The passengers in the car were stunned, as a professional rice flower person, everyone clearly knew that this was not a drill.

Rather, in this city, even a drill can turn into a fake show, and for a while screams, help, cries, and so on.

"Give me all quiet!" One of the gangsters who held the bus hostage fired several more shots into the air, and the bus suddenly fell silent.

"Very good, everyone is very obedient." The gangster smiled with satisfaction, "Now hand over all your mobile phones, don't play tricks on me, if anyone dares to hide their phones, don't think about calling again in this life, understand?"

Another assailant held the driver hostage at gunpoint, ordered the driver to hang up a "Go Back" sign for the bus and call the bus company when the next traffic light stopped.

At the next intersection, when waiting for the traffic light, the driver called the company, and as soon as he said a word, he was taken away by the gangsters.

The gangsters who held the driver hostage shouted into the phone: "We just hijacked your bus!" We have only one request, immediately release Kunio Yajima, who is currently serving his sentence!!

"You tell the police, if the police can't do it, we'll kill a passenger every hour!!"

"Wait 20 minutes, we'll call again." The gangster hung up the phone and continued to hold the driver hostage.

Hearing Kunio Yajima's name, Conan immediately thought of the bandit group that used bombs to rob jewelry stores last month, a case in which only the mastermind Kunio Yajima was arrested, and the whereabouts of the other three accomplices are still unknown.

These two people must be Yajima Kunio's accomplices, they are really here!

Another gunman began to confiscate the passengers' mobile phones, and the new doctor and Judy obediently turned in their phones, and Rabbit Chuan and Conan were simply ignored by him.

After all, it is still the millennium, and mobile phones are still only a tool for adults to work and communicate, and there is no game function, and it has not been popularized among students.

However, even so, the gangster still threatened Rabbit Chuan and Conan with a gun, to be obedient and not to cry!

Then the gangster pointed a gun at Shuichi Akai and shouted, "Hey! And you, hurry up and hand it over!!

"Poof——! Rabbit Chuan really didn't hold back, and immediately turned his head to cover his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" The gangster pointed his gun at Rabbit River again.

Conan was scared silly!

Brother! Brother! What are you doing, my brother!

Rabbit Chuan wiped his face and said expressionlessly: "I just thought of happy things." "

Huh?" The gangster stared at Rabbit Chuan with skeptical eyes, "What happy thing?"

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but laugh: "Our high school is on holiday today. "

Oh, high school, high school students on vacation..." the gangster nodded, "It's really worth rejoicing... Wait, you're all in high school? "

Poofhahaha!" Teacher Judy laughed too.

The gangster immediately turned his gun on Teacher Judy and questioned, "What are you laughing at again?"

Teacher Judy immediately raised her hands and said, "Oh, my school is also closed today.

The gangster subconsciously said, "You went to the same high school?

Teacher Judy affirmed, "Oh, yes!

Rabbit Chuan was overjoyed, rubbed his cheeks again to hold back a smile and said, "No, no, she is a teacher at our school." "

Oh, teacher..." The gangster pondered for a while, then suddenly reacted, holding a gun and shouting at Rabbit Chuan, "What a mess! All seated! Don't laugh! Laugh again I broke you guys!

Although the gangster asked what this imp was happy about, he always felt that it was not like this, as if something was wrong.

But the gangster was now busy hijacking the bus, and he didn't have time to think about it, he used a gun to warn this little ghost, turned around and continued to collect the phone from the people in the back ...

Rabbit Chuan secretly laughed again, and the gangster suddenly turned around and said suspiciously: "You laughed again?

Rabbit Chuan was expressionless and said affirmatively: "I don't!" "

The gangster turned around, Rabbit Chuan laughed, the gangster turned back again, Rabbit Chuan was expressionless again, turned again, laughed again, turned again, did not laugh

, turned again, laughed again, turned again.... "What are you doing there!" The gangsters standing at the front of the car holding the driver hostage were already waiting impatiently.

The gangster at the back of the car said aggrievedly: "This, this little ghost, he..."

Rabbit Chuan sat on the chair obediently, looking at these two murderous gangsters with innocent little eyes, his body trembled slightly, they have guns, it's so terrible!

The gangster accomplice standing at the front of the car did not want to listen to his explanation, and shouted: "Hey, isn't it just a little ghost, don't grind, hurry up and work!" "

I, I..." The gangster standing next to Rabbit Chuan was aggrieved, but the gangster couldn't say it, because Rabbit Chuan's expression was more aggrieved than his.

Rabbit Chuan is a little fearless this time, because Rabbit Chuan knows that there is a bomb in the skis at his feet, the gangster's marksmanship is not good, he is afraid of wiping the gun and going off, and he does not dare to shoot, and even if they shoot, isn't there still Akai Shuichi!

Rabbit River believes that Shuichi Akai is definitely not the kind of person who can't be saved by death!

And, be content, gangsters!

Rabbit Chuan didn't call Matsuda Jinpei to come out to play together today, because Matsuda Jinpei went to work today, and it was the same whether he was called or not.

Otherwise, these two small bombs on the ground will be a matter of three minutes!

At this time, Matsuda Jinpei, who was far away in the Metropolitan Police Department, suddenly sneezed and said, "Ahem, which little rabbit cub is nagging me?" The

gangsters who were in a bad mood here were still pressing Akai Shuichi and yelling: "Hurry up, hand over the mobile phone!" Akai

Shuichi coughed, swept away his fierce gaze, and said in a hoarse voice: "Sorry, cough, I don't have a phone, cough."

"Shhh! Pauper! The gunman cursed, and yelled at the old man in black next to Shuichi Akai, "Hey! That old man, what are you wearing on your ears? The

old man in black sweated coldly, trembling and said: "This and this is a hearing aid, my ears were deaf when I was young, so..."

The gangster cursed again, then pointed to the woman chewing gum next to the old man, "Hey! Your mouth is moving around and annoying! The

woman said nonchalantly, "Of course, I'm chewing gum!" Sooner or later, you gangsters will be caught, and you'd better let us go, otherwise... Yes! With

a bang, the unbearable gangster fired, and the bullet grazed the woman's ear and hit the back of the chair, and the woman was so frightened that she completely lost her words.

"Cut! Lessons owed! "

The gangster raised his gun, walked back proudly, did not pay attention to his feet, snapped, and fell to the ground.

"Lean! Who is it again!! "

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