A light rain began to fall in the sky, as if a mermaid was crying.

Roshiro Fukuyama carried the body of his fiancée, Umi Toshimi, to the bottom of the mountain and handed it to Shoumi's father, and Mr. Umi was devastated.

This year's mermaid festival ended hastily in the drizzle and the sad cry of the old father.

The old father, Maori Kogoro, could not bear to look directly and began to look for his daughter under the mountain, but only found Rabbit River, who was waiting here.

Maori Kogoro asked, "What about your two older sisters?"

Tu Chuan replied: "Sister Xiaolan ran to the activity center to call the police, I was afraid that it would not be safe, so I let Sister Ye accompany me." Maori

Kogoro said in surprise, "So they left you here alone?" "

I, I..." Rabbit Chuan choked on Maori Kogoro.

Reverse it!

Rabbit River also thought that Maori Kogoro was worried about his daughter's safety, and wanted to ask him why he didn't protect the girl, and in Maori Kogoro's heart he needed to protect!

Maori Kogoro still has a number of strengths for his daughter.

"Dad!" Maori Lan and the distant mountains and Yeda ran back.

Maori Kogoro turned around and asked, "Koran, have you contacted the police on the island?" Mao

Lilan ran a long circle, his face was not red and breathless: "They said that the wind and waves at sea are too big, and there is no way to come over now." "

What are you doing?" Maori Kogoro rounded his eyes, "The police over here are too inefficient!"

Rabbit Chuan followed and said, "If it is the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Department, you can let the Twilight Police Department dispatch helicopters." "

If it's in Yonehanamachi, as long as it's not in Blizzard Mountain Villa mode, the Twilight Police Department will flash.

"Isn't that nice!" Hattori Heiji came over and said, "In this way, the murderer will not be able to escape!" Maori

Kogoro came over and reprimanded, "Don't just talk about the murderer, it's not certain that this is a murder."

"Uncle Māori, look at this!" Heiji Hattori took out a life buoy.

Conan looked up and said, "This lifebuoy was found by my brother Heiji in the waterhole downstream of the waterfall, and we asked the people on the island, and they said they hadn't seen this thing during the day." Maori

Kogoro took

the lifebuoy and said at a loss: "Then this lifebuoy it..." Hattori Heiji reasoned: "If someone strangled Miss Shoumi above the waterfall beforehand, then tied a rope around Miss Shoumi's neck, and finally put her on the lifebuoy and let her float down the waterfall, then anyone could do this." Hattori

turned his baseball cap, buttoned the brim, and said seriously, "Besides, this murderer is someone on this island!" "

How, how so..." Mao Lilan suddenly tensed, "Shouldn't the murderer be hiding somewhere watching us?"

"Don't worry, because the murderer will be arrested soon." Toyama and Ye said proudly, "Every time Heiji turns his hat, it means that he has activated the engine switch and is about to start at full speed!"

"Oh, yes!" Morilan turned his head to look at Heiji Hattori's hat with interest.

Rabbit River also stared at Heiji Hattori's hat, could this be the legendary switch that activates the brain?

Turn the hat = turn the brain.

Toyama and Ye looked at Mao Lilan and whispered to her, "But you can't like him!" "

Huh?" Both Mao Lilan and Conan were stunned.

Yuanshan and Ye blushed shyly, and said in disappointment: "If you want to rob me, I must not be your opponent..."

"And Ye..." Mao Lilan pounced on Yuanshan and Ye's body, "You are so cute!"

"You, what are you doing!" Far Mountain and Ye were at a loss.

Hattori Heiji and Conan stared at them expressionlessly, in a kind mood.

The detectives' investigation came to an end for the time being, and everyone dispersed and went back to their homes.

Rabbit River and his party live in the shrine of Shimabukuro June's house by relying on Conan to sell Moe, because Conan wants to ask Nagashima some questions.

The shrine is an old house made of wood, there is no heating and no small sun, so they can only sit around the kotatsu to keep warm.

Rabbit Chuan's whole person is going to get into the kotatsu, it's so warm!

Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to go out anymore, he has nothing in his mind now, he doesn't want any mermaids, and he doesn't want any cases....

Ah~ Let him be a waste!

After a while, Rabbit Chuan came out of the kotatsu.

Blah blah, there are too many feet in the stove, and the skin of one of his feet is not very hot.

Maori Kogoro shrunk his legs and sighed, "This house is too old!" Isn't that dugong arrow very hot?

Tu Chuan lazily lay on the table and said, "Because of that number plate, it only costs 5 yuan a piece."

"What? It only costs 5 yuan! Hattori Heiji's eyes almost popped out, "That's not a loss of death!"

Tu Chuan sat up and said indifferently: "After all, it is a matter of the gods, and the goods are destined for people!"

Toyama and Ye said on the side: "I heard from the people on the island that this is how it was sold in the past.

"Everyone has to line up in a large box to draw numbered wooden cards, there are a total of 108 numbered wooden cards in the box, and when they are all drawn, the shrine will stop selling numbered cards, and finally Nagashima will choose three lucky numbers at the festival."

Conan exclaimed, "Isn't it very, very lucky that Sister Ye can draw an arrow!" Yuanshan

and Ye smiled and said, "Haha, thank you, I also feel very lucky."

Rabbit Chuan held the warm teacup and said, "It's very lucky, the number plate was sold out yesterday, who would have thought that someone would return the number plate this morning, so the leak king is the luckiest." Hattori

Heiji glanced at Rabbitikawa and hehe, who just said that the shrine was cheating?

Conan waited for a long time, but did not see Changmei come over, just when everyone thought that Longlife Po would not come over today, there was a knock at the door.

The paper door was pulled by a click, a hunched over, white hair ... After a few sticks, the old woman with a wrinkled face suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

In the characteristic husky voice of the old man, Changmei Po said: "Junhui said that you want to find me?" Mao

Lilan and Toyama and Ye hugged each other in fear, and even Rabbit Chuan was taken aback.

God, the grandmother with makeup removed is more scary than a monster, a 130-year-old woman looks like this, what does a 140-year-old man have to look like?

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