Recently, Haihara has been emotionally unstable, and since the last time he met a mysterious passenger on the bus, Haihara has been locking himself up at home.

Dr. Agasa finally persuaded Haibara to come out and relax, but just after returning from camping, he met Gin Jiu (car) in the Twin Towers skyscraper, and then the distillery traitor Yoshiaki Hara was killed, the Twin Towers skyscraper building was bombed, and the one-stop service of the distillery's murder and destruction of corpses directly scared Haibara Mourning.

Haihara is not generally afraid now, she is already numb, lying flat, while she is still alive, eat and drink if she can, and think about whether to write a suicide note... Forget it, people like her should not leave traces in the world, find a good place with beautiful mountains and waters another day, bury it!

Conan and the uneasy Haibara are completely opposite, Conan feels that those two events are just coincidences, and Haibara thinks too much.

It has been so long since the bus incident, if those people really noticed something, then these people would have been killed a long time ago, how could they have lived until now!

"Dr. Agasa, have you picked which one to choose?" Garner Teruya smiled and said, "You're welcome, just open your mouth if you like anything."

Dr. Agasa walked around the living room with his back to his back and said no longer politely: "Then I'll take this stereo!"

Garner also said in a panic: "No, that, I'm sorry!" That stereo has already been ordered. The

punch came so quickly, thankfully Arthur ran over to break the ice.

"Wang! Woof! Woof! Arthur wagged his tail happily and barked at Garner.

Garner Teruya reprimanded, "Arthur! Don't run into the house with muddy feet! Seeing

that the master did not understand what he meant, Arthur stepped forward and bit the master's pant leg, directly dragged the useless owner out, trotted all the way and dragged the owner to the entrance.

"Hey, Arthur! Stop, stop! Garner also stood firm, and Arthur sat obediently next to him.

Rabbit Chuan followed them out, and saw a quiet and beautiful sister standing at the door, holding a well-behaved shepherd dog in her hand.

Shino Hasunoki said gently: "I'm sorry, I rang the doorbell several times, but your doorbell seems to be malfunctioning, Arthur is very smart, knows to help me find you, so please don't be angry with Arthur, okay?"

Garner Zhao also stood upright, scratching his head and laughing: "Haha, I'm sorry, I blame me for not hearing."

Arthur knew that the master would not be angry, and stuck out his tongue and ran to Hasunoki Shino around.

Shino Hasunoki smiled and took off his dog's leash, patted it on the head, and said, "Go play with Arthur!" "

Shino Hasunoki opened the door, and the two dogs chased me and spread joy everywhere in the yard.

Ayumi said excitedly: "Wow, their relationship is so good!" Shino

Hasunoki said to the children, "Her name is Christine!"

Rabbit Chuan patted Conan's head and said, "Conan, your partners were snatched away by Christine, and they have become good partners of the king and queen of the mystery novel world!"

Conan had nothing to say, in short, he knew that this terrier would not go through today.

Dr. Agasa had already guessed that the stereo was booked by Shino Hasungi, who said that he planned to give it to his brother, who was admitted to high school.

"I think you'd better hurry up and separate them!" Tosa Rinaki walked to the entrance, leaned against the wall of the corridor, and said to Hasunoki Shino in a strange way, "In case you get your belly big and accidentally give birth to a mongrel dog, it's not worth it." "

Huh?" Shino Hasunoki looked at a loss, and Garner's also panicked.

Uncle Tsunajima also walked out and snorted coldly: "Hmph, you don't need to worry about it, anyway, Arthur is going abroad soon, right, Mr. Garner?"

Garner also said hesitantly, "Hmm... That's right, too.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the synchronized expressions of Teruya Gara and Shino Hasunki, and knew these two people without guessing... Hehe, there's a problem, there's a big problem.

Now, Garner Teruya's home, excluding the protagonist group has gathered four people, it's time to enlarge the move!


bell - bell - bell - bell - the bell rang at 12 o'clock, and Doyle, in Haibara's mournful arms, jumped out and ran wildly through the corridor.

Haibara looked at the empty arm in a daze, her Tisby was gone....

Ayumi looked up and asked Teruya Garner, "Doyle, what's wrong with it?"

Garner laughs: "It's snack time, because my mom feeds Doyle his favorite cheese at 12 noon every day, and it's now a habit."

Garner Zhao also turned to the kitchen to take out a plate of cheese, and said as he walked: "Follow me, I will show you an interesting thing, my grandfather also likes dogs, my mother so that the deceased grandfather can see Doyle every day, stay at the table in the Japanese room to feed him snacks." Hearing

this, Rabbit Chuan paused, wait, this won't be a ghost story, right?

Garner Zhao was still smiling and said: "Over time, Doyle has developed a habit that whenever he hears the bell ringing at 12 o'clock, he will consciously run to the Japanese room, bite his blue cushion to the serving table, sit on the cushion and wait."

Mitsuhiko asked a good question and said, "What if it's 12 midnight?" However

, in order to let his grandfather see the dog, Garner Teruya's mother insisted on taking the clock to the watch shop and turning the clock out at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, so Garner Teruya's clock would only ring at 12 noon.

This is so filial piety!

The children quietly opened the paper door of the Japanese room, expecting to see Doyle sitting on the blue cushion expectantly, but there was nothing in the Japanese room at this time.

Doyle, gone!

"Doyle! Where are you?

"Doyle? Come out quickly?

"Doyle..." Doyle

disappeared, and Garner and Conan searched everywhere, in the cupboard, under the bed, even in the pit, and they couldn't find anywhere.

Suddenly, Arthur's voice came from outside, not only the naughty Arthur, but even Christine was calling, and Garner Zhao realized that something must have happened.

Conan and Garner also ran to the backyard and saw smoke from the incinerator.

Conan realized that something was wrong, picked up the clip on the ground, rummaged through the fire despite the danger, but only clipped out a small piece... Collar!!

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