Rabbit Chuan specially went to the newsstand to buy a copy and put the morning newspaper, carefully looked at the date, and breathed a sigh of relief, today is indeed Saturday.

It scared the person to death, and Rabbit River thought that the time of the two towns was not unified! The most important thing is that he didn't feel it at all!

As for why do students in Namori Town go to school?

Well, it is necessary to be complimented by the lark, no, it is time to start with the current education system.

To put it simply, schools in some remote areas still practice the previous six-day system.

In fact, because of the needs of the plot, the home of the tutor in the early stage is basically in Hesheng Middle School, and there must be a state of frequent school.

In short, no matter what day of the week, it is right that Namorimachi is in school.

Unlike Yonehana Town, which fully implements the concept of relaxed education, it is a day off on Fridays, weekends, and days off when it can be closed, even if there is no rest day!

Of course, in the future, the town of Nagamori will slowly integrate into the time frame of Kogaku.

Rabbit River unilaterally announced that when Tsunayoshi Sawada went to break his head outside the school, the students of Mori Town would be on vacation!

When he returned to Yonehanamachi, Rabbikawa found that Dr. Agasa had returned home.

Rabbit Chuan walked over, saw Dr. Agasa barbecue in his yard, and stepped forward and asked: "Dr. Agasa, didn't you say that you spent the night in the mountains today, how did you come back?"

Dr. Agasa was quite optimistic, and while beckoning Rabbit Chuan to come over for barbecue, he said: "We encountered a car accident in Ryushen Mountain today, and the children picked up a note with a code written on it, and then found a gang smuggling foreign luxury cars according to the note. "

Oh..." Rabbit Chuan nodded slowly, he was really not surprised at all!

Dr. Agasa prepared a lot of barbecue ingredients for camping, and some ingredients that are not eaten today will not be fresh tomorrow, so Dr. Agasa barbecues in the open air in his yard.

In this way, it is cheaper to go camping Rabbit River and Haibara mourning.

Rabbitagawa and Haibara mourn eat meat, and Dr. Agasa is vegetarian.

In addition, in order to make up for this failed camping, Dr. Agasa decided to take the children to ski tomorrow, and neither Rabbitugawa nor Haibara were allowed to miss this event.

Rabbit Chuan said in surprise: "Huh? Am I going too?

Dr. Agasa looked mysterious and said, "Don't worry, I have written a set of skiing programs for you, and I promise to learn it as soon as you learn it!" "

Rabbit-Chuan: Hehe, are you sure you don't waste it as soon as you learn it?

The next day, Dr. Agasa took Rabbikawa and the children on a bus to the ski resort.

The seven of them almost occupied the double seats in the back of the bus, Mitsuhiko and Genta sat in the first row by the door, and behind them sat Ayumi and Dr. Agasa, and next door to Dr. Agasa were Conan and Haibara.

Rabbit Chuan sits in the back row of Conan, finally remembering the fear of being dominated by Aunt Nabe... Just kidding!

Rabbit Chuan just suddenly found that he didn't seem to have taken the bus here, he used to either take the subway or take a taxi, and today is the first time to take the bus, which is a little fresh.

"The next stop is Yobanacho 3rd Street Echo Property Company Station" The

bus broadcast announced the name of the station twice, and most of the passengers on the bus got off at this station, and the carriage suddenly became empty.

Dr. Agasa sneezed several times, and Conan turned his head and asked, "Dr. Agasa, can you still go skiing like this?"

Haibara mourned: "Leave him alone, he is self-inflicted, I said that he should not come if he has a cold, but he did not listen, and he was still practicing skiing in the middle of the night."

Dr. Agasa blushed and said pitifully, "Of course, I have to learn it myself before I can take you children skiing!" "

Sitting next to Dr. Agasa, the children also began to criticize Dr. Agasa like little adults, and if you are sick, you should rest well, and you should not be stubborn.

Rabbit Chuan also added that he should drink more hot water.

At this moment, on the contrary, Dr. Agasa was like a child who had made a mistake, and he lowered his head in grievance.

"The next stop is Mihua Park Station, and the next stop is Mihua Park Station"

Conan looked listless and sighed boredly.

Seeing this, Haihara ridiculed: "Oh, when you think that you won't see your sweetheart for the next few days, do you start to feel lonely?