The old man Ruyue Feng Shui suddenly snorted, turned around and said, "Meixu, I'm going back!"

Tokiwa Meixu didn't care about the others, and immediately ran to the old man's side and said, "Teacher, I'll send you downstairs."

"No thanks!" The old man turned around and left, but Tokiwa Mio still insisted on sending him to the elevator door, and asked the secretary Sawaguchi Chinami to send the teacher downstairs.

Maori Kogoro was very puzzled, how could this be angry.

Hidehiko Kazama said casually: "Because Miss Mio bought all of Ruzuki-sensei's paintings and sold them at a high price, Rugetsu-sensei was a little bit after she knew about this..." Kazama

Hidehiko saw that Tokiwa Mio was back, and closed his mouth.

Tokiwa Mio walked back and saw Yoshiaki Hara handing out chocolates to the children, and said with a smile: "Although he is a genius programmer, he is actually very childish.

Dr. Agasa said he was very understanding, and said, "Haha, so you can design a fun game!" "

Rabbit Chuan's eyes flickered, Hidehiko Kazama knows Tokiwa Mio very well, Tokiwa Miso is also very concerned about Hara Yoshiaki, plus a bald councilor with an immortal heart, there are a lot of rotten peach blossoms around Tokiwa's eldest lady!

Yuan Jiaming seems to really like children, and after handing out chocolates, he plans to invite them to his house on the weekend.

The three little ones were very happy to hear that they could go to the game designer's house, and thought that they could play new games that no one else had played, and they agreed.

Sonoko Suzuki is still struggling with her own photos, although she looks very graceful and luxurious in the photo, but it is really not the style she wants, will it be better to change her hairstyle?

A big brown wave flashed in front of Suzuki Sonoko's eyes, and suddenly he had a clever move and said, "I'm also getting a curly hair!"

"The school rules that girls are not allowed to perm and dye their hair." Rabbit Chuan said faintly.

Suzuki Sonoko was startled, and the photos in his hand were thrown out, and the whole person moved back, pointing at Rabbit River and saying, "You, when did you come over?"

Rabbit Chuan held his face, glanced at her, and said lightly: "I've been sitting here for a while."

Suzuki Sonoko laughed twice and said, "So, haha..."

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes rolled around, and Rabbit Chuan didn't know if she had listened to her advice.

However, Rabbit Chuan did not say that the school rules of their school did stipulate that students could not dye and perm their hair, not only girls, but also boys.

There are also some more bizarre rules, such as girls can have short hair, but the hairstyle must cover the back of the neck, because people on this side think that girls showing the back of the neck is too sexy and will distract the boy.

Rabbit Chuan is very puzzling, what is sexy about the back of the neck, and it will distract the boys?

It is better to say that the back of the girl's neck is too thin, which is easy to distract the boy and will produce the urge to pinch directly.

Tokiwa Mio saw the sightseeing elevator door suddenly open, and thought that there were another distinguished guest coming, but two ordinary employees walked in, chatting as they walked, they saw a rare classic car downstairs, Porsche APTX... Ah, no, it's a Porsche 356A!

Conan was flabbergasted.

Tokiwa Mio reprimanded: "You two, that's the exclusive elevator for VIPs, and ordinary employees go to the ordinary elevator in the back." "

Yes!" The two ordinary employees were excited.

Conan ran up to them and asked, "Where is the car?" What color car?

The employee looked down and said, "Just downstairs, black." Hearing

this, Conan pulled out his legs and ran, rushed into the sightseeing elevator, and the elevator went all the way down.

Conan was lying on the glass, looking down from the 75th floor three hundred meters high, the car was like a small black dot, but Conan still stared at it.

The elevator had just reached the 60th floor, and suddenly the small black dot under Conan's nose ran away, and Conan was anxious, but he couldn't do anything.

Conan left the elevator and looked in the direction the car left, which guys were really there? But what are they doing here?

Vodka was driving, he cautiously looked at his eldest brother who was under low air pressure and asked, "Big brother, what happened?" How did it go so fast? Gin

Jiu lit a cigarette, took a sip, and said coldly: "It's okay, I see a small trouble, and I feel that it will become a big trouble in the future..."

Vodka was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what Gin was talking about, but just asked, "So is the matter of that traitor still going according to the original plan?"

Gin Jiu said calmly: "It's okay, go according to the original plan, solve the people first."

"Oh, good." Vodka followed the order and continued to drive.

Gin Jiu suddenly laughed, and he suddenly remembered something, Belmode said that the intelligence officer next to Rum did not know what happened, and the part-time job hit the little rabbit cub.

Gin Jiu almost died of laughter, it's great, it's really God help me, and if something happens then, he will push it directly onto Bourbon's body.

At this time, Amuro Toru, who was washing dishes in the back kitchen, sneezed, rubbed his nose and muttered, "Is it that the temperature has changed too much recently, have you caught a cold?" "

Actually, Amuro Toru hasn't been to Rabbitikawa to deliver food for a long time recently, because he found that Rabbitagawa and Matsuda Jinpei have a particularly good relationship, and he is afraid that if he pays too much attention to Rabbita, he will affect Matsuda Jinpei next to Rabbita.

Amuro sighed and put the washed dishes on the cupboard to control the water.

Amuro Toru did not leave this hotel, on the one hand, he did not want to burden Matsuda Jinpei, but on the other hand, he always felt that the rabbit river was strange, rather than the whole Kudo family was strange, so he always felt a sense of discord.

What is the sense of discord?

Amuro thought of a doubt, why Kudo Shinichi is dead, and the people of the Kudo family are still so calm.

Moreover, Amuro Toru discovered one thing while sorting through the files, that Rabbikawa had solved a case in Nagano Prefecture under the guise of Kudo Shinichi.

What does this little detective want to do?

Could it be that he concealed the news of Kudo Shinichi's death and wanted to use Kudo Shinichi's resurrection to lead to the murder of Kudo Shinichi?

It's so dangerous!

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