According to the tips of the gift shop clerk Auntie, Rabbit River and his group headed from the gift shop to the shrine on Mermaid Island.

While walking on the road, Hattori Heiji sighed and complained, "Oh, how do we feel like we are getting in the way, being kicked around by others!"

Conan said indifferently: "No way, who let us come unfortunately, the people on the island are busy with today's festival, how can they have time to care about us uninvited guests." "

Rabbit Chuan feels that they are now very similar to players who have taken on a series of tasks in the game, and after learning the clues from one NPC, they follow the clues to find the next NPC.

The Shimabukuro family has served the shrine for generations, and in this generation, Shimabukuro is the chief priest of the mermaid festival, and the witch in the shrine is her great-granddaughter Shimabukuro Kune.

When Rabbikawa and his party arrived at the shrine, a witch dressed in white and crimson hakama stood in the courtyard, white imperial coins flying left and right, beautiful and holy.

Unfortunately, what has walked in now is a group of detectives who have no eyesight, and they just want to find clue NPCs.

The aunt of the gift shop said that Shimabukuro June was also a childhood sweetheart who grew up with Saori Monwaki, but Maori Kogoro and they now want to know more about how old the old woman is this year.

Shimabukuro Junhui said speechlessly: "How can my great-grandmother be 200 years old, in fact, my great-grandmother just turned 130 years old this year, this kind of thing just need to check the family register."

"Really, she's just living a little longer than normal, it's such a fuss." Shimabukuro Junhui's current appearance is somewhat Versailles.

"A little longer... Nothing more? Maori Lan was stunned.

Conan and Hattori Heiji rolled their eyes together, which can break the Guinness World Record.

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said, "It's okay, I feel that my family has ... Grandfather can almost live this long!

Maori Kogoro exclaimed, "What? Your great-grandfather isn't dead yet?

Mao Lilan shouted awkwardly, "What are you talking about, Daddy!

Rabbit Chuan sighed and said, "Alas, it's a pity..." What

was not a great-grandfather, Rabbit Chuan does not know, but Karasuma Renye did live more than 140 years and has not died yet.

Hattori looked left and right and asked curiously, "Miss Shimabukuro, where is your great-grandmother now?"

Shimabukuro said, "Oh, she's attaching divine power in her room to the three arrows that will be given away at tonight's celebration."

Maori Kogoro asked more directly, "Did your great-grandmother really eat mermaid meat?" "

Huh?" Maori Kogoro was stunned by Shimabukuro Kune, and Shimabukuro Junhui immediately let out a burst of laughter, "Hahahahaha!" How can there be a mermaid in this world! That's all a lie!

Maori Kogoro said apprehensively, "But, but 'Dugong's arrow...

"Shimabukuro explained: "My deceased mother once said that in fact, those three arrows were originally used to ward off demons, but because my great-grandmother lived longer, the villagers on the island were far-fetched and changed the "curse forbidden" to the same pronunciation "dugong".

Mao Lilan said apologetically, "Has Ling Tang passed away?"

Shimabukuro Junhui looked unconcerned and said, "Well, five years ago, she died at sea with her father, and before I was born, my grandparents also disappeared while taking a boat to sea, and now there are only two people in my family, me and my great-grandmother." Yuanshan

and Ye suddenly became nervous, and said in a panic: "You said that your parents and grandparents died in the sea, there won't be any problems here, right?" For example...... They ate mermaid flesh, and then they were eaten by mermaids..."

Maori Lan tensely clings to the distant mountains and leaves.

Conan and Hattori Heiji instantly thought of Rabbitikawa 's theory of humans and mermaids eating each other, and then shook their heads violently, impossible, impossible, how can there be mermaids in this world!

"Huh?" Shimabukuro Junhui paused for a while before saying, "This is the first time I've heard that mermaids eat people. "

Mao Lilan and Toyama and Ye talked together, telling Shimabukuro Junhui about the circular food chain between humans and mermaids in Rabbit River, maybe the mermaids like Shimabukuro family's mouthful!

Shimabukuro Junhui had a look on his face, and then said: "It's impossible, I also took a boat with Saori to the main island before, I'm not good now, and there are no accidents!" "

Did you say... Have all the mermaids in the sea become humans? Maori Lan thought about it.

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, heck, Miss Xiaolan was completely taken astray by him.

"You said you went to the main island by boat with Saori?" Hattori Heiji finally remembered his client, and immediately asked, "When was that?"

Shimabukuro June thought about it for a moment and said, "It was about four days ago, because I was going to the dentist on the main island, and Saori knew about this and said that she would accompany me."

Maori Kogoro also put on a detective posture and asked, "What was Miss Saori's psychological condition at that time?"

Shimabukuro June replied seriously, "Saori was very scared because she lost the 'Dugong Arrow', and begged me to ask my great-grandmother to save her, and I told her that there were no mermaids in this world, but she just didn't believe it, and kept saying that she was really cursed by mermaids."

Shimabukuro June lowered his head and said reproachfully, "Blame me, if I hadn't said at the ceremony, if they doubted the power of the Dugong's arrow, or lost the arrow, the mermaid would have brought disaster, but there is no such thing."

Suddenly there was a sneer behind Shimabukuro Junhui, and a young woman in a purple dress came over and said, "Junhui, you are so stupid, you say this because you don't believe in the power of your great-grandmother at all." "

Shoumi..." Shimabukuro June looked back and saw that it was their other young hair, Shunmi who was named Hidemi.

Umi smiled and said, "She really ate mermaid meat, have you forgotten that there was a mermaid corpse three years ago?" "

The mermaid's... Corpse?! Conan and Hattori Heiji couldn't stop, "Is there really a species of mermaid in this world?"

Rabbit Chuan quipped: "It is also considered a manatee from the family Dugong family?" Conan

and Hattori Heiji immediately had a dugong with a fish body and a bull's head in their minds, and shook their heads violently and said, "No, no, no, it must be from the Little Mermaid family!"

Mori Kogoro was still a little impressed by the news, recalling: "I seem to have heard about it, and it is said that a strange charred corpse was found in some warehouse.

Shimabukuro Junhui quickly explained: "No, those are all made up by TV programs to attract people's attention!"

"Junhui, what are you talking about, didn't you see it with your own eyes?" Uigahara's emotions suddenly became excited, "The broken bones of that mermaid are simply too weird!" It's just..." Umi

Nami Shoumi's eyes widened like fish eyes, as if she had been cursed by a mermaid.

"Shoumi! Stop it! A man with similar skin to Hattori put his hand on Shoumi's shoulder.

Umi Nami calmed down, blinked her eyes, turned back and said, "Lulang?

Shimabukuro Junhui asked, "Lulang, why are you here?"

Tsuru Fukuyama said to them, "I heard from others that a detective from Tokyo came to the island, so he came to see the situation.

Fukuyama Rokuro turned his head to look at Maori Kogoro and said coldly: "If you want to find Saori, don't waste time here, you can go directly to her house to find it, of course, provided that you are not directly thrown out by Saori's alcoholic father." "

Roshiro Fukuyama and Toshimi Irao leave together, and Rabbikawa and his party unlock a new location, the Saoriya Monwaki, from the mouth of the real NPC Roshiro Fukuyama.

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