While Conan and the others were following the Wangwang team all the way, Rabbit Chuan walked alone into Arthur's living room, which made Arthur stop.

In fact, Arthur's dog is not looking in the wrong place, Doyle is hiding in this living room, but Arthur was reprimanded by the owner here and did not dare to come in.

Rabbit Chuan carelessly kicked away the glass wool that was left on the ground, this is the soundproof cotton in the audio equipment, and he is really a careless guy.

Rabbit Chuan walked behind the stereo, and sure enough found that the board behind the stereo box had been removed and gently put back.

Rabbit Chuan pulled casually, and the board fell to the ground with a clatter, and I saw a dog sticking out his little tongue and falling asleep in this small stereo.

Rabbit Chuan took Doyle out, rubbed it hard, and directly woke up the dog.

Doyle smashed it, licked the corners of his mouth, and looked at Rabbit Chuan with a blank face, what?

Rabbit Chuan nodded its little head and scolded with a smile: "Silly dog!

And Conan outside the door was still trying to find poor Doyle.

Conan looked up and asked, "Mr. Garner, if Doyle is scolded, where will it hide?"

"Huh?" Garner didn't understand why Conan was asking this.

Conan explained: "Because the gangsters forcefully removed Doyle's collar, he may have been frightened and ran somewhere to hide.

Garner also replied: "My mother used to spoil Doyle, basically did not scold him, Arthur used to be jealous of this and tore the sofa cushion in the living room, and hid under my bed when my mother scolded, but now they have a good relationship!"

"Really?" Ayumi frowned and said worriedly, "It would be pitiful if Doyle was hiding somewhere now, trembling with fear.

"Yes," Haibara said with deep feelings, "I hid alone because I was afraid that I wouldn't know when I would be found... It's really painful!

Conan quickly pulled Haibara aside and whispered, "Hey, what are you doing, what are you doing?"

Haibara turned his back and said, "No, I just wanted to warn some optimist who had no plans about how dangerous our situation is now."

Haihara said seriously: "Although I have no evidence, there must have been organized people on the bus that day, as well as the explosion of the Twin Towers skyscraper, maybe they discovered my identity and came to kill me, you and everyone!"

"No way!" Conan grinned and said, "Your identity is definitely not exposed.

Haibara said in horror, "How do you know? Why are you so sure?!

Conan laughed, "Just as you can smell those guys, so can I!" "

Huh?" Haibara looked at Conan mournfully.

Conan said with a serious face: "I can get to the murderous aura of those guys, this is the so-called detective's intuition." I can't target specific people yet, but at least I know that there are no guys in that car who have killing intentions towards you. And the twin towers skyscraper, they didn't blow up the banquet hall, they blew up the computer..." Conan

paused for a moment because he noticed that Haibara was looking at him with a foolish expression.

Conan squinted his eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, what kind of expression are you, look down on the detective?" "

Only the distillery is allowed to smell the alcohol, and the detective is not allowed to smell the murderous gas?

"Not either!" Haibara's mournful eyes wandered, "You just think I'm frightened!"

Conan pouted, forget it, anyway, let's find the dog first!

Conan just wanted to comb through the case from the beginning and review the scene when Doyle was gone, when he saw Rabbit Chuan come out of the house.

Rabbit Chuan held up Doyle and said happily: "Gong Gong! Your little cutie has suddenly appeared! "

Woooo Doyle jumped to his master's feet, jumping and begging for a hug, as if nothing had happened.

"Doyle!! It's really Doyle! Garner also hugged the lost and recovered Doyle, "Really, where did you little naughty just run away?" Garner

also checked Doyle from beginning to end, fortunately there was no injury at all, and his heart was finally put back in his stomach.

"Wow, it's really Doyle!" The children ran over and surrounded Doyle excitedly, "Brother Rabbit Chuan is so good!" Better than Arthur and Conan! The

smile at the corner of Tu Chuan's mouth suddenly froze, although he knew that they were praising themselves, but it was not necessary!

Conan asked curiously, "Brother Rabbitchuan, where did you find Doyle?"

Rabbit Chuan sold a pass and said with a smile: "Come and guess, give you a hint, I found Doyle in the items that Mr. Garner had already ordered to give away, and this gemstone brand."

Rabbit Chuan pulled out a name tag set with diamonds and red sapphires, and Garner Zhao immediately recognized it as the name tag on Doyle's collar.

Garner Zhao also said in disbelief: "Could it be that it is really one of them who is against Doyle... How is this possible? Garner

couldn't believe it, they were good partners of the dog club, the dog was so cute, how could it hurt the dog?

Conan seemed to understand, and asked Garner, "Mr. Garner, when will they be able to take those items they fancy?"

Still confused, Garner replied subconsciously: "Mr. Tsunashima's wall clock will be delivered to his home tomorrow, Miss Hasuneki's stereo will be delivered in ten days, and as for Miss Tosa Rin, who suddenly visited, according to her character, she should take it today, right?" "

So, Conan fully understood, Doyle is hiding in...

"In a vase!" Mitsuhiko replied, "It must be Miss Tozorin's hiding Doyle in the vase, so that when she takes the vase, she can secretly take Doyle hidden in the vase with her."

Ayumi and Genta clapped their hands and shouted, "Mitsuhiko, you are so good!"

Conan kept nodding, yes, that's right.

Haibara quipped: "The detective was preempted by children!" "

Beep, wrong answer!" Rabbit Chuan posed a big cross with both hands, "There is nothing in the vase." "

Huh? How so? The juvenile detective team was collectively stunned, and Rabbit Chuan's denial was beyond their expectations.

However, Yoshio Tsunashima's wall clock can't hide a puppy at all, and the sound will not be delivered to Hasunoki Shino's house until ten days later, and all that remains is the vase taken today, why is it right?

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