The next morning, Rabbikawa saw on the TV news that Nishitama City Councilman Iwamatsu Oki was brutally killed last night in the suite of the Joban Group's unopened Twin Towers Skyscraper Hotel.

After breakfast, Rabbit Chuan received a call from the Twilight Police Department, asking Rabbit Chuan to come to the Metropolitan Police Department to cooperate with the investigation.

Ohki Iwamatsu is already cold, is Yuan Jiaming still far away?

Rabbit Chuan came to the Metropolitan Police Department on time, walked into the open conference room, and looked at it, and it was full of old brothers from the Twilight Police Department, the Maori family of three, Dr. Agasa, Sonoko Suzuki, and even the juvenile detective team.

"Here it comes, Brother Rabbitchuan!" The Twilight Police Department greeted enthusiastically, "Sit down, sit quickly, we will start now."

Rabbikawa said hello and sat down next to Mori Kogoro.

The police department cleared his throat and said with a serious expression: "I invited everyone here today for a murder that happened last night." Everyone

was shocked to see Officer Chiba posting photos of the victims on the whiteboard.

Conan said in shock, "This, this is not..." Maori

Kogoro continued, "Isn't this Mr. Iwamatsu Ohki, a city councilor from Nishitama City?!"

The police department nodded and said, "I heard from Miss Tokiwa Mio that you were there when Councilor Ohki proposed to check in to the hotel early, so I asked if you noticed anything strange at that time."

Officer Chiba opened the case file and said, "Councilor Ohki's presumed time of death was between 10 p.m. and midnight, and the murder weapon should have been a knife, but it was not left at the crime scene, but strangely, we found a small porcelain cup that was split in two in the hands of the deceased."

"That's it, it's a small porcelain cup with a lot of value." Officer Shiratori took out a physical evidence bag, and inside the bag was a small broken white porcelain cup with ripples.

Because Oki Iwamatsu brought his own sake, the small porcelain cup was probably brought into the room by Oki Iwamatsu along with the sake, so the Twilight Police Department guessed that this was most likely the death message left by Oki Iwamatsu.

Officer Shiratori said, "Because the scene is an unopened building, we are currently locking the suspect in the five people who heard Councilor Ohki's proposal that day. Officer

Chiba pasted photos on the whiteboard in turn: Mio Tokiwa, president of the Tokiwa Group, Chinami Sawaguchi, secretary to the chairman, Hidehiko Kazami, the designer of the building, and Yoshiaki Hara, a director and engineer.

Rabbit Chuan immediately asked, "What about surveillance?" Have you ever photographed anyone entering the room? The

Twilight Police Department, Chiba and Officer Shiratori were silent.

Rabbit Chuan asked carefully: "No, it's the 21st century now, the presidential suite of the luxury hotel on the 67th floor, there should be a monitor in the corridor, right?" "

Well..." said the Twilight Police Department with a helpless sigh, "It's a pity that the hotel has not activated the monitoring system because the building is still open to the public."

The corners of Rabbit Chuan's mouth twitched, this Tokiwa Mio definitely has a pit in his brain, is a big consortium worse than this electricity bill?

Maori Kogoro thought seriously for two seconds, excitedly ruled out a wrong answer for everyone, and said: "I know, the murderer is Yoshiaki Hara, because the small porcelain cup (ochoko) of the death message refers to chocolate!"

"This can't be!" Ayumi was the first to retort, "Mr. Hara is so kind and a good person who invites us to eat chocolate, how can he kill people?" "

Rabbit Chuan wants to give Ayumi a slap in the head, Ayumi, long snacks, people who can smile and invite children to eat candy, in addition to good people, there are also human traffickers!"

However, the Twilight Police Department said that Yuan Jiaming had an alibi, and the murderer should not be him.

Maori Kogoro stared at the Twilight Police Department with resentful eyes, why didn't he say it earlier!

Dr. Agasa then asked the question of the motive for the killing.

"It is still under investigation, and although Oki Iwamatsu is only a city councilor, because the mayor of Nishitama City has just taken office, Oki Iwamatsu has more power than the mayor, and even the twin towers building was built after Ohki councilor forcibly revised the city regulations."

Conan understood why Tokiwa Mio couldn't refuse Oki Iwamatsu's unreasonable request.

Conan immediately gave another conjecture and said, "This little porcelain cup looks a lot like Miss Mio's brooch!" Maori

Kogoro wanted to throw Conan out on the spot and shouted, "Miso is so gentle and beautiful, how can she kill someone?" "

Rabbit Chuan almost dropped the stool, although he had expected it, but really, Uncle Maori is less reliable than Ayumi little loli!

At this time, the old girl of the Twilight Police Department gave a reliable statement.

Suzuki Sonoko said, "Could that mean the painter, because that small porcelain cup is very similar to the small dish used for painting, which is the mortar used to grind white beard powder with a pestle?" "

White beard powder is the white pigment used in painting.

The Twilight Police Department felt that what the old girl said made sense, but there was no point about the small porcelain cup found in Hidehiko Kazama and Chinami Sawaguchi, but they did not have an alibi.

Conan asked Officer Shiratori beside him, "Officer Shiratori, is Kazama really Teiji Moriya's apprentice?"

Conan asked, and Officer Shiratori replied, "It's true, but they are different types of architects, Teiji Moriya is an artist type, and Hidehiko Kazama is better at technical aspects, and there is nothing special about it." Conan

secretly pulled out a photo of the scene from Officer Shiratori's folder, in which Oki Iwamatsu sat on the ground covered in blood, with his back against the wardrobe, but only the lower part of the wardrobe had blood stains, and the blood stains were a little unnatural.

Before Conan could see it, Officer Shiratori suddenly withdrew the photo and said, "This is not something that children should see!"

Conan looked up and obediently shouted: "Good~" lowered

his head and couldn't help sighing, alas, the identity of a child is really troublesome, wait, small porcelain cup, small shot glass... Isn't that wine!

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