Yuan Jiaming saw the children curiously gathered in front of a machine, and stepped forward to explain: "This is a machine that can predict what it will look like ten years from now.

Dr. Agasa exclaimed, "Can you predict what you will look like ten years from now?" That's awesome!

Ayumi said excitedly: "Dr. Doctor, let's play!" "

Hara Yoshiaki asked Dr. Agasa and Ayumi to sit in the game cabin, skillfully operated the machine, a flying saucer-shaped helmet was lowered, and covered the heads of Dr. Agasa and Ayumi, the glass mask flashed with points of light, and then the flash turned on, "clicked", and the two photos were printed.

Dr. Agasa's photo is no different from it is now, but Ayumi's photo is beautiful, and Mitsuhiko and Motota are too cute.

Genta pointed at Suzuki Sonoko and said, "Much more attractive than this sister!" "

Suzuki Sonoko didn't think about this group of imps, where does the little ghost head understand the charm of adults!"

Rabbit Chuan nodded, after all, this is a rich woman, in fact, except for those men who are born with childhood plums, few people will refuse the charm of Miss Suzuki.

Mitsuhiko and Genta sat in the machine for the second time, and when they got the photo, the two were dumbfounded, and

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said, "Ah, yes, isn't this an ordinary male high school student?"

Maori Lan comforted them and said, "Yes? I think it's a good shot!

"Okay, Xiaolan, it's our turn." Sonoko Suzuki took Mao Lilan's arm and went to take pictures with a smile.

Sonoko Suzuki picked up the photo with a look of anticipation, and then squatted on the ground in frustration, the portrait of the noblewoman in the photo shattered her illusion.

Yuan Tai seized the opportunity to fight back and said with a smile: "I have seen this kind of old woman!"

"Shut up!" Sonoko Suzuki flicked an eye knife over.

On the Maori Lan side, the old father sighed with relief: "It really looks like Yingli when he was young!"

Dr. Agasa said bluntly, "It's too wasteful to be with Shinichi.

Suzuki Sonoko said angrily: "The thought that you will cheapen that kid and obey him makes me angry!" "

Madoka!!" Maori Lan was embarrassed.

Conan couldn't help scratching his head and said embarrassedly: "No, there is, haha!" Maori

Kogoro suddenly bent down and looked down at Conan with a skeptical gaze, asking, "What are you little ghosts proud of?"

Conan blushed and quickly explained: "No, it's that, that, in short, it's not that meaning, haha!" "

Rabbit Chuan had the Nth urge to leave this brother behind, he hasn't even been exposed, Ke Xue, it's all Ke Xue!

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko didn't know what to think, they lowered their heads in disappointment, and Genta, who had no heart and no lungs, shouted: "Next it's Conan and Haibara, hey, Haibara has arrived for you!"

Haihara looked uninterested, waved his hand and refused: "I won't play."

Conan also refused: "I don't play anymore." "

If nothing else, Conan in ten years will be Kudo Shinichi, and Haibara is naturally the appearance of Shiho Miyano, and the appearance of the two of them cannot appear in the sun yet.

Maori Kogoro wanted to pick up Conan and throw it into the machine, but Rabbit River went up to stop Maori Kogoro and said, "Uncle Maori, let's play too."

Maori Kogoro took two steps back and said in disgust, "Hey, I don't want to know what my old face will look like in ten years."

Conan took the opportunity to coax on the side: "Go play!" Uncle Kogoro, go play! "

Less verbosity!" Maori Kogoro punches Conan on the head.

However, Maori Kogoro is still sitting in the cockpit with Rabbit, and Rabbit Chuan still wants to know what he will look like in ten years, to be precise, whether the appearance of this body will become very powerful and domineering after 10 years.

Yuan Jiaming started the machine again, Conan stared at the printing port, also full of expectations, it is not easy to raise children, his brother is a picky eater, stays up late, sleeps in bed, does not love sports, has not changed much in recent years, it still looks like a childish, although he himself has grown backwards, and I don't know what his brother will look like when he grows up?

The flash clicked, Rabbit Chuan subconsciously closed his eyes, Conan looked at the print port expectantly, and suddenly the computer sounded an alarm.

"Huh? What went wrong with the computer? Yuan Jiaming began to type on the keyboard.

Maori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, it was so good that he didn't have to know what his old face looked like at the age of forty or fifty.

Rabbit Chuan is a little regretful, when it was Conan and Haibara's turn to mourn, the machine also broke, but I didn't expect it to be an accident, it was really a program bug that could not withstand the test!

It seems that this original Jiaming's program level is just like that, no wonder it will become an outcast of the organization.

At this time, Sawaguchi Chinami received a call from Tokiwa Mio, asking Mori Kogoro and them to go to the banquet hall on the 75th floor, where Tokiwa Mio would receive them.

Sawaguchi Chinami rashly bumped into Maori Kogoro and quickly bowed to apologize, and Yoshiaki Hara joked on the side that Sawaguchi knew that Nami's zodiac sign was a pig and often reckless.

Chinami Sawaguchi takes everyone to the sightseeing elevator, which is a VIP elevator that can be directly connected to the 75th floor, and the elevator can be parked on any floor inside, but only the first floor outside, the concert hall on the 66th floor and the banquet hall on the 75th floor can be opened.

"Wow! It's so tall! The children lay on the glass, and Ayumi said excitedly, "It's like walking to heaven step by step!"

Rabbit Chuan gave Ayumi little loli a touch of the head and said, "Alas, don't say such unlucky things."

Rabbit Chuan looked at his feet, as the elevator continued to rise, the car downstairs slowly became smaller, looking like a matchbox, especially a classic car, it also became a small black dot.

Maori Kogoro and his party walked into the 75th floor, where the Tokiwa Group was preparing for next week's opening party, and the employees were decorating the venue, and the scene was very busy.

The workplace beauty wearing a red suit stepped forward with a smile and greeted warmly: "Long time no see, senior Maori I'm really sorry, I'm sorry to bother you all the way to make a trip." Maori

Kogoro gently held Tokiwami's outstretched hand and said with a smile: "Haha, long time no see, Tokiwa senior sister, I was embarrassed, I should have come alone." Mio

Tokiwa and Kogoro Maori warmly courtesyed.

Mao Lilan stared at the hand that the two had been holding, and couldn't help but rush up, under the guise of bowing and bumping away his father's arm, greeting: "I am his daughter Xiaolan, and my mother wants me to say hello to you on her behalf!"

Mao Lilan stood between the two, and then introduced: "This is the inventor Dr. Agasa, my classmate Sonoko Suzuki, junior brother Rabbit River one, two, three, and Conan..." Rabbit

Chuan pursed her mouth, Miss Xiaolan This is planning to let Tokiwa Mio send an invitation letter according to the list, an invitation to heaven.

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