The gangsters were stunned for about three seconds, and then unconsciously raised their pistols and pointed them at Rabbit Chuan, threatening Rabbit Chuan: "What are you kid kid Get me back in my seat!

Tuchuan deliberately provoked the gangsters, played Lai Pi, and said: "I don't, you have the ability to shoot!" Come on, shoot, let me see your strokes. Conan

and the passengers in the car, including Belmode, Shuichi Akai, and Judy, gasped, is this kid crazy?!

"I lean! You boy, Lao Tzu has put up with you for a long time! The tall, skinny, grumpy gangster raised his pistol.

The fat accomplice next to him immediately grabbed his hand, pressed his throat and said: "Don't be impulsive, don't die!"

Then he turned his head to Rabbit Chuan Xiaozhi and shouted loudly: "You kid don't make trouble, the police have promised to release our boss, and you can go home to find your mother in a while, hahaha!"

Tu Chuan complained: "I think you want to send me directly to see my mother, right?"

The gangster said dumbfoundedly: "Yes, is there something wrong?"

Rabbit Chuan covered his chest and said with emotion: "My parents have died since I was a child, and I lost an eye and a leg, so I can only stay at my uncle's house, and my uncle and aunt went abroad to work in order to survive, leaving me and my brother alone in Yonehana Town to rely on each other..."

Speaking of the emotional place, Rabbit Chuan covered his face and cried, and everyone in the car was moved, except for Conan and the new doctor.

Although they know that Rabbit Chuan is telling the truth, how can it feel... Outrageous, outrageous open the door, outrageous to home!

Rabbit Chuan suddenly stopped, raised his head, where could he find half a tear on his face, and said: "By the way, do you know who my brother is?" "

Huh? Who is it? The gangster was stunned by Rabbit Chuan, "What does this have to do with us?"

Rabbit Chuan felt the same, so he said: "Forget it, it's not important."

"Wait a minute!" One of the gangsters felt something was wrong and raised his gun and threatened, "I think it's quite important, you tell me clearly."

Before Rabbit Chuan could speak, Ayumi next to him rushed to answer for him, "It's Brother Shinichi!" "

Shinichi?" The gangster repeated, "Sounds familiar... Who is this? Genta

shouted, "It's the savior of the Metropolitan Police Department!"

Mitsuhiko continued, "The Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era..." The

passengers in the car cheered: "High school detective Kudo Shinichi?!! "

High school detectives... Kudo...... Shinichi? The gangster couldn't help but take a step back.

Another gangster fired a shot in the air and yelled, "Shut up! Give me seriousness! What about carjacking! Alas, brother, who is that Kudo Shinichi?

"You shut up for me first! Damn it, I've got into trouble! The

gangster secretly said bad luck in his heart, he was not afraid of the stupid sliver, but he replaced the opponent with a detective, and he had some confidence in his heart, especially the detective Kudo Shinichi, who claimed that there was no case that he could not solve.

Rabbit River: Hehe, Mihua Street, inquire who is the father?

Conan raised an innocent smile and said, "Yes, if Brother Shinichi knows that you hurt his most important brother, he will definitely arrest you, even if you are chased to hell!"

Conan's eyes were cold, and the gangsters seemed to be in an ice cave, as if they had been targeted by death.

Rabbit Chuan was very moved, but brother, we are now in the same boat, I am finished, you are also finished, everyone is together!

Rabbit Chuan was in a hurry to say this, but he didn't expect that his brother had disappeared for a few years... It's been half a year, and the rest of the power is not diminished!

"Ahem, it's far away." Rabbit Chuan tried to pull the topic back, "What I want to say is that you never intended to let us hostages go from the beginning, and the bomb in this bag is proof of this."

Rabbit Chuan took advantage of his unpreparedness and used his cane to scratch open the ski bag, and the things hidden in the ski bag appeared in front of everyone.


For a while, screams rang out.

People living in Yonekacho may not have seen the bomb with their own eyes, but they must have seen the explosion, and the fear engraved in their DNA tells them that this TM is a bomb!

The gangsters were also stunned, was the quality of the ski bags they bought so bad? How did it break when touched?

Rabbit Chuan stepped on the bomb timer and said, "If nothing else, you plan to escape the bus first by disguising yourself as a hostage, but after that you will detonate these bombs!"

"Because as long as our group of hostages disappear and there is no proof of death, you can turn from gangsters to victims, get protection from the police, and finally escape."

The gangster sweated coldly, thinking that knocking over the five-flavor bottle was generally not a taste.

All said, his carefully planned proud work, like the phantom of the mirror, a poke can be broken, is this the strength of the detective brother?

He must be killed!

No! No way!

Kill the small, mess with the big ones, and the old ones.

He can't even play this little-known younger brother, let alone the real detective Kudo Shinichi!

Fortunately, their plan has not yet been carried out to the last moment, they did not exchange clothes with the hostages, did not let people see their faces, otherwise, they would have to kill people!

The clever gangster has made several turns in his mind, and the only way to do this for now is to leave this place of right and wrong first, and then think in the long run.

Rabbit Chuan also thinks so, as long as the gangsters do not show their true faces, then the hostages are safe.

For example, in the kidnapping case, if the kidnapper did not deliberately mask his face, and the kidnapping ticket saw the kidnapper's appearance at the beginning or during the process, then the calf was finished, the kidnapper must have rushed to tear the ticket, on the contrary, the gangster took the ransom and basically put the kidnapping ticket back.

However, Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to grind with these gangsters, and he wants to get out of the car now because he feels as if he is a little motion sick.

All blame these two villains, who have been threatening the driver with guns, scaring the driver half to death, and even the car is exciting.

Others are either as frightened as the driver, and the adrenaline rush does not care about motion sickness; Either they are specially trained and do not get motion sickness at all; Only Rabbit Chuan, who is delicate and weak, has nothing to do to watch the excitement, and does not resist!

In addition, the last gangster is the woman sitting in the last row, she has been using bubble gum to remind the gangster, the gangster standing in front has been paying attention to the rearview mirror, as long as she sees her blowing bubble gum, it means that there is something abnormal, and then she will use her left and right hands with fingers to tell them where they are.

Rabbit Chuan doesn't believe that a certain FBI ace agent sitting in the same row as the gangster can't see through the truth, but just handed her over to Akai Shuichi to solve.

Rabbit River is all arranged, the gangsters in the back are handed over to Shuichi Akai, and the gangsters in front are handed over to Teacher Judy and the new doctor, and the plan is perfect!

Rabbit Chuan stopped talking nonsense, took a deep breath, and said softly: "Secret Technique - Big Truck Summoning Technique!" The

driver's eyes flickered: "Lie in the groove!" Where is the big truck!! "

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