"Oh, that's how it is!" Ayumi came over and touched Arthur's dog's head.

Mrs. Yuan came over and said in disgust: "You are really stupid!"

Mitsuhiko complained on the side: "But the personality of not being bright in a small place seems to be really similar to Conan!" "

Whaa A cold sweat fell from the back of Arthur's dog's head.

Conan put on a dead fish eye and said speechlessly: "Please, why did you get me and the dog together again."

"Dangerous people who are ostracized by their friends?" Haibara said nonchalantly, "In my case, maybe this is not a misunderstanding. "

Hey, ash, ash..." Conan was a little overwhelmed when he heard this, "What are you talking about?"

Haibara replied absentmindedly, "I'm kidding..." Conan

was confused, he really couldn't understand what this woman was thinking.

As soon as Conan turned around, he found that the children behind him were whispering, alas, even the minds of children are not easy to guess now!

"Actually, Arthur keeps yelling, and there's another reason." A middle-aged uncle walked slowly into the yard and said to Garner Zhaoya, "You just stopped Arthur's voice is too tepid, when the dog makes a mistake, you should be more ruthless, otherwise it will think that you are playing games with it, it will not have a long memory, you should pay more attention in the future!"

"Hahaha, I see." Teru Gana smirked and scratched his head, and then introduced Dr. Akasa, "This is Mr. Yoshio Tsunashima, whom I met at the Dog Lovers Association, and he is here today for the same reason as you..."

Teruya's parents were not interested in antiques at all, they originally planned to sell these old things, but they felt sorry for the old man, so they decided to give these old things to friends who were interested in them, which is not a waste of the old man's heart.

Dr. Agasa asked, "In other words, don't you want any of these things?"

Garner Zhao also said generously: "Yes, you can just pick and choose!" "

Yay!" Hearing Teruya's words, the three little ones happily ran to the display shelf, Ayumi took a doll, and Genta took a model airplane. Mitsuhiko took an ancient hourglass.

Dr. Agasa smiled and said, "I'm really sorry to break your bank, these things seem to be very expensive." "

Haha, it's okay, it's also dusty to put here." Garner also bowed his head and said to the children, "But just take good care of them." "

Good~" The three little ones only agreed very happily.

Garner Teriya added: "There are still many things in it that I will go abroad, Dr. Agasa should also pick one too, I will only take Arthur with me when I settle abroad, and my parents will probably only bring Doyle."

Conan asked suspiciously, "Doyle?

At this moment a beautiful Papillon ran into the room and barked at Conan's feet: "Woof!

Garner Zhao also smiled gently: "It's Doyle, my mother's dog."

Conan squatted down and stroked Doyle, reasonably speculating: "Arthur and Doyle have it, is there still Conan here?"

Garner Zhao also said embarrassedly: "My father's shepherd dog is called Conan, but it fell ill and died two years ago."

"Uh... So..." Conan was also embarrassed.

Rabbit Chuan picked up the cute Doyle and said to Conan: "It's okay, because we still have Conan here!" "

Huh..." Conan's smile gradually forced down, he couldn't get by with the dog today, right?

Yuantai twisted his brows and said, "This dog is called a butterfly-eared dog, what a strange name?"

Uncle Tsunashima, a dog lover, explains, "Because its original name is papillon, which means butterfly in French, this dog was very popular among the court nobility in the 16th century, and it is said that even Queen Mary's dog is a butterfly-eared dog!"

Uncle Tsunajima gently picked up Doyle, stroked Doyle, and said with love: "Its hair is so smooth and shiny at all times, it is worthy of being an award-winning famous dog!"

Dr. Agasa said curiously, "Oh? Doyle has won awards!

Garner also said modestly: "It's just a competition organized by my mother in the community."

Uncle Tsunashima hugged Doyle and said with a smile: "Garner is too modest, Doyle is a real famous dog Oh, I remember that someone was willing to pay 1 million to buy Doyle!"

"One, a million?!" Dr. Agasa was shocked, is this a walking million yen?

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the huge gem on Doyle's collar, this dog is more than a million!

"It is indeed an elegant and noble puppy." A strange woman's voice came from the doorway, "Love is coquettish and willful, almost exactly like Queen Mary who was guillotined." Garner

Teruya exclaimed, "Miss Tozorin?

Wearing a patterned headscarf, Tosaurin Yaki leaned against the door frame and said insincerely: "Ah, sorry, I saw you open the door, so I came in by myself, because your mother said that you can give me anything I like, and I will come and take a look."

Tosa Rinyaki glanced at the vase placed at the door and said, "I see that this vase in the living room is not bad, and the others... Forget it, I'll go to other places to pick and choose, and I'll lose company first.

Tosaurin Aki turned away with a word to himself, almost more like the owner of the family than Teru Garner.

Dr. Agasa asked dryly, "Is she also a dog lover?"

"yes," Garner said at a loss, "I remember she wasn't like this before..."

Uncle Tsunashima snorted and said, "Hmph, I think she's so awkward because her dog lost to Doyle in the game... Alas, Oops! And that clock in the room can't let her take it!

Uncle Tsunajima put Doyle nearby in Haibara's hand, hurriedly walked out of the room, and said, "I should have put a note telling everyone that the clock had been set."

Tuchuan couldn't help but complain: "How do I feel like a seized product at customs."

Ayumi said excitedly: "Haihara, do you want to pick something?"

"Yes, yes!" Genta and Mitsuhiko also said on the side, "There are a lot of fun things here, you can pick one too!"

"Then I'll pick this dog." Haibara looked at Doyle affectionately, "If I become a revenant under the knife on the guillotine, like Queen Mary, will she also follow in my footsteps and plunge into the Seine like her dog Tisby?"

"What do you say, Doyle?" Haibara suddenly became happy and pressed his cheek against the furry Doyle.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Doyle, who was pasted with Gray Plain, and his little eyes that were at a loss seemed to say: "Big sister, who are you?"

"Hey! Haibara..." Conan had black lines all over his head.

"What a strange girl!" Garner thinks this kid... She was supposed to be joking, right?

Dr. Agasa snorted next to him: "Yes, yes, children nowadays have personalities, hahahaha..."

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