Hattori Heiji looked for the footprints of his boots, and the footprints went straight towards the sea, and finally disappeared into the sea.

Under the light of the flashlight, the sand around the footprints shone brightly.

Hattori squatted on the ground and picked up the sequins in the sand, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be pieces of fish scales.

Conan, on the other side, also found several identical fish scales on Naoko Heijiang's clothes.

"Footprints and scales that disappeared into the sea?!" Maori Kogoro had a strange guess in his mind, "The murderer and murderer should not be a mermaid, right?"

Rabbit Chuan was simply speechless, and sighed helplessly and said, "Who have you seen in a family fish wearing boots?" "

Also, yes..." Maori Kogoro and Hattori Heiji looked at each other.

No, no, the point is that they have never seen a mermaid, who knows if a mermaid wears boots?

At this time, a group of people suddenly ran over from a distance, shouting: "Hey——! What are you doing!

Maori Kogoro said naturally, "Of course we are investigating a case!"

Who knew that the person who took the lead over there yelled: "That's the job of our Fukui Prefectural Police Department!!" Maori

Kogoro was stunned and almost didn't react, in other words, in general, in this case, shouldn't the police appear after the case is over?

The Fukui County Police Department not only dispatched the police slowly, but the police who reported last night only arrived tonight, and their temper was not good, and they forcefully drove Rabbit Chuan and them away from the scene.

Hattori Heiji analyzed the clues he knew to the two girls waiting in the hallway.

"You said that the footprints of the murderer disappeared into the sea, and there were fish scales?!" The two girls hugged each other in fright, "Difficult, is the murderer a human and a mermaid?"

Hattori said depressedly, "Stupid! Who have you ever met with a fish wearing boots? Yuanshan

and Ye and Mao Lilan instantly sobered up and said, "That's right, mermaids are all fish tails."

Rabbit Chuan added: "No, that, there are also fish-headed human legs."

"Huh!" Everyone looked disgusted, what the hell was that!

Rabbit Chuan shrugged, forget it, or don't tell them, in fact, the high mermaid can turn into a human form and move in human society, so the assumption that the mermaid wears boots can actually be established.

However, Rabbit River has not seen mermaids yet, and I don't know if they like to wear boots, but in general, mermaids should prefer to be barefoot and do not like to wear shoes.

Hattori Heiji analyzed: "I think the murderer should have first asked Miss Naoko out the door, then killed her, and finally escaped along the seashore, so that soon the sea will wash away the footprints on the seashore, and the footprints will disappear in the sea."

"No, it could also be the other way around." Rabbikawa gave another hypothesis, "After killing Miss Naoko, the murderer did not leave the scene, but returned to the room of the guardian, and the footprints on the beach were just a trick laid by the murderer in advance."

Rabbikawa lowered his voice and said, "Miss Nasako was the first to reach the Spirit Hall, and in the signature book, only three people between Miss Nasako and Uncle Mori reached the Spirit Hall, Mr. Monwaki, Miss June and Mr. Ruro, I think the murderer is likely to be among these three." "

Rabbit Chuan tried to change the problem back to one of the classic three choices, but there is still a lack of key evidence, and the valuable dugong arrow is estimated to have been thrown into the sea by the murderer to destroy the corpse, and it is impossible to find decisive physical evidence on the murderer.

Mori Kogoro and Hattori Heiji think that Monwaki is the most suspicious, they both know that the person chosen by Nagasei last night is Umi Na Shoumi, and as a result, Kai Lao Na Shoumi dies, but this man receives the Dugong Arrow with the number card.

There is also the missing Monwaki Saori, it is said that the relationship between their father and daughter is very bad, and Monwaki Saori also lost an arrow.

Conan walked up to the three and asked, "Did you see when Miss Naoko went out?"

Shimabukuro June shook his head and said, "I don't know, when I arrived at the Spirit Hall, I only saw Uncle Monwaki, and I didn't see Nasako inside. "

Monwaki Bianzo was the second person to go to the Spirit Hall, but he said that when he arrived at the Spirit Hall, the Spirit Hall was empty and there was no one at all.

Rhoro Fukuyama was the last to arrive, and at that time there were only Monwaki Benzo and Shimabukuro Kune in the Spirit Hall.

And these three people have not been guarding the spiritual hall, after all, it is the people in the same village who do the funeral, they came early, and they all went out to help with the handle.

At this time, an old woman came out of the hall and asked, "You guys are from Tokyo to find Detective Saori?" Maori

Kogoro and Hattori Heiji nodded.

The old woman said, "Actually, when I was preparing for the festival yesterday morning, I saw the yarn weaving near the mermaid waterfall. The

uncle on the side also said: "Yes, I was near the mermaid waterfall and glanced at her from a distance."

The old woman added: "Me too, I called out to her from a distance, and she turned and ran away." Hattori

asked rhetorically, "Are you sure that person is Monwaki Saori?" "Doesn't sound reliable?

The old woman was sure, because only Monwaki Saori on their island wore glasses and dyed brown hair, so she couldn't be wrong!

Maori Kogoro looked at the door and asked, "You are Miss Saori's father, aren't you worried about your daughter at all?"

Menwaki was still drunk, looked at Naozo Heijiang on the fishing net, and said, "I just hope that she doesn't become a mermaid like this girl." "

Mermaid?" Maori Kogoro's eyes were full of puzzlement.

Tuchuan said on the side: "Because in the legend, eight hundred bhikshunis ate the mermaids entangled in fishing nets, so they will live forever." "

Gee, it's still a monk, you dare to eat anything!"

Toyama and Ye instantly recalled what Changmei had said about Maori that a woman who lost an arrow would become a mermaid who could not speak.

Mori Kogoro suggested to the villagers that when the vigil was over and dawn was over, everyone would go to the mountains to find Monwaki Saori.

"Kazuha!" Hattori Heiji passed by Toyama and Ye's side, "You don't leave my side..." Toyama

and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji's firm back, and their hearts unconsciously settled.

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