Conan and Amuro Toru did not speak, the two of them together added eight hundred heart eyes, a phone call was stunned to play a spy blockbuster visual sense.

All this is expected by Rabbitikawa , although Conan is a little reckless, but his IQ is absolutely online, as long as he realizes that he is an outsider here, he will never expose Kudo Shinichi's existence.

Besides, Amuro Toru still has the name of the wine on his head, and Ko Xue's aura will never drop... Right?

Of course, Ke Xue's aura did not drop, Conan not only realized that the opposite side was not Rabbit River, but even made up for it from kidnapping to burglary, and then to murder, the old brother did not speak, there must definitely be an accident!

He pities the weak and helpless Oudoudou, what has the cruel and ruthless world done to him!

World Consciousness: ...???

"Hey, brother Rabbitchuan, I'm Conan, are you free now?" In order to confirm Rabbitukawa's safety, Kudo Shinichi decisively put down the voice changer and chose to use the voice of a child to make the gangsters on the opposite side relax their vigilance.

"Ah, it turned out to be Conan!" Amuro was a little disappointed in his heart, and said with a smile on his face, "I am Amuro Toru." "

Conan was stunned, Amuro Toru? Who is it? It sounds a little familiar, and it feels a little dangerous.

Conan clenched the microphone and tentatively asked, "Hello, Mr. Amuro." What about brother Rabbitchuan?

Amuro said naturally, "He's drinking water, what's wrong with you?"

Conan casually made up a reason, and said in a cute clip voice: "I want to ask Brother Rabbitchuan, do you want to go to Mr. Hara Jiaming's house with us on the weekend?" "

Hara Jiaming?!

Amuro was shocked in his heart, wasn't Yoshiaki Hara the traitor that Gin Jiu was looking for? How did Rabbit Chuan know him?

Toru Amuro approached Rabbikawa precisely because he discovered that Rabbitagawa would always sabotage the organization's plans by chance.

But after getting along with Rabbit River for such a long time, Amuro Toru did not find anything abnormal about this child.

No, it's still a little abnormal, it's unusually unlucky, there will always be some unexpected events, such as corpses, bombs, robbers... Hey, when did his country become so dangerous?

Amuro also heard Matsuda Jinpei say that this child happily went to get a bus card a few days ago, but he did not expect that he encountered a carjacker on the bus for the first time, not only the bus was blown up into slag, but he was also sent to the hospital by ambulance, I really don't know what to say.

Rabbit Chuan came out of the kitchen, feeling Amuro's strange look in his eyes, uh... What does this mean?

As he walked towards Amuro, Rabbit Chuan asked, "Mr. Amuro, who called?"

"Oh, it's Conan's call." Amuro handed the phone to Rabbitikawa and said, "He asked if you were free to go out to Mr. Yoshiaki-Hara's house on weekends.

Rabbit Chuan took the phone, resisted the urge to hang up, and said with a smile: "Hey, Conan, it's me." When

Conan heard Rabbit Chuan's voice, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, scared him to death, and thought that something had happened to his brother.

Conan put the earring-type phone back in his pocket, he was just about to call the police.

Conan over there is relaxed, Rabbit Chuan over here can die of nervousness, this unlucky old brother has nothing to mention about Hara Jiaming!

Conan asked again, who is Toru Amuro?

Rabbit Chuan replied, "Oh, you said Mr. Amuro, Conan, have you forgotten, what you saw in the Dusk Mansion, it's the detective who plays that game with you!" Listening

to Rabbit Chuan's words, Conan remembered, yes, they met at the detective party at the Dusk Mansion, and the old brother invited the detective who came to decrypt the treasure hunt with them.

Rabbit: No, it's not the detective club, it's the escape room.

Conan was completely relieved, it turned out to be an acquaintance, and he was also a detective.

After Rabbit Chuan casually dealt with Conan, he hung up the phone, and when he turned around, he inadvertently saw the scene where Amuro's extremely sharp eyes instantly softened.

