Rabbit Chuan told all the secrets of the Mermaid Island and Shimabukuro family, saying: "No matter what the truth is, your mother left you the hope of life in the end, she hopes that you can live, experience the life, old age, illness and death of life, and work hard to live like an ordinary and happy ordinary person."

Shimabukuro knelt in front of her mother's tombstone, bowed her head and sobbed, tears of sadness dripping on the petals one by one, her arms drooping weakly, and a glass bottle containing a red solution tumbled to the ground.

Rabbit Chuan picked up the small bottle, the solution in the bottle was enchantingly red, like this sea of flowers, this is the poison that can kill half-fish people and immortals, Shimabukuro Junhui She really thought about herself.

Rabbit Chuan generously carried the small bottle in his pocket, such a dangerous thing, confiscated!

Shimabukuro Junmei never regretted killing those three people, because she clearly knew that Saori and the three of them had killing intent when they set fire.

Because Saori knew that Nagami Po was her "great-grandmother", and they did not believe that Nagasu had eaten mermaid meat, but in order to prove this rumor that they did not believe at all, they set fire to a centenarian like a joke, they are simply a group of devils!

But Shimabukuro Junmei was still desperate, her hands were stained with blood, and the huge guilt overwhelmed her.

She doesn't regret it, she will do it again, but she still feels deeply guilty.

Rabbit Chuan stood behind Shimabukuro Junhui and said lightly: "Things hurt their kind, people have the same heart, because you are human, this is your humanity..." Shimabukuro

Junhui's mournful voice spread throughout the valley, the cold wind blew bright red petals, and the sky seemed to be raining blood-colored red.

While leaving, Rabbit River walked slowly behind Shimabukuro June, looking back at the red valley.

Dust to dust, soil to earth, the superb scenery that should not exist in this world, or completely... Rest in peace!

The flowers scattered over the mountains shivered in the cold wind, and the bits and pieces were crushed into mud and dust, only the fragrance remained the same.

Rabbit River and Shimabukuro June each walked out of the canyon with a faint sadness, and suddenly heard a sound outside in the mountain tunnel, echoing loudly and deafeningly.

"No, don't move, Kazuha!"

"If you dare to move, I will definitely kill you!"

Rabbit River and Shimabukuro June looked at each other, and Shimabukuro Junhui was shocked and said: "Outside, outside, someone is killing and killing people?!"

"No, no, it's..." Before Rabbit Chuan could finish speaking, Shimabukuro June casually picked up a wooden stick from the ground and rushed out.

"Hey!! Wait for me! "Rabbit Chuan can't stop it at all, oh my God, it's a big misunderstanding!

When Shimabukuro Junhui rushed out, he saw a man and a woman descending from the sky.

The man was rolling on the ground holding the girl, and there was a scratch on the back of his right hand, and blood flowed.

And the girl is now unconscious, but not far from her there is a dugong arrow on the ground, which is stained with blood.

As a murderer, Shimabukuro Junmei knows too well what happened, the man wants to commit murder on the girl, but he does not expect to be stabbed by the girl's dugong arrow, and finally both fall off the cliff in the struggle.

Shimabukuro June saw that the man had sobered up, and he still wanted to do something to the girl, and yelled: "Stop! Let go of that girl! "

So, when Rabbit Chuan chased him out, he saw such a scene.

Shimabukuro Junhui held the wooden stick and shouted in a fierce voice: "Stop! Let go of that girl! Hold your head in your hands and don't move! Hattori

Heiji was in a mess, squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, and said aggrievedly: "I'm not, I didn't, you misunderstood!" And

Yuanshan and Ye lay on the ground undressed, unconscious.

Shimabukuro Junmei didn't believe it at all, took a sip, and said, "Bah! I only believe that my eyes are believing, you stay away from Miss Ye! "

Hahahaha!" Rabbit Chuan laughed until his stomach hurt, tears came out laughing, who is the detective and who is the murderer?

"Brother, don't laugh, help brother explain it quickly!" Hattori Heiji was speechless to death.

What is this called, fortunately he and Ye fainted, otherwise, they would be dead.

After Rabbit Chuan explained clearly, the two people were even more embarrassed.

Conan and Hattori Heiji's reasoning has reached the final step, and Conan has already deduced the truth.

However, Hattori Heiji did not want to believe it, followed the search team to find the escaped Monwaki Benzo, and accidentally found a blaze of incense on the edge of the cliff, and accidentally did not stand firm.

Fortunately, Toyama and Haji quickly pulled back Hattori Heiji, but she turned around and fell off the cliff herself.

At this time, Hattori Heiji flew to the rescue, and the result was that both of them fell off the cliff.

Hattori Heiji grabbed the branches on the cliff with one hand and the distant mountains and leaves with the other, and the two hung in midair, but the slender branches could not help the weight of the two and could break at any time.

Toyama and Ye knew that Heiji would not give up, but she didn't want to drag Heiji down, so she tearfully took out the dugong arrow and poked it.

"I'm sorry, Heiji, you have to live well!"

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