Seeing the gangster fall violently, the passengers in the car gasped one after another.

Rabbit Chuan grabbed Conan's seat, covered his mouth and snickered, haha, laughed until his stomach hurt.

Conan, who was sitting in front, felt the seat under his ass tremble, and said nervously: "I... Brother Rabbitchuan..." "

Huh?" Rabbit Chuan took a deep breath and straightened his waist, "What's wrong?" Poof—ahem! "

Conan can't be done all at once, be serious, dude, this is robbery!"

However, this gangster is also too unlucky, right?

Conan whispered, "Shh——!

Rabbit Chuan said embarrassedly: "I know..."

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his cheeks that were stiff with laughter, he couldn't laugh anymore, so as to give the professional gangster a little face, at least the gangster didn't care that he wanted an IC IP IQ card.

However, the old brother who did not know the truth looked nervous... It's so much fun!

The gangsters guarding the front of the car heard the commotion, turned around and found their accomplices lying on the ground, shouting loudly: "What's wrong, are you okay?" "

I'm okay!" The gangster covered his face and got up from the ground and said viciously, "Abominable! You, you foreign woman! Teacher

Judy was holding Erlang's legs, her lenses were white, and she looked completely unmoved.

The new doctor sitting next to Teacher Judy was covered in cold sweat and said in a panic: "Judy, Judy, Teacher Judy..."

What's wrong? Teacher Judy turned to look at the new doctor beside her, and then at the gangster who got up from the ground, "Oh, my god!!

Teacher Judy hurriedly stood up, took the gangster's hands, and said sincerely: "I'm so sorry!" I'm just used to crossing my legs. Oh, my god! Look what I've done..."

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Shuichi Akai with his afterlight, and he felt that Judy's kick was somewhat personal.

"Teacher Judy..." the new doctor looked hesitant.

Conan is going to die of nervousness, gun! Guns! What's going on with this teacher, how is he more reckless than his brother?!

Teacher Judy was still babbling non-stop, but the gangster didn't understand a word, and impatiently threw away his hand and shouted at her: "Get out!" Let me go back and sit down! "

“Ok! Ok! Teacher Judy retreated to her seat and sat down obediently.

Seeing that these thorns were settled, the gangster slowly walked to the front of the car to meet his accomplices with his hip shaft.

Teacher Judy took the opportunity to turn around, winked at Conan, and whispered, "It's very, very exciting!" "

Conan is speechless, please, this teacher's brain is fine, right?

Conan, confirming that the two gangsters were still in front, shrunk in the seat of the car, secretly took out his earring-type mobile phone, and wanted to tell the Twilight Police Department about the situation in the car.

As soon as Conan pressed the phone number, he felt a shadow above his head, and when he looked up, he saw that the gangster was standing in front of him staring straight at him.


Conan tried to get through the level, but before Conan could use his killer move, the gangster grabbed Conan and threw him on the ground, yelling, "What are you doing this little ghost?" "

What is this?" The gangster snatched Conan's headphones and earrings, and left without forgetting to threaten, "If you dare to act rashly again, I will kill you first later!"

Ayumi bypassed Dr. Agasa, walked over to pick up Conan, and asked with concern, "Conan, are you okay?" Rabbit

Chuan saw this scene in his eyes, alas, Xiaobumi is definitely true love for Conan, but it's a pity that Conan is a fake bamboo horse.

Conan got up from the ground, not understanding how the gangster could come directly over, it stands to reason that there is a chair blocking him, and the gangster should not see his movements....

Conan was shocked in his heart, could it be that there were still their accomplices in the car?

Then the person can sit in a position where he can be seen clearly, that is, among the three people in the back row.

Conan returned to his seat and sat down, sneaking back at the three people in the back row, the young man wearing a mask and coughing, the old man in black wearing headphones, and the young woman chewing gum.

Who are the gangsters and how do they use to convey information?

The Metropolitan Police Department has received an alarm call from the bus company, and the search section immediately set up a search headquarters.

However, according to reports from the squatting officers, the situation on the bus is not optimistic now.

It is known that there were two gangsters who hijacked the bus, both wearing ski suits and goggles, and could not see their appearance.

Although on the surface, two gangsters are hijacking the bus with pistols, in fact, in police intelligence, there are three accomplices of Yajima Kunio, and one of them is also an expert in bombs, which means that there is probably a bomb on the bus.

If the police take easy action, a third person hiding in the shadows is likely to detonate the bomb directly in the car, causing a large explosion in the bustling urban area.

Because it may involve a bomb, Matsuda joined the search headquarters.

Robbers, buses, bombs, rabbits... Wait a minute!

Matsuda Jinpei suddenly had a bad premonition and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Takagi! You see if there is a rabbit river in the bus!

Takagi who was crouching in the building outside was stunned for a moment, immediately picked up the binoculars and looked at it, and sure enough, he found a familiar person in the bus... guys.

Takagi replied: "Report headquarters, this is point E, there are not only detectives Rabbit River in the car, but also Dr. Agasa and several children of Conan.

Matsuda Jin Ping slapped his head and said angrily: "Alas, I know this is the case!" "

Brother Matsuda?" The Twilight Police Department was confused, "How do you know, Brother Rabbit Chuan may be on the bus?"

"I guess." Matsuda Jinpei explained helplessly, "Last night, that little rabbit... Chuan called me and asked me to go skiing today, and I didn't work overtime for that person today, so I didn't promise him. However, I helped him get a bus card, knowing that he would bus to the ski slopes today, and now ... Hehe! "

Unlucky bus, unlucky cub, no, Matsuda Jinpei now feels that the insurance company is even more unlucky, because that cub rides for free, ride insurance is free, but the insurance company still has to lose money."

Shiratori Renzaburo ran in and said with a solemn expression: "Twilight Police Department!" Just now, the decision has been made that we should give priority to the hostages taken by the gangsters to ensure the safety of the passengers, so the upper head decided to release Kunio Yajima in detention according to the gangsters' request.

The Twilight Police Department frowned, slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and said: "Alas, it can only be done, the gangsters have already shot in the car, they are serious, we must get the brother in the car as soon as possible... The hostages in the car were rescued.

Shiratori Renzaburo said optimistically: "These gangsters have long been turtles in the urn, they have been circling around the city, and when the hostages are safe, we can kill them all!" With

his intuition in handling cases for many years, this group of scheming gangsters must have some conspiracy, they must have figured out how to deceive the eyes of the police, hide the sky, and fly away.

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