According to the pre-agreement, after 20 minutes, the gangsters on the bus called the bus company, and this time it was the Twilight Police Department who answered the phone.

The gangster laughed into the phone, apparently getting a satisfactory answer, and said happily: "You guys called Kunio Yajima in an hour, and I want him to tell me personally that he has really fled to a safe place, and then I will release the two hostages first."

"Listen, don't act rashly, and don't play tricks with me!" The gangster warned the phone and immediately hung up.

The two gangsters then placed bags containing skis on the ground and lined up in a straight line in the aisle.

Conan was lying on the ground, trying to unzip the bag secretly and confirm the contents of the ski bag, but it turned out....

"Why are you again!" The gangster aimed his gun at Conan's brain, "If you want to find death so much, I will fulfill you!" "

Ko, Conan!!" Rabbitikawa and Dr. Agasa, as well as the children, were shocked.

In terms of acting Rabbit Chuan is not bad, but someone is better.

"Please stop! He's just a kid! The new doctor stepped forward and stood in front of Conan.

She was in a hurry! She was in a hurry! Godmother guards the calf....

Rabbit thought that if Conan was injured, Belmod would probably be able to lift the urn of these two men.

The new doctor is still arguing and reasoning with the gangsters: "You have already obtained the result you want, no matter if you kill any passenger in the car now, it will make your plan not go smoothly!"

"You little white face, what do you know!!" The embarrassed gangster turned his gun on the new doctor, who refused to give an in, and Conan was moved.

Just as the gangster couldn't bear to shoot anymore, another gangster stopped him and said, "Stop!

Another gangster pulled away his accomplice and whispered in his ear: "What if the bullet misses and you hit that thing?"

Hearing this, the gangster put away his pistol, calmed his mood, and said: "Sorry, I forgot..." The

two gangsters returned to the front of the car, and did not forget to turn back to warn the two who were making trouble: "Hey! Hurry back to your seats! The

new doctor breathed a sigh of relief and immediately returned to his seat with Conan.

After hearing the whispers between the gangsters, Conan already knew that the two ski bags should contain bombs, and it was clear that the two gangsters had no intention of releasing their hostages in the first place.

Conan also understood one thing, there was really a third gangster in this car, and he was among the three people sitting in the back, secretly monitoring these hostages, and once he found something abnormal, he secretly reported to his accomplices.

Conan clenched his fists, abominable! That accomplice must be found as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to do anything!

Time is running out for Conan, and Conan wants to use Haihara's help to deduce the third gangster together.

Conan whispered to Haibara: "Hey, Haibara, can you help think of a way!" "

However, your friend Haihara Mourning is offline.

Haibara can now only hear his own plopping heartbeat.

What the? What the hell is this?

This cold and piercing feeling was the same as the suffocating oppression at that time, could it be said that that person was on this bus now?!

Is this a coincidence, or has the organization already discovered her?

No, even if it is a coincidence, if the members of this organization accidentally discover her as a traitor to this organization, then the doctor and others in this car will all be killed by the organization, of course, this person is the same... Will definitely be killed!

Haibara couldn't help but pray in his heart, God, please don't let me be discovered by the other party!

Teacher Judy suddenly turned around and said, "Don't be too stubborn, Cool kid! Good opportunity will come soon!

Teacher Judy noticed the shivering little girl next to Conan, and comforted her: "Little Red Riding Hood, don't be afraid, we will be saved soon, by the way, what is your name?"

Haibara didn't speak, and Conan subconsciously replied for her: "She is...?"

Conan felt Haibara clutch his hand, a trembling hand that conveyed a message that could not be said.

Teacher Judy was still smiling and asking, "What's your name, little Red Riding hood?"

Conan raised his head and replied again for Haihara: "We don't know each other, we just happened to take the same bus, but she seems to be too scared and keeps holding my hand, let's not disturb her, okay?"

Teacher Judy said apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry!" The

gangster in front looked back and saw how the foreign woman was doing something, and immediately shouted: "Hey! What are you doing in the back! Sit down for me! Teacher

Judy carried Conan on her back and glared at the gangster fiercely, but unfortunately the gangster was too far away to see it at all.

The new doctor said in a panic: "Judy, Teacher Judy, please don't stimulate them anymore..." Teacher Judy

turned her head, raised a bright smile again, and said: "Oh! Yes,I know!

Conan finally realized that Haibara was really afraid of something.

No way? Could it really be that by such a coincidence, members of the black-clad organization are also in this car?

But Conan knew that now was not the time to find the man in black, they had to escape from these carjackers first, otherwise everything would be in vain.

Conan looked back again, oh my God, why did you stand up, dude?

Rabbit Chuan stood up and walked around, unlike Conan, Rabbit Chuan directly stepped on the bomb and slowly stretched out.

The gangster, who had been watching ahead, immediately turned around and pointed a gun at Rabbit Chuan and shouted: "Hey! What are you kid doing?

Conan was shocked in his heart, here it is again! How did that accomplice get the tip-off?

Conan shook his head violently, no, no, no, now is not the time to think about this.

"Rabbit, brother Rabbit... What are you doing?

Rabbit Chuan stood on the bomb and said: "It's okay, I'm just tired of sitting, cough, you gangsters listen, now give me a stop, otherwise I will blow you up!" "

Gangster: ...???

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