterfly?

"It must be a pretty butterfly, but the mareaks..." maudine muttered, "Huh? What a familiar name!

Conan reminded: "Sister Xiaolan, Madara purple stripe is the client of Uncle Kogoro!"

"Principal? What does he entrust? Rabbit Chuan was a little surprised.

"This, probably an affair or something." Conan was vague.

"Huh? What is he doing with this? Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but be shocked, finally without Kanedaichi, he also rushed to invite Maori Kogoro to his home to film, and he died at home, it seems that this person is really impatient!

Morilan asked Rabbitakawa and said, "By the way, Mr. Madara invited us to his house to the party, as if to show the dream butterfly that he has carefully cultivated for 25 years, do you want to go with you?"

"Okay!" Rabbit Chuan readily agreed, anyway, tomorrow is the summer vacation again, go over there and take a look.

But Rabbit Chuan ignored one thing, before this, whether it was the sword dance, or the halberd spirit, or the Wen Hao wild dog was in the two-dimensional latitude, which is equivalent to the integration of the same dimension, in the same way, Rabbit Chuan has always defaulted to the Jintian One World is also a fragment of the two-dimensional world, so that it has become the current situation.

"Ah-sneeze!" Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but sneeze, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Located on the outskirts of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, the Madara family is one of the most wealthy families in the area, buying an entire forest and spending a lot of money to build a butterfly farm.

Rabbit Chuan and Maori came to the gate of the butterfly manor, the wall of the manor was 5 meters high, and Rabbit Chuan inexplicably gave birth to the feeling that he was now going to visit the prison.

The front door of the butterfly manor only has a solid iron door one meter wide that can pass through, knock on this iron door, a one-meter wide corridor, on both sides of the same high wall, to the end of the corridor, you have to pass through a solid wooden door to enter the manor.

When Rabbit River and they really walked into the butterfly manor, their eyes suddenly opened up, and the whole manor was full of colorful butterflies dancing among the flowers.

"Wow! It's beautiful! Mao Lilan couldn't help but marvel.

Maori Kogoro clapped his hands and praised: "It's so beautiful, so it is, because butterflies are stocked in the manor, that's why they have to make such a high wall!"

Conan looked up and smiled and said, "And they all use solid doors, afraid that butterflies will fly away through the gaps."

And Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but sneeze again, muttering: "It's so strange, sneezing!"

Mao Lilan asked worriedly, "Are you all right, what's wrong?"

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his nose and said: "I don't know, no, I seem to know, because suddenly from the two-dimensional dimension to 2.5 dimension, and due to the observation of the world observer, resulting in an instant dimensionality reduction of the 2.5 dimension, my body was affected by the pressure, so..."

Maori Kogoro couldn't help but say: "Give me human words!!"

Rabbit Chuan swallowed back what he was going to say, and said with a deflated mouth: "Then it should be a water and soil disobedience, Ay!"

An old man with a serious expression came over and said: "It should be hay fever, this manor is full of flowers, it is simply hell for hay fever patients."

The man bowed his head and saluted, "Welcome, I am Kariya Takezo, the maid of this house, you are Mr. Mori Kogoro, please come with me, the lord is waiting for you in the room." Maori

Kogoro replied, "Thank you for coming to greet you, then let's go!" Maori

Kogoro had just taken two steps when suddenly the doorbell rang again, and Mr. Takezo said something rude and ran to open the door.

"Hay fever?" Mao Lilan said strangely, "But you've never had hay fever?"

Conan actively guessed: "It may be the problem of allergens, brother Rabbitakawa is allergic to some special pollen here."

"No, it's not a pollen allergy, it's an allergy to people." Rabbit Chuan touched his cheek and felt a little hot, "Forget it, just when I alternate between hot and cold, my immunity is weakened, and I am simply sick." "

Huh?! Sick? When? Mao Lilan raised his hand and touched Rabbit Chuan's forehead, "Oops, it's really a little hot, what should I do, Dad?" Maori

Kogoro held Rabbit's head and complained: "Really, why is your boy's body so weak, but it alternates between hot and cold, and he actually has a cold and fever, I said that children should not wear so much in winter, you wore like a ball two days ago, and the more frozen the body will be good." Rabbit

Chuan rolled his eyes under the big palm of Maori Kogoro, uncle, just after the winter vacation, today is the summer vacation, yesterday was winter, today seconds to summer, normal people will get sick!

Of course, no matter how you think about Rabbitchuan, it is impossible to get sick because of this, the real reason is over there.

Rabbit Chuan looked back at the gate of the butterfly manor, the man who was about to walk in, the one who was completely different from the unpretentious detective style in Rabbit Chuan's memory, like a 2.5-dimensional version of Kanedaichi like a fancy man, was reduced to a two-dimensional painting style in an instant... Almost had a heart attack.

Rabbitagawa : It's all the fault of the world!! Did you eat the wrong version!!

World consciousness: I'm not, I don't, I don't know, just take a bite....

Rabbit Chuan huffed and glared: Hmph ╭(╯^╰) ╮

World Consciousness: Shhh, my fault, private Marseille / (ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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