Alas, is this the oppressive force from Bourbon Black?

Amuro Toru still had a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and while cleaning up the dishes, he nagged: "Mr. Rabbit Chuan is still very fortunate to live alone, housework is hired part-time, clothes are delivered to the dry cleaner, three meals basically rely on takeaway, I don't mean that takeaway is not good, but I still make your own food rest assured..."

Amuro said his, Rabbit Chuan just nodded, gave a little response: "We have known each other for so long, Mr. Amuro don't call me Mr. Rabbit, just call me Rabbit-Chuan." "

It's better to be respectful than to obey, Rabbit-Chuan." Amuro looked very surprised, and then sighed, "If only I had a smart and cute brother like you."

Rabbit River naturally made up for Amuro's unspoken words: Unlike Kudo Shinichi, I only feel sorry for my younger brother.

Rabbit Chuan quickly shook off this strange thought, and said weakly: "Actually, in my heart, I have always regarded Mr. Amuro as an older brother. Amuro

was so moved, he immediately proposed that he did not worry about Rabbitakawa living alone, and even if he quit his job as a delivery boy, he still wanted to come and see Rabbitagawa occasionally.

Rabbit Chuan wanted to say thank you, but he didn't have to, he sent Akemi Miyano away to make room for Akai Shuichi, he didn't want to watch the farce of having a lover who eventually became a brother and sister again.

But now that Bourbon is coming together, these two can't fight at his house!

In fact, Rabbit Chuan still smiled and said, "Well, Mr. Amuro can come over at any time, and we can also hang out together when we have time."

"Okay, if you have somewhere you want to go, I can drive you there." Amuro had a smile on his face, "By the way, aren't you going to hang out with Conan this weekend?" I'll drive you there, right?

"Yes!" Rabbit Chuan replied, "If it is convenient for Mr. Amuro." "

It's okay, anyway, I can't wait for this weekend, Yuan Jiaming will be cold in the past two days, in short, there is no big problem."

However, Mr. Amuro seems to have forgotten that he still has to take care of his friend who was in a car accident, forget it, don't remind him, his friend will definitely be fine in a few days.

On the other side, Kenji Hagiwara is almost out of knowing his old friend.

The world has changed too much, and the simple little sheep back then have now learned to put on wolf skin to deceive the little white rabbit?

However, their little rabbit cub is not a vegetarian, and although Kenji Hagiwara did not understand, he knew that he was afraid of falling for it.

Kenji Hagiwara silently lit a wax for his friend in his heart, silently mourned, and mourned.

After Amuro left, Rabbitikawa laughed.

Kenji Hagiwara pulled his socks out from under the sofa cushion and expertly threw them into the washing machine, and since the dry cleaner had contracted Rabbitikawa's dirty laundry, the family's newly purchased washing machine had begun to take on the burden of washing socks and bitter tea.

Rabbit Chuan also thought that Amuro Toru was coming to his house as a nanny, but Rabbit Chuan saw that Amuro Toru seemed to be very busy recently, and he should not have that time.

In fact, even if Amuro wants to be a thing, Rabbit Chuan will not refuse, anyway, Rabbit Chuan has nothing in the family that is not visible, even if there is... Rabbit River glanced at Kenji Hagiwara, and Amuro couldn't see it, what a pity!

As for Shuichi Akai, the matter of not leaving a single word for the eight characters, it is too early to worry about this.

Amuro does intend to temporarily evacuate Rabbitagawa's side, but he receives interesting news that the file about Mori Kogoro in the archives of the Metropolitan Police Department has been stolen, and the person who stole the file is most likely the organization's thousand-faced witch Belmode.

Amuro laughed, Belmode, Mori Kogoro, Rabbitikawa, members of the organization... It was as if there was an invisible thread connecting them, making Amuro unable to give up lightly.

"But the focus may have to change." Amuro's sharp gaze stared at the photo in his hand, "Mori Kogoro?" Then let me see, sleeping detective! "

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