"I don't smell anything strange?" Conan lowered Haibara's arm, "And, if you can really know with your sixth sense, then did you feel it beforehand that time in Pisk?"

Haibara admitted, "Yes, I do vaguely feel that it will be him.

Conan couldn't help but complain, "Then why didn't you tell me then?"

Haibara bowed his head and said, "Because I'm not sure either, I always feel as if there was another person at that time, and that feeling was stronger than Pisk, and it emitted a creepy demon smell... Belch! Speaking

of this, Haihara suddenly froze, grabbed the neckline, and trembled.

Conan asked puzzled, "Huh? How do you..."

Haibara said in a trembling voice, "Work, Kudo... Can you switch positions with me and let me hide, please!!

Conan's expression became solemn, although he didn't know what happened, but...

"Huh? It's a new doctor! Ayumi shouted in a childish voice, waving his hand to the new doctor who had just boarded the car.

The new doctor came over and said, "You're in this car too?"

Mitsuhiko stood up politely and said, "I was really hard at the time of the physical examination the other day!"

The new doctor smiled and said politely: "It's nothing!" Conan

and Haibara Mourning secretly changed positions, Conan saw Haibara Mourning clasping the hat pocket on his head, strangely glanced at the new doctor who had just got into the car, and secretly asked in Haibara Mourn's ear: "What's wrong with the new doctor?" By the way, I remember that you took leave on the day of your physical examination..." Yuan

Tai Xiao Fatty was surprised to find a beautiful woman behind the new doctor, and asked excitedly: "Doctor, are you dating today?" The

new doctor denied: "No, she is a colleague in my school and a teacher at Didan High School." "

“ Hello,boys and girls! Hi! Cool kid and Rabbitikawa-san, we're meeting again! Teacher Judy hugged the new doctor's arm and looked interested.

Rabbit, who can't play the fool, can only say hello: "Hello, Teacher Judy, new teacher."

Dr. Agasa turned to Rabbit River and Conan and asked, "You guys know each other?"

Rabbit Chuan wanted to say that he didn't know two people, but how could he not know each other, so he could only obediently introduce Dr. Agasa: "The new teacher is the school doctor of our school, and Teacher Judy is the English teacher of our school, and she happens to be in charge of Miss Xiaolan's class."

Teacher Judy took the opportunity to hug the new doctor and said enthusiastically: "My name is Judy St. Timilion, and I am going to go on a date with Dr. Shindei to the Ueno Museum of Art today!" The

new doctor stepped back in fright, sat down on his seat, and hurriedly explained: "No, it's not, we just happened to meet at the bus stop."

Teacher Judy sat next to the new doctor and complained: "Oh, Dr. Xinchu, as a gentleman, you can't let the lady lose face!" The

new doctor glanced at Rabbit Chuan with his afterlight and said with a wry smile: "However, if there is any scandal in the school, we will all be in trouble." "

“Oh,yes!" Teacher Judy sat down carefully.

Teacher Judy never imagined that there was an evil organization in the Far East school preaching the prohibition of impure heterosexual intercourse, so that she did not dare to easily approach this person in the school.

Rabbit Chuan didn't expect that his whim club could be used as a shield by Belmode, he really was... Not sure what to say.

Behind Teacher Judy, another important person finally appeared.

Wearing a simple plain blue trench coat, a mask on his face, and a black knitted hat on his head, Shuichi Akai walked briskly past Haibara and walked towards the back row.

Rabbit Chuan could not see the state of gray mourning from this position, but Rabbit Chuan could feel the seat in the front row shaking like the dry bucket of a washing machine.

It is worthy of being a well-known winery, and the wine aroma is not afraid of the deep alley!

As Akai Shu passed the penultimate row, Rabbit Chuan looked up as if inadvertently glaring at Akai Shu.

Look at how scary you are to the child!

Look at our old brother, they are all cousins, how can this gap be so big!

Akai Shuichi's gaze froze slightly for a second, but the steps under his feet were still calm and calm, and he remained silent and walked to the last seat and sat down.

Akai Shuichi lowered his head and coughed a few times, hiding his appearance.

Obviously, Shuichi Akai has recognized the imp sitting in the penultimate row, a student of Judy's undercover school, a detective at Teidan High School, the nephew of the famous mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo, and the "New York Silver-Haired Murderer Prison Break" that he was responsible for a year ago, and is actually the survivor of the "Belmod trap" - Rabbit River One, Two, Three.

Akai Shuichi knew Rabbitagawa because he had seen information about survivors who escaped from Belmode's disguised silver-haired murderer.

Akai Shuichi had not seen Rabbit River himself, and Akai knew that this imp had not seen him that day, and that the only thing who saw him that day was the girl who was with this imp.

Therefore, it stands to reason that this imp should not be him, and it is impossible to know his true identity.

Akai Shuichi was puzzled, what did the eyes of this little devil mean just now?

Conan also noticed Shuichi Akai, and also saw his own brother looking at the man.

Conan lay on the back of the chair, covered his mouth, and quietly asked Rabbit Chuan: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, do you know that man?" What happened to him? Akai

Shuichi was still pretending to cough and maintain the persona of a sick and weak man.

Tu Chuan retracted his gaze, made up a sentence casually, and said: "Oh, it's nothing, I'm just wondering if he is Yang Kang or Yang Guo."

"Yang Kang or Yang Guo?" Conan looked back at the man's intact arm, where did the old brother see that this man looked like Yang Guo?

"Hey! You see, those people are wearing ski suits now! Yuantai Xiaochuan's sudden words diverted Conan's attention.

Mitsuhiko also said casually: "They really can't wait!"

Conan complained weakly: "Hey, you don't have to wear even goggles, right?"

"Silly!" Rabbit Chuan poked his head out and looked at the two pot uncles standing at the front of the car, and matched them with music in his heart.

He's coming! He's coming! He came with a pressure cooker!

I saw Uncle Guo pull out a gun and shoot at the roof of the shed, and then the people in the car shouted: "Don't move!" Whoever dares to move, I will slaughter whoever I want!! "

Shuichi Akai: ...?

New Doctor: ...?

Teacher Judy: ...?

Haibara Mourning: ..................


Rabbit-Chuan: ......

I was so scared, I was afraid I couldn't help it... o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓ slap the table and laugh wildly

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