Conan dared to go to the old demon... In front of the long-lived mother-in-law, with a reluctant smile, she asked, "Old and grandma, how did you choose the number plate?"

Changmei Po was silent for a while, and said, "I chose it at random." "

Huh?" Conan stared at Longevity in bewilderment.

"Sometimes I also use the number that won the lottery during horse racing, hee hee..." In

the demonic laughter of the long-lived woman, Conan had nothing to say, which was too casual!

Hattori Heiji was also crying and laughing, and asked: "Then why are you so stingy and only make three sticks a year, why don't you do more?"

"Oh, no." Changmei pulled her thinning white hair and said, "Because there are not many hairs that can be used to make dugong arrows." "

Hattori Heiji took a closer look and found that Nagasa's head was bald, and it turned out that the thick flowing white hair they saw at the festival was a wig!

At this time, Shimabukuro Junhui's voice came from outside the house, shouting: "Grandma, I boiled the bath water!"

"I'm sorry, but if you don't have anything else, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." After that, Changmei Po turned around and left.

Conan chased outside the door and shouted: "Grandma, please wait a minute, I still have things..."

Changmei suddenly stopped, and said with a side face: "That girl over there, tied her hair all the same." "

Huh? Me? Toyama and Ye pointed at themselves in surprise.

Chang Sheng Po said meaningfully: "The "Forbidden Arrow" was originally an arrow to get rid of demons and slash demons, once left the side, the demon will take the opportunity to build a nest, men will return to the dust and turn into heartless evil spirits, and women will return to the water and turn into mermaids who can't speak, so don't let it leave your side..."

I really can't see that this is a long-lived woman with an immortal body.

Immortal immortality means not getting old, and time freezes from now on, rather than turning back time and becoming younger.

Rabbit Chuan sighed in his heart, thinking so, he is very good at a young age, if time freezes in this kind of lingering time, hehe, then it is really better to die.

Rabbit Chuan saw that Yuanshan and Ye looked like frightened birds, lazily got out of the kotatsu, held his chin and said, "Actually, there is another secret about human fish bones."

"Once upon a time, a nun passed by a village and stayed in a certain family in the village, but was killed by the owner of the family and snatched the mermaid's ashes."

"However, in the course of the dispute, the mermaid's ashes were knocked over and scattered on the nuns' bodies, and the nuns who were stained with mermaid's ashes were miraculously resurrected."

"She looks the same on the outside as when she was alive, but on the inside she becomes a heartless ghost, and eventually she kills all the villagers in that village."

"So, the role of mermaid bones is not immortality, but ... Dead.

Saying that, Rabbit Chuan remembered one thing, the purpose of the black-clothed organization to make APTX4869 is to live forever and come back from the dead, isn't this very similar to a mermaid?

The next night, Hattori Heiji pulled out his black school uniform in his suitcase and prepared to go to the Kai Lao famous house for dinner... Participate in the Vigil Night of Eima Shoumi.

Rabbit Chuan asked curiously, "I said, why did you still bring your school uniform?" Isn't it already winter holidays now? Hattori

scratched his head and said awkwardly: "I always think it can come in handy, because the world is unpredictable, and sometimes there are occasions when you need to wear a school uniform, haha!" The

corners of Rabbit Chuan's mouth twitched, and he understood, speaking from experience, this is the person who often goes to the table.

Here, the student's uniform can appear on any occasion, whether it is to attend a wedding, a banquet, or even a funeral, which is in line with etiquette.

Kazuha Toyama's school uniform was a dark blue sailor suit, Conan and Morilan wore only black sweaters, and Maori Kogoro was still in the same suit, but with a black tie.

Rabbit Chuan also changed into a white shirt and black sweater, removed the brightly colored jewel lapel clip from his tie, and put on a black wool coat over it.

In the eyes of others, Rabbit Chuan's dress can be described as full of temperature, but Rabbit River still feels so cold!

The only adult, Maori Kogoro, wrote his name in the autograph book and offered him a gift money.

Toyama and Hiroha said in Hattori Heiji's ear, "Hey, Heiji, is it really good if we ran over like this to make fun?" Hattori

Heiji smiled and said, "It's okay, just take this opportunity to inquire about things on the island." "

Rabbit Chuan also felt a little embarrassed, mainly only Uncle Maori alone paid the gift, and the six of them rubbed rice, just a little...

Conan was lying on the table and flipping through the autograph book, and in front of Mori Kogoro's name, he saw the name of Saori Monwaki's father, as well as the fiancé of the deceased Kai-sena Toshimi and two hair-growers.

Conan was trying to find out about Monwaki's father about Monwaki's saori, and last night they went to Monwaki's house and knocked on the door, and no one answered inside, and they didn't know what this person was doing.

Maori Kogoro pulled the door of the Spirit Hall, and now there are only Shimabukuro Kunme, Fukuyama Ruro, and Monwaki Saori's father Monwaki Bianzo.

Hattori Heiji learned from Shimabukuro June that Monwaki had spent the night in a tavern last night and drank all night.

Maori Kogoro asked strangely, "Hey, why didn't you see Miss Naoko?" "

Huh?" Shimabukuro June was stunned for a moment and said, "Is Nasako already here?"

As soon as Shimabukuro Junhui's voice fell, a strange figure appeared and reflected on the paper door.


Hattori Heiji immediately pulled the paper door, and saw a man with his head bowed, his arms open, and hanging motionless on the fishing net in the courtyard outside the door, under the light of the fish lanterns that came from time to time at sea, it was very strange.

"Ah——!" Maori Lan and Far Mountain and Ye shouted at the same time.

Compared to last night's Hailao name Shoumi, tonight's Heijiang Naoko obviously died of homicide.

Maori Kogoro borrowed a camera and took pictures around the body of Kuroe Naoko for evidence.

Heijiang Naoko died less than an hour, and there were obvious strangulation marks on her neck, and it was initially judged that she was strangled to death and then hung on a fishing net.

There are two kinds of messy footprints on the sand, one is the sandals at the feet of the deceased, and the other is like the footprints of boots.

Conan flashlights around looking for clues and suddenly finds a sandal footprint with traces of stepping on an arrow of the dugong.

Hattori Heiji speculated, "Could the murderer's target be that arrow?" Judging from the footprints stepped on by the sandals, it should be that Miss Naoko and the murderer had an argument, and the dugong's arrow accidentally fell to the ground during the struggle, after which the murderer killed Miss Naoko, and finally picked up the arrow and fled the scene.

Rabbit Chuan said: "Not necessarily, these footprints may be the murderer's trick."

Rabbit Chuan picked up the sandals at the feet of the deceased and said, "You see, the soles of these two sandals are very smooth, and there are no traces of stepping on the arrows of the dugong. Maori

Kogoro said nonchalantly: "Maybe the sand was too soft, and the dugong's arrow sank into the sand at that time, so there were no traces left on the soles of the shoes."

Conan thought thoughtfully, and Hattori Heiji shone the light of the flashlight in the direction of the boots' departure, and said, "Anyway, let's go and see where the footprints of this row of boots lead to and confirm whether it is the murderer's escape route." "

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