In fact, Shimabukuro Junhui knows very few things, basically Shimabukuro Junhui's mother inadvertently revealed it, but her mother still had many things before she could explain it clearly, and died unexpectedly.

However, according to the intelligence gathered by Rabbit River on the island, Shimabukuro June's great-grandmother is an old lady who has eaten mermaid meat, but her mother is a real mermaid.

Otherwise, what kind of fire can leave a person with a bone shelf.

Besides, the forensic doctors in this world have experienced hundreds of battles, but the leg bones and toe bones are only shattered, and they haven't lost parts, can't they fight back the whole corpse?

It can be seen that there is something wrong with that scorched sentence.

So, the story should be like this....

A long, long time ago, Shimabukuro Junmei's great-grandmother accidentally ate a piece of mermaid meat, and fortunately she gained the ability to immortalize a mermaid.

But at that time, she was already an old lady, she survived her son and grandson, no one wanted to accept her, and she was afraid of being discovered by others, so she could only leave the country, and finally came to this island inhabited by mermaids, with immortal mermaids.

Some mermaids envy humans whose lives are short and brilliant, they want to eat the flesh of the immortal old lady Shimabukuro and want to become human beings like her.

The old lady Shimabukuro readily agreed, she was really too lonely, if only someone was willing to accompany her to live on the island, even if that person was a mermaid.

The old lady Shimabukuro cut off her legs and stomach and gave it to the mermaids, anyway, she has the ability to die, but she is only missing a piece of meat, supplement nutrition, and quickly recover.

But what Mrs. Shimabukuro doesn't know is that once the mermaid eats whose flesh, it will become exactly the same as it, both in appearance and on the inside.

The mermaids ate the meat of the old lady Shimabukuro and became the appearance of the old lady Shimabukuro.

After a few years, the mermaids who became humans, some died of old age, some died of illness, and some died accidentally, and the old lady Shimabukuro buried them in a secret valley, and the valley bloomed with undefeated red flowers, which is the mermaid tomb.

The remaining mermaids did not want to die and turned back into mermaids, and some wanted to become younger humans.

A mermaid who becomes a human can change back into a mermaid as long as it returns to the sea, and when it lands again, it will change back to a human.

However, if they stay in the sea for a long time, once they are lost in the nature of the mermaid and lose their humanity, they will never be able to change back to their human form, even if they eat the flesh of the immortal again.

Mrs. Shimabukuro also didn't want the mermaids who turned into humans to die, she finally found a place to live, she wanted to live with the mermaids, if not live together, she wanted to give them a young life.

Old lady Shimabukuro thought of a way, since her meat is too old, then cultivate a tender ... Ahem, young.

The old lady Shimabukuro began to collect abandoned human orphans, and in batches, brought them back to the village, raised them carefully, and when they became adults, they would feed them mermaid meat.

Mrs. Shimabukuro thought to herself that so many people could always find someone suitable for mermaid, but in the end, only one girl managed to survive.

The old lady Shimabukuro and the mermaids were ecstatic, and just as they wanted to enjoy the fruits of victory, a stinky man accidentally broke into the village, and when he saw it, he accidentally snatched the girl away.

When the mermaids chase the girl, they accidentally fall into the sea with them, but in the process of chasing the dispute, the mermaid nature is stimulated.

Except for one mermaid who was more contentious and took a bite of the girl's flesh first, the other mermaids all changed back to mermaids and could not change back to human form.

Seeing that the incident had come to this point, the old lady Shimabukuro could not get it back, so she took the initiative to admit everything and begged the man to let them go, she knew that she had made a big mistake, and she only hoped that the man would leave the village with the girl.

Those mermaids who returned to their nature went to the deep sea, and since then they have not been heard from, and the islands where the mermaids inhabit are no longer mermaids.

The old lady Shimabukuro recognized the only mermaid girl left on the shore as her daughter, and the mother and daughter depended on each other in the desolate village.

Later, some people from small villages moved over one after another, and some people who fled from outside stayed, and more and more people in the village.

