Rabbit Chuan cleared his throat, Mom, he said the wrong line, and accidentally crossed into Kajima, although he didn't see the familiar chandelier.

Under the light of the torch, the woman's face was clearly visible, even if she was skilled in makeup, but after all, it was not transfiguration, and at a glance, you could recognize that this person was not the disappeared Monwaki Saori, but Shimabukuro Junme, who had been by their side and actively helped them.

"Phantom of the Opera..." Shimabukuro June threw out a torch without hesitation, and a fire set fire on the warehouse.

Rabbit Chuan was startled in his heart, his face was still calm, wow, the first time he encountered this kind of daring to set fire in front of the detective, was it because he didn't have a detective aura?

Rabbikawa saw that he couldn't stop it, so he didn't stop it, because the monwaki Saori in the warehouse had died three days earlier.

Moreover, according to the custom of the funeral here, the first day is to enter the funeral, the second day is to keep vigil all night, and the third day happens to be the funeral cremation to bury a dragon.

It is worthy of being a little who grew up together, even if he kills each other, he does not forget to be cremated according to the rules, which is really touching the love of best friends!

Shimabukuro June turned to Rabbit River, smiled bitterly, and said, "Do you already know?"

Rabbit Chuan nodded silently and said, "Go and turn yourself in, Miss Junhui, don't let the fire of revenge consume your soul."

"You are not an ugly phantom, you are so young and beautiful, you should not bury the second half of your life in a decaying shell."

"You, are you?!" Shimabukuro Junhui took a step back in shock.

Rabbit Chuan said calmly: "Well, I already know about the scam of Longevity, you said that you studied special effects makeup in college, and you won awards for it, so you can use special effects makeup to pretend to be Longevity."

"You want Shimabukuro Junmei to disappear into this sea of fire tonight, just like your mother did three years ago, and then, continue to live as a long-lived mother."

Shimabukuro June originally thought that Rabbit Chuan just discovered the fact that she killed and set fire, but he didn't expect that he even knew about Changmei's mother-in-law.

Long-lived mother... Shimabukuro June's grandmother left many years ago, and in order to maintain her livelihood on the island, Shimabukuro Junmei's mother has been playing the role of a long-lived mother with the help of Shimabukuro Junmei, and even released rumors that she died at sea with her husband in order to concentrate on playing the long-lived mother.

In the fire three years ago, the body that unfortunately died was actually Shimabukuro Junhui's mother.

Because she wants to play the role of a short long-lived mother, she can only bend her calves and tie them to her thighs, walk on her knees, and the beams smash on her thighs, calves and feet tied together, so she looks like a mermaid without legs and feet.

Shimabukuro Junhui's mother loves this mermaid island very much, and before she died, she did not forget to call Shimabukuro Junhui, please her daughter, don't let the longevity disappear.

However, now it's all over ....

Shimabukuro Junmei didn't want to kill people, everything she did was for revenge, and she was so sinful that she wanted to survive as a long-lived mother, all just to fulfill her mother's last wish.

Therefore, at the moment when she was exposed by Rabbit River, Shimabukuro Junhui did not think of rebuttal, even if the other party had no evidence, she still couldn't wait to admit it.

Shimabukuro Junhui took off her wig and glasses, and said with relief: "Little detective, can you wait, I still want to go to a place, I want to see that place again..."

At this time, Rabbit Chuan heard the footsteps rushing towards him, smiled faintly, and said: "Someone is coming, let's go!" "

As soon as Shimabukuro and Rabbikawa left the burning warehouse, Hattori Heiji and Conan arrived at the scene, and they immediately called the police to extinguish the fire.

The warehouse burned all night, just like the fire three years ago, all burned to the ground, as well as a charred corpse.

Barely able to make out the corpse, wearing glasses and blue pieces of clothing, it looked like a monwaki yarn.

But now that Shimabukuro June has also disappeared, Conan thinks that Shimabukuro June has checked his teeth, and he suspects that the body is not Monwaki Saori, but disappeared without Shimabukuro June.

Maori Kogoro called the dental office, and after comparison, the shape of the body's teeth and the records left by Shimabukuro Junhui during the treatment were exactly the same.

Fukuyama Rokuro knelt down and cried, grief-stricken, shouting, "Impossible! This is not true!

Conan gritted his teeth, hating himself for letting the murderer kill people under his nose, and he vowed to find this murderer who was desperate!

Conan suspects that the murderer is Saori Monwaki, who faked his death, but Morilan runs over and she receives a thank-you call from an elderly couple at the shrine who bought a dugong arrow from a middle-aged man for a million on the morning of the festival.

Hattori Heiji immediately thought of Monwaki Saori's father, it must be the drunkard who sold his daughter's arrows last year, tasted the sweetness, and killed and seized the arrows one after another.

Conan and Hattori Heiji have their own opinions, Hattori tells Kudo and cough, and Uncle Maori go to Monwaki Saori's house to go to the crime scene to find clues.

At this time, Rabbit River and Shimabukuro June were climbing the mountain, and Shimabukuro Junhui walked comfortably on the remote mountain road, walking more and more farther, and finally passed through a cave and came to a canyon, with a red sea in front of him.

The red flowers bloom all over the valley, and even in winter, they are still dazzling, and the scenery in front of you is intoxicating.

Shimabukuro June pinched a few red flowers and placed them in front of a tombstone with the Shimabukuro clan engraved on it... The eldest daughter, Jun Huili, and behind this tombstone, there are many more tombstones, most of which are nameless.

Rabbit River knows that this is a mermaid cemetery, and the place where the ashes of the mermaid are sprinkled is said to bloom, and this red flower will bloom, like a mermaid, undefeated.

"My grandmother...," Shimabukuro tried to pull a smile at the corner of her mouth, "She is a human who has eaten mermaid meat, but when she ate mermaid meat, she was already an old lady."

"She used to adopt a lot of human children, raise them, feed them mermaids, but in the end no one could accompany her through these long years without end."

Rabbit Chuan has a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not, this is not necessarily raised for play, it may also be raised for food!

For example, the chicks in their school feeding hut are cute and cute, and the girls in the class knit sweaters for them, and even the feed is heart-shaped.

But at the end of the semester, hehe, they will turn into chicken curry rice, and every time the class president will cry bitterly, tearfully drain two large bowls, and by the next semester... Raise two more!

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