Conan thought that someone saw a Porsche 356A parked under the building that day, could it be that the group of men in black did the case?

Conan turned his head to look at Haihara and asked in a low voice: "Haihara, should it be..." Haibara

shook his head and said seriously: "It is true that their code names are all wine names, but they will never be stupid enough to let the deceased leave such an obvious message."

Haibara was quite sure that the wine of their distillery would never make such a low-level mistake.

Conan thought about it, what Haibara said made sense!

Rabbit Chuan has been paying attention to their whispered words, Haibara is too dihua distillery, she should really be allowed to see the case of Koji Haneda 17 years ago.

Old beauty 17 years ago, Rum took a group of little brothers to assassinate... Siege and kill capitalist Amanda Hughes, as a witness, Koji Haneda is killed by Rum fed A medicine (Miyano couple version).

Rum and a group of his little brothers began to wait for Koji Haneda to breathe, but they didn't expect the strip to come, Rum... Rum he turned around with a bunch of little brothers and ran?

This scene is really familiar!

"I'm Shinichi Kudo, and when I was playing at an amusement park with my childhood sweetheart, I witnessed the trading scene of the black-clad organization, was slapped with a stick, and was fed a poison... When I woke up, my body became smaller!"

It's a pity that Koji Haneda's life is not good, he didn't get smaller, but he used the last moment of his life to dig a big hole in the sake brewery!

Before dying, Koji Haneda used scissors to cut the letters on the mirror, leaving behind a death message - UMASCARA.


Rum, rum!!

Rum, a second-in-command of the distillery, with a group of little brothers, was actually scared away by the strip, so that Koji Haneda left such a big pit before he died, and even the name of the organization boss was leaked!

Look at the people's ginjiu, that is with a vodka dare to detonate the twin towers skyscraper in front of the strips, if you bring the Wolong Phoenix chicks, he dares to drive an osprey to bomb the wolf of the Tokyo Tower, no wonder the gin wine does not convince Rum, Rum is really not good.

Of course, it may not be that rum can't do it, but that their domestic gang of slivers are not very good, so that gin wine is becoming more and more intensified in the country and doing whatever he wants.

Otherwise, why didn't Yasuharu Haneda and Yusaku Kudo entrust the FBI to investigate the case when their son had an accident, instead of choosing Neon Public Security?

Here, Valley Zero really wants to take a bite!

Rabbit Chuan's thoughts were pulled back by the twitter of the child beside him, and he turned his head to see that the three little ones were muttering on the side, plotting something.

Rabbit Chuan thought with his toes that they must be trying to secretly investigate the case behind someone's back.

Rabbit Chuan turned back again, he saw that Conan's little eyes were also staring at these little ghosts, and there was a bear child head accompanying them.

Sure enough, after leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Motota, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi pretended to go back to their respective homes, but in fact, they secretly agreed to gather in front of the Mika Station for a while, in order to get rid of Conan and solve the case before Conan, but they were blocked by Conan.

Conan was helpless, instead of letting them take risks secretly, it was better to accompany them himself, so the young detective team went out again!

In fact, Ayumi invited Haibara with Conan behind their backs, but Haibara was not interested in this kind of thing, and she knew that Edogawa would definitely follow, so she refused their invitation and went to watch the movie alone.

Rabbit Chuan also plans to go to the cinema to watch a movie, the two of them still go to the same cinema, what a coincidence, then watch it together.

Haibara originally planned to watch "The Godfather", but Rabbit Chuan had already helped Haihara Mori buy movie tickets, "Evangelion Theatrical Version: DEATH (TRUE)² / Air/ True for You".

Come and see how humans can break free from the shackles of their bodies and move towards the end of their evolution - becoming eternal "gods"!

Haibara's expression when he walked out of the movie theater was probably ... Red fire trance.

As a scientist who helped the organization develop APTX4869, Haibara was deeply touched, but in the end she decided to give up thinking, didn't want to, and tomorrow she would accompany the children to play detective games!

On the other hand, the juvenile detective team has already planned to visit Kazahiko Kazama and Ruotsuki Minesui in Asahina Town, who currently live in Nishitama City, and tomorrow as scheduled to visit Yoshiaki Hara, who lives in Futabochao.

The group of young detectives boarded the train and arrived in Asahina Town in the afternoon, and they first went to Hidehiko Kazama's house, who kindly entertained them, but they did not ask for useful information.

After that, I went to the house of Ruyue Feng Shui, which was built on a small hillside, compared to Kazama Hidehiko's warm apartment, the Japanese wind mansion on the side of Ruyue Feng Water was extremely depressing.

The young detective group knelt behind Master Ruyue like four little quails, and did not dare to disturb the master to paint.

Guangyan finally plucked up his courage, and just wanted to ask about the case, but was yelled back by the old man Ruyue with anger.

Old man Ruyue didn't mean to yell at these little ghosts, he just felt that these little ghosts were too much of a hindrance here.

Old man Ruyue didn't want to say anything, but just patiently drew a stick figure for each of the imps, signed his name, gave these imps as souvenirs, and then drove out these imps who got in the way.

Conan and several people took their impression paintings, and walked out of the house in confusion, although they were unwilling, but it was late at this time, they had to go back to their respective houses, and they would talk about something tomorrow.

By the next day, the detective game of the Young Detective Group added three people, Haihara Mo, Rabbit River and Amuro Toru.

"Let me introduce you." Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand to Amuro Toru beside him, "This is Mr. Amuro Toru, currently a detective. Mr. Amuro, these children are..." "

I'm Motota Kojima!"

"I'm Mitsuhiko Madaya!"

"I'm Ayumi Yoshida!" Ayumi grabbed Haibara and Conan one by one to stand in the center, "They are Edogawa Conan and Haibara Mo, we are..."

Yes! The three little ones cheered.

"Yay..." Conan and Haibara were forced to go into business.

Haibara regretted it, she shouldn't have come today!

Amuro greeted very kindly, "Oh, it turns out that you are the famous juvenile detective team in Yonehana Town, it is a pleasure to meet you." "

Rabbit River saw that Haihara was on the verge of social death, could it be that this distillery radar failed? Or is it only effective for Bourbon, but not for Amuro?

Mrs. Yuan asked very bluntly: "Big brother, are you really a detective, why haven't I heard your name?"

Amuro smiled awkwardly, "Haha, because I'm not a very famous detective, I haven't solved the case myself."

"Oh, that's how it is!" Mrs. Yuan patted his chest very angrily and said, "It's okay, our juvenile detective group will cover you in the future!"

Amuro burst out laughing and said, "Hahaha, then I really want to thank you."

Yuan Tai replied modestly: "Where where, you're welcome." "

Rabbit Chuan twisted his head to the side, these little ghosts, you are really not welcome!

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