Rabbit Chuan finished telling the story on a whim, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere of the scene was a little cold.

Mermaids are not humans, big fish eat small fish, is their way of survival, and even some higher mermaids will swallow the lower mermaid as nourishment, and the leftover residues will be thrown in the sea at will, or thrown on the coast, and finally will be picked up and eaten by some hungry humans.

Rabbit Chuan buttoned his cheeks and said calmly: "Isn't it a man-eating mermaid, there is nothing to be afraid of, otherwise you will treat it as a shark, in case you encounter it, kick it off!" "

Uh..." Mao Lilan and Toyama and Ye had nothing to say.

"Okay, stop making all that mess!" Maori Kogoro pinched the cigarette butt, turned to Hattori Heiji and asked, "Hey, Hattori boy, have you contacted that client?" Hattori

Heiji said, "Well, the letter paper has the client's name on Saori Monwaki, and the number of her mobile phone.

"When I first made contact, the phone rang for a long time, and someone over there connected it, but it was quickly hung up, and then called, no matter how long I waited, no one answered

..." Hattori Heiji's expression became serious and said, "But then I think back, the voice on the other end of the phone at that time, in addition to the clear sound of the waves, there was also a person's painful voice, which should be a woman's voice..."

Mao Lilan and Toyama Kazuha tensed up again, "Have you already been eaten by a mermaid?!"

"Uh... I don't know either, so I can only come here to investigate it myself. Hattori Heiji secretly observed Conan's expression, and sure enough, the kid began to get serious.

Hattori Heiji quietly said to Conan, "How, are you starting to find it interesting?"

Conan looked like a dead duck with a hard mouth, and said indifferently: "It's okay!" After

a long day at sea, the ship finally arrived at this small island, known as the "habitat of mermaids", which is crowded with tourists and very lively.

Everyone goes to the service center on the island together, and Hattori asks the person in charge of the service center for information about the client, only to learn that Saori Monwaki has disappeared three days ago.

The person in charge said: "I heard that she had not gone to work at the company since 3 days ago, and neighbors nearby guessed that she might have taken a boat to the main island to play. Hattori

thought and said, "Three days ago, wasn't that when the letter arrived at my house!"

A few aunts came out of the room and reminded: "Mr. Assistant, it's almost time to go..." The

person in charge said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, I'm going to prepare for the festival now, so I can only temporarily lose company."

"What festival?" Maori Kogoro asked.

The person in charge smiled and said: "Today is the "Dugong Festival", commonly known as the Mermaid Festival, which is an annual festival on our island. If you want to be more specific, you can ask at the gift shop where the yarn weaver works on the corner. "

Huh?" Maori Kogoro really didn't want to go, and he always felt that things were getting troublesome.

Everyone came to the gift shop on the corner, which was full of mermaid perimeters, from ordinary dugong amuletes, to dugong belts, and even dugong steamed buns?

Rabbit Chuan picked up a box of steamed buns, saying that there are really mermaids in this steamed bun?

Mao Lilan and Toyama and Ye said that they were afraid, but they were very honest in their actions to buy souvenirs.

Of course, they definitely don't want food such as mermaid steamed buns!

Toyama and Ip Man Hattori Heiji said: "What is the relationship between a mermaid and a dugong, is a mermaid a dugong?" "

Dugongs are different from mermaids, which are just mammals of the family Dugong of the manatee order, and because female dugongs have the habit of carrying their cubs to the surface of the water, they are often mistaken for 'mermaids.'" "

So..." Yuanshan and Ye thought thoughtfully, as if they were not very afraid.

The children were shopping, and Maori Kogoro and the cashier aunt talked about the amulet of immortality, the "Arrow of the Dugong".

"About a week ago, Saori lost the 'Dugong Arrow' drawn at last year's festival, so she was very scared and worried that the mermaid would punish her. "

Huh?" Maori Kogoro said puzzled, "Isn't it just an arrow, but if you lose the mermaid's amulet, will you still be eaten by the mermaid?"

"Eat? How could you have this thought? Maori Kogoro's words startled the cashier aunt, "However, that arrow is very important, and almost all the guests who came to the festival today came to it."

Suddenly, a short-haired female clerk came over and said, "Because the hair of the long-lived woman on the Dugong arrow has given divine power, those who possess this arrow can realize the dream of immortality!"

"Saori lost such an important arrow, and she would be afraid of retaliation by the mermaid, and it was possible to escape the island." After saying that, the woman turned and left.

"Who is this woman?" Mori Kogoro asked.

The cashier aunt said: "Her name is Heijiang Naoko, and she is Saori's childhood sweetheart who grew up together. Maori

Kogoro asked again, "Then who is the longevity woman she is talking about?" The

cashier aunt said proudly: "It is the chief priest of today's festival, and it is also the symbol of our island, the grandmother of the Shimabukuro family!"

Rabbit Chuan muttered in a low voice: "If that old woman's hair can really make people immortal, it is estimated that they would have been bald by people long ago."

Rabbitchuan's words, the cashier aunt did not hear it, but Hattori Heiji heard it clearly.

Hattori Heiji opened his mouth and asked his aunt, "Can I ask how old this longevity woman is?" The

cashier aunt thought for a moment and said vaguely: "Hmm... It is said that she is 180 years old or 200 years old, I don't know, if you are interested, please go to the shrine where the festival is held! "

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