"No, it can't be! This is not true! Doyle! Doyle!!

As if he had been thundered on a sunny day, Garner Zhao knelt directly on the ground, holding his head and crying.

Doyle's voice and smile are still in front of him, but in the blink of an eye, are they actually separated by yin and yang?

Recalling Doyle's innocent and cute appearance, Garner Zhao couldn't wait to rush into the incinerator to rescue poor Doyle.

Conan stopped the excited Garner Teruya and said calmly: "Don't worry, it's okay, only the collar is burned, and there is no puppy corpse in the stove."

"Really, really?" Garner Zhao also said dumbfounded.

The flames in the incinerator gradually extinguished, and Garner could see that there were only some strange sponge fragments in the furnace, and finally put down the heart that mentioned his throat.

Conan carefully observed the scorched black collar wreckage and found that the collar had actually been artificially cut.

Conan clipped the burnt collar to Teruya Garner and asked, "Mr. Garner, is this really Doyle's collar?" I just didn't see him wearing it?

Garner Zhao had calmed down a little at this time, and replied: "Because Doyle's hair is very long, it will cover the collar, although this collar is burned, but the color and color of the collar are very special, it was bought by my grandfather from France that year, and it is said that it is an old item used by the noble dogs of the court."

"Conan, come and see!" Mitsuhiko beckoned Conan over, "Look quickly, the back door over here is open!"

Dr. Agasa touched his chin and analyzed, "So it is, it seems that the gangster who kidnapped Doyle ran away from here."

But Shino Hasunoki felt that something was not quite right, and asked, "But why?" Why would the gangsters throw the collar into the incinerator?

Tosa Rinyaki said casually: "Maybe the gangster thought that the collar was too special, so he burned it casually, so that Doyle became an ordinary butterfly-eared dog, and you can't recognize it."

Uncle Tsunajima stood aside and said worriedly, "That's right, maybe someone knew that Doyle was valuable, so they stole it."

"Yes, yes!" Aki Tosa Rinko said on the side, "Maybe he's walking with gangsters right now!"

"It won't! That's impossible! Garner also shouted in disbelief, how could his Doyle abandon him and go for a walk with the bad guys!

"No way!" Rabbit Chuan asked Garner to calm down, "If someone steals Doyle because of the money, then he will definitely not destroy such an expensive collar." "

Rabbit Chuan wants to say something ugly, in terms of price alone, Doyle really doesn't have that collar worth much.

Conan agreed with Rabbitikawa very much, and continued: "Brother Rabbitakawa is right, and if someone really steals the dog, he should run away immediately, instead of leaving something to burn, and show us his escape route."

"This must be the murderer..." Wrong, Rabbit Chuan's tongue turned and changed, "I mean this must be a trick of the gangster, making us think that he escaped."

Haihara immediately reacted and said excitedly: "So Er was not abducted, but was hidden in the room!"

"Great!" The three little ones cheered together.

"Great." As soon as Garner Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Wait, wait, doesn't this mean that the gangster is still in the house..." Garner

Zhao also subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the guests at home with hesitant eyes.

Uncle Tsunajima froze slightly, and said loudly, "Please, you won't be doubting us, will you?"

Garner Zhao also waved his hand again and again

, "No, it's not..." "If that's the case, I probably know who it is." Tosa Rinaki pointed to the grass and said, "Look, there's a pair of women's shoes next to the incinerator. "

Huh? Isn't that my shoes? Shino Hasunoki picked up his shoes with a blank look, "How could it appear here?"

Tosa Rinyaki crossed his waist and said, "Less garlic, it must have been worn when you burned something in an incinerator."

"How could I possibly do such a thing!" Shino Hasunoki frowned aggrieved.

"It won't!" Garner Zhao also trusted Shino Hasunoki to excuse her, "If that's the case, how could something so obvious be left, it's too strange!" Tosa

Rinyaki thought that Shino Hasunoki might want Christine to take her shoes, but he didn't expect Christine to drop the chain at a critical moment and throw the shoes aside.

Garner Zhao also smiled awkwardly: "No, this is too exaggerated!"

Rabbit Chuan interrupted their conversation and suggested, "Anyway, let's all look for each other!" "

The group of them was divided into two groups, Dr. Agasa and three guests in a group, the masters Teruya Kana and Rabbit Chuan and the juvenile detective team, and the two groups acted separately.

Although they had searched the house before, they were only looking for a place where the puppy might be hiding, and now they are looking for a place where the gangsters are hiding the puppy.

Mitsuhiko cleverly thought that they could ask Arthur for help, dogs have noses hundreds of times more sensitive than humans, and if Arthur could smell the missing Doyle, he might be able to find Doyle.

Conan thinks it's not that simple, and Arthur is not a police dog.

Rabbit Chuan thinks that even a police dog is not necessarily useful, if a police dog can catch a prisoner, then what kind of detective!

Garner also thought it was a good idea, because they usually played this kind of scavenger hunt with Arthur, maybe Arthur could really find Doyle.

Garner also found the blanket that Doyle usually slept on and placed it under Arthur's nose, and Arthur sniffed as usual, and then rushed out energetically.

Yuan Tai shouted excitedly, "It seems to know!" The

three little ones followed Arthur all the way to the Japanese room, and saw Arthur running out of the Japanese room, biting a blue cushion in his mouth.

"Wow~" Arthur Dog held the blue cushion in front of Teruya Garner, shaking his head and tail for praise.

Conan looked at the cushions in the room strangely, he remembered that there were only two blue cushions in the room just now, strange, how could there be one more now?

The children were not discouraged and gave the blanket to Arthur to smell again, this time the Woof Team will definitely make a big difference!

Arthur sniffed carefully, and suddenly he had an idea, locked onto his target, and ran again.

Arthur ran to the door of the living room and stopped suddenly, as if thinking about something, then turned away and ran towards the door, all the way to the door.

"Could it be that Sayer was taken out the door?" The three little ones followed behind Doyle, and they believed that they would find Doyle this time!

Outcome...... I saw Arthur and Christine intimately together.

Yuan Tai said disappointedly: "What, it turns out that it came out to flirt with Christine."

Ayumi smiled bitterly, "It may be annoying."

Mitsuhiko also said with a bitter face: "I really can't take it..." The

three little ones sighed together, there was no way to do it, of course, they could only choose to forgive it!

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