Tokiwa Mio did not notice Mao Lilan's careful thoughts, turned around and began to introduce the people around him, saying, "This is my painting teacher, a painter like Yuefeng Shui-sensei. Ruyue

Fengshui is already in the age of flower armor, with a gray beard and gray hair, and he is still on crutches, but he only nodded slightly, looking arrogant and domineering and disobedient to old age.

Maori Kogoro immediately thought, "Are you the national treasure painter who is famous for painting Mt. Fuji..."

A drunken bald uncle interrupted Maori Kogoro, "You're the dozing Kogoro detective, right?" Maori

Kogoro emphasized, "It's the "sleeping Kogoro"!

Tokiwa Mio introduced without changing his face, "This is Mr. Ohki Iwamatsu, a member of the City Council of Nishitama City, and it is all thanks to his blessing that the Tokiwa Group can build this building today."

Then Tokiwa Mio turned around and introduced another man and said, "This is the architect who designed this building, Mr. Hidehiko Kazama."

"Speaking of which, I'm still very close to the Maori detective!" Hidehiko Kazama, who had a hooked nose and an eagle nose, said with a gloomy face, "Actually, I am the apprentice of Moriya Teiji. Maori

Kogoro was stunned for a moment, and Conan was shocked, and immediately remembered the crazy architect Teiji Moriya who liked to blow up buildings, especially asymmetrical buildings.

Kazama Hidehiko Jianlin said arrogantly: "Haha, don't worry, I won't blow up this building."

"Blowing up, blowing up? Why? Maori Kogoro subconsciously took a step back, if he left now, would it be too late?

Conan explained: "Because this two-tower building is different in height and asymmetry, right?

Rabbikawa pressed against Maori Kogoro's back, patted him and said, "Uncle Maori, don't worry, Moriya Teiji is still knitting sweaters in prison!"

"And even if he gets out of prison, I think he's more likely to prioritize cleaning his portal than looking for revenge on you." Rabbit Chuan smiled meaningfully, "Who let his good apprentice build a completely asymmetrical twin in his master's dream city!"

Hidehiko Kazama was opposed to the general's army, and quickly hit and said: "Haha, I'm joking, don't take it seriously, I originally wanted to build a pair of completely symmetrical twin buildings, but due to the sinking of the foundation, in short, there are various unavoidable reasons, right?"

Hidehiko Kazama was in a cold sweat, even his back was soaked, when he first took over this project in Nishitama City, he really planned to step on the reputation of his teacher Moriya Teiji to complete his own success.

Since Moriya Emperor II was arrested and imprisoned, the architectural community has quite understood, but most of the A parties do not understand ah, they paid for a building with difficulty, but they were bombed by the architect, this is their building, and the architect has a few yuan relationship!

In order to clear Moriya's reputation, Kazama Hidehiko took the initiative to take over the project in Nishitama City, which others did not dare to accept, and proved to the world with the completely asymmetrical twin buildings that he was by no means the crazy person of his teacher.

Rabbit Chuan didn't say anything more disheartening, anyway, facts speak louder than words, this building will not live long, even if the gin wine does not blow up the building, when the second emperor Moriya is released from prison, he will definitely send it to heaven.

Rabbit Chuan now seemed to hear Moriya Teiji's roar: "Rebel! Rebel!!

"Wow! It's beautiful! It's so big! The children exclaimed as they lay in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Rabbit River looked in their direction, and the walls of the venue were floor-to-ceiling windows that were completely transparent, and from here, the snow-capped peaks seemed to be close at hand, and the whole view of Mt. Fuji was unobstructed.

Even Rabbit River couldn't help but praise: "Mt. Fuji from this angle is really wonderful!"

Tokiwa Mio smiled mysteriously and said, "You can see Mt. Fuji here even at night!" "

Can you do it at night?" Mao Lilan wondered, why can I see it at night?

The child did not run to the floor-to-ceiling window on the other side, but looked down through the window and saw a dome-shaped roof opposite.

Tokiwa Mio came over and introduced: "The B tower next door is a business building, the shop below, the luxury hotel above, and the indoor swimming pool on the top floor, the huge roof can be opened. Maori

Kogoro praised, "It's really amazing!"

Rabbikawa looked back at Mt. Fuji behind him and asked, "Miss Tokiwa, you can't see Mt. Fuji from the hotel in Tower B, right?" "

This..." Tokiwa Mio was really asked, showing an awkward and rude smile.

The reason why Rabbit River says this is because the two towers and Mt. Fuji are in a straight line, Tower A is in the middle, and Tower A is taller than Tower B, so a luxury hotel built in Tower B cannot see Mt. Fuji from any room.

This is like a sea view room that does not see the sea view, what is the point?

Rabbit River feels that the location of Tower A and Tower B should be changed, and the relatively low Tower B is in the middle, so that not only the hotel has a suite with a view of Mt. Fuji, and the number of orders must soar, but also does not delay the high-rise of Tower A behind to see Mount Fuji, as for the bottom floor... Social animals do not need to see Mt. Fuji.

Or simply turn the two towers 90 degrees as a whole, and make the two towers and one mountain into an isosceles triangle, won't you all be able to see Mt. Fuji?

Gee, this Hidehiko Kazama can't get a job, I really can't blame his teacher, his level is really not good!

The bald congressman walked over and said, "Meixu, can I stay in that hotel on the weekend?"

Tokiwa Mio said apologetically, "This... But Congressman, that hotel hasn't opened yet.

The bald congressman was very dissatisfied and said, "That's not okay!"

Seeing this, Tokiwa Mio immediately bowed and said, "I know, I will immediately arrange a suite on the 67th floor for you."

The bald councilor's unorthodox gaze fell on Tokiwa Mio's chest, and he teased casually, "This brooch is quite special, is it something sent by a lover?"

Tokiwa replied, "No, this brooch is my own."

Rabbit Chuan listened to the conversation between these two, this Miss Tokiwa Group is really humble enough, isn't it a city councilor, if he dares to talk to Miss Suzuki like this, he has to let him go to Siberia to plant potatoes for a year.

Most of the parliamentarians are supported by the consortium, the funds of the consortium are directly related to the publicity of the parliamentarian campaign, the greater the publicity force, the more supporters, the more votes, so where do ordinary parliamentarians dare to offend the consortium!

For example, in the city council of Yokohama, half of the councilors on the surface are members of the port consortium, and the other half are secretly supported by Osamu Dazai when he is the leader, and they do not know each other openly and secretly, and they play the art of balance.

However, the new official took office with three fires, one son of heaven and one courtier, and Nakahara Nakaya was worried that someone would turn against the water after he took office, and he planned to change Yokohama to a new city councilor.

The bastard mackerel must have pinched the black material of those people in his hands, and he must change to a city council president who can suppress Osamu Dazai, for example... Taro Hayashi.

Rabbit Chuan was stunned when he heard the news, who said, Miss Hong Kong Black can only sing and sell cute, isn't this quite good at playing?

Who is Taro Hayashi?

Hayashi Taro is Mori's real name, he loved the land of Yokohama so much that he fell into darkness, and he was born in the military and is currently the director of the Yokohama orphanage.

Nakahara Nakahara didn't have any other ideas, he just felt that in terms of qualifications, resumes, and determination, no one loves Yokohama more than Mr. Mori, and Mr. Mori is the most suitable to be the mayor!

Mori Ouwai: People accompany loli at home, the pot comes from heaven, Nakaya-kun, thank you so much!

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