However, there is another place that attracts Rabbitakawa more than the completed but unopened twin towers of Nishitama.

A small passenger cruise ship sails on the blue sea, seagulls hovering in the air, and a few crisp birdsong are heard from time to time.

Rabbit Chuan lay on the railing of the deck, looking at the endless sea, turned his head to the other side, and complained: "How can someone rush to someone else's house with a suitcase early in the morning, asking someone else to accompany him to American Island to play!" Hattori

Heiji on the side smiled embarrassedly: "Haha, I thought Kudo had already told you, I recently received a commission, it just so happens that it is winter vacation, thinking that you are bored at home, so please go together!"

Tuchuan yawned and said speechlessly: "I can't see people alive, I can't see corpses in death, and the devil knows where my bastard brother has gone." Hattori

bent down and teased in Conan's ear, "Hey, Kudo, you bastard brother hasn't been exposed yet?"

"I want you to take care of it!" The bored Conan secretly glared at Hattori Heiji, and suddenly called to say that he was going to find a mermaid during the winter vacation, what kind of thing was that, it sounded boring.

Maori Kogoro on the other side was also bored to death, and said weakly: "Okay, you can tell me, which island are we going to now, right?" Hattori

looked at the island in the distance and said, "That island is called American Island, and although it is a remote island, people in the vicinity call it another name - a small island inhabited by mermaids."

"What? Mermaid? Maori Kogoro looked at the two fools, and

Hattori Heiji explained: "I heard that there is an old lady on the island who specializes in eating mermaid meat for immortality, so people in the neighborhood will call it that." Hearing

Hattori Heiji's words, Morilan said excitedly: "I know! Are you talking about the immortal old woman who caused heated discussions three years ago?

Toyama and Ye echoed excitedly: "Yes, yes, I just hope to be young and beautiful like her forever, and I will come with Heiji this time."

Mao Lilan quipped: "I see, you want to tie Hattori with youth and beauty..."

Toyama and Ye covered the little sister's mouth and said shyly: "Don't say it so loudly, you will be heard by Heiji!" Although

I don't know if Hattori Heiji didn't hear it, Rabbit River and Conan, who have a particularly good ear, heard it, and Conan also obeyed them.

Rabbit Chuan muttered in a low voice: "It is said that it is an old woman, even if it is immortal, where can it be seen that it is not old!" "

Maori Land and Toyama Kazuha certainly know that this is just a legend.

"But ah, the legend of the mermaid, don't you think it's romantic?" Maori Lan said with joy.

Maori Kogoro took a cigarette and said disdainfully: "Hmph, what is so romantic, and it is not eight hundred bhikshunis who have lived eight hundred years." Hattori

Heiji smiled and said, "However, the legendary eight hundred bhikshunis are in Fukui Prefecture over here!"

Rabbit Chuan sighed and said helplessly: "The legend of mermaid meat, the world only knows one, not the other.

"In the legend, the meat of a mermaid is a precious medicinal herb that everyone flocks to, and whoever eats it will receive the glory of immortality. But at the same time, the meat of mermaids is also a terrible poison, except for a very few guys with excellent luck, everyone else will die in an instant..."

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Conan faintly, just like APTX4869.

"Of course, even if you survive, you may become a monster that is neither human nor fish, and there are even fewer who can maintain their human form, and there are only eight hundred bhikshunis in legend."

"Non-human, non-fish... Monster? Mao Lilan and Toyama and Ye both had dull expressions and began to lose their dreams about mermaids.

Hattori Heiji didn't know what to say when he saw Kazuha's lost look, and looked down at Conan and asked, "I said, Kudo, didn't your brother read fairy tales when he was a child?" How cute the Little Mermaid is!

Conan did not raise his head and said indifferently: "He likes to watch the night walk of a hundred ghosts."

"Oh, don't talk about that." Maori Kogoro had seen the big scene, and he didn't care what Rabbit River said, and asked Hattori Heiji, "The letter of commission your kid received, shouldn't someone ask you to find some mermaid?"

"No, quite the opposite." Speaking of the commission letter, Heiji became serious, "There was only one sentence on the letter of commission, and in trembling handwriting, it said, "I will be killed by the mermaid, please save me!"

"What? By mermaids?! Maori Kogoro exclaimed, "Kill?!" Mao

Lilan and Yuanshan Heye also showed a look of horror.

Conan still looked absent-minded, completely disregarding his brother's face, and yawned on the side.

Hattori Heiji's face was a little hung up, and secretly poked Conan, brother, give some face!

Mao Lilan asked in fear, "Do mermaids still kill people?"

Conan subconsciously said: "How is it possible..."

Rabbit Chuan interrupted Conan, "Because the legend of mermaid meat is originally a scam of the mermaid family, deceiving those greedy and ignorant humans. "

This is ... What do you mean? Mao Lilan held Toyama and Ye's hand tightly, a little scared, but eager to listen.

Rabbit Chuan looked into the distance and asked, "Do you think that the lonely mermaids who are immortal and lonely want to become human beings whose lives are short and brilliant?" "

Huh?" The expressions of several Mao Lilan people were stunned, they really hadn't thought about this problem.

Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand to touch the splash of the waves, and said indifferently: "According to legend, humans only need to eat the flesh of a mermaid to obtain the ability of mermaid immortality, on the contrary, if a mermaid wants to obtain the qualification to become a human, then it can only be... Eat human flesh!

"Ah——!" Mao Lilan and Yuanshan and Ye couldn't help but hug each other, shivering with fear.

Rabbit Chuan turned around, smiled and comforted them: "Haha, don't be afraid!" It is not possible for anyone, it must be a human being who eats the flesh of a mermaid, and the body has no rejection reaction, and has perfectly achieved the state of immortality.

"Why, for?" Yuanshan and Ye were so frightened that they asked a stupid question.

Hattori said speechlessly: "Stupid, it's just a legend, what are you afraid of, and there are so many whys."

Yuanshan and Ye yelled, "Stupid! Because it's really scary!

Morilan nodded along, but they relaxed a little at Hattori's words.

Seeing that the two girls were still afraid, Rabbit Chuan kindly explained in a scientific way: "If the mermaid meat is regarded as a very powerful virus, then the infected humans will die, but there are also a very small number of infected humans who will produce antibodies in the body, as long as the mermaid eats the antibody, it can clear its own mermaid virus and eventually become a human being."

"So, if a mermaid wants to become human, it will deliberately lure humans into eating mermaid meat until it finds the person who can make it human."

Rabbit Chuan came to a conclusion and said, "This is the truth that the mermaid family has been multiplying and immortal, but has disappeared." "

Mao Lilan and Yuanshan and Ye hugged each other again, it sounded reasonable, and it was even more scary!

This time, even Conan and Hattori Heiji were a little moved.

Legend has it that people who eat mermaid meat will live forever, but neither mermaids nor immortal people have ever seen it with their own eyes.

Q: Where did the mermaid meat come from?

A: The mermaid gave it.

Question: What about immortals?

A: The mermaid ate it.

Q: What about mermaids?

A: I've become human.

Mermaids and mermaid meat eaters are gone, and the logic is perfectly closed!

The sea breeze was blowing slowly, and the humans who went to the small island where the mermaids inhabited suddenly felt that today's wind seemed to be a little cool...

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