Later, the mermaid daughter of Mrs. Shimabukuro married a human man and gave birth to a lovely daughter, a child with half mermaid blood who was Shimabukuro Junmei's mother.

The mermaid girl originally thought that she would live and die like a human being, and spend her life plainly, but she did not expect that the world was impermanent, and a shipwreck made her lose her husband and turn herself back into a mermaid again.

Because she can no longer find her human form, she can only find the mark left by her kind and go to the deep sea of the other world.

The old lady Shimabukuro was overwhelmed with grief over the loss of her mermaid daughter, and she finally understood that no one could be with her forever.

To make matters worse, the people on the island began to hype that she had eaten mermaid meat, and some big people came to coerce and lure, but the old lady Shimabukuro knew that the secrets of the Shimabukuro family must not be exposed.

Old lady Shimabukuro doesn't want to live this kind of scared life again, but modern society is no better than before, just find a deep mountain and wild forest can hide for a lifetime, she has nowhere to escape.

Therefore, after Mrs. Shimabukuro grew up with her great-granddaughter Junhui and was admitted to university, she took out the poison she had made to deal with people who had eaten mermaid meat and committed suicide.

Before dying, Mrs. Shimabukuro told her granddaughter the truth about the disappearance of her mermaid daughter, and told her that she was absolutely not allowed to go to the sea.

Otherwise, she may return to the sea like her mother, and then she will never see her daughter Junhui again.

Shimabukuro Junhui's mother thought that her grandmother was confused and couldn't let go of Kojima in her heart, and did not take these words to heart, but just comforted her old man that he knew.

After her grandmother died, she cremated her according to the old lady's wishes, buried her in Mermaid Tsukah, and began to play the role of a long-lived mother for the livelihood of the island.

But Shimabukuro Junmei's mother did not expect that soon after, her mother's tragedy would happen to her again.

When she went to sea with the Fukuyama couple in the same village, she was shipwrecked, and her husband and Mrs. Fukuyama were unfortunately killed, but before he died, he inspired the blood of the mermaid and escaped as a mermaid.

Shimabukuro Junhui's mother swam back to the village in a trance, hiding and not daring to show her face in front of people.

Playing the role of a long-lived mother, she knows better than anyone the madness of those powerful and outlaws about mermaid meat, eager to eat its flesh, drink its blood, and even chew up the bone scum.

If she is alone, but she still has her daughter Junhui, if she exposes her identity, then what should her daughter Junhui do?

But fortunately, Shimabukuro Junhui's mother is a half-mermaid, and after her mood calms down, the human bloodline still prevails, and when the water on her body dries, she naturally cuts back to the human account.

However, the blood of the mermaid still left a big hidden danger on her, her skin will turn into fish scales when it is stained with water, and her whole body will become like a mermaid when she is wet.

Therefore, Shimabukuro Junhui's mother withdrew from people's attention through the shipwreck, and concentrated on playing the role of a long-lived mother, trying to blind the eyes of the world with the truth and fake.

Smart people see through the lie, secretly laugh at the absurdity and ridiculousness of the Shimabukuro family, and four generations have worked together to make a lie about a long-lived mother, and the villagers on the island know it but pretend to be confused, but how can they know whether it is true or false.

But also because of this, when she was caught in the fire, Shimabukuro Junmei's mother did not dare to ask for help, she was afraid that she would turn back into a mermaid under the water gun of the rescue team, so that all lies would be broken.

Since you can't escape, you can only accept the fate of death.

At the last moment of her life, Shimabukuro Junhui's mother called her daughter, and she didn't know where to start even though she had a thousand words.

Comparing her heart to her heart, she herself did not believe her grandmother's words at the beginning, and now how can she let her daughter believe her words, so she can only beg her daughter to play the role of a long-lived mother and not leave the island.

At the same time, Shimabukuro June's mother, fearing that she would conjure a fishtail after her death, deliberately hid under the beam, praying that she could use it to cover up.

Although mermaids can live forever, but no fish is not afraid of fire, steamed and braised a pot of stew, even mermaids are also in trouble, flesh and blood turned into ashes in the sea of fire, and finally... Only one charred bone remains.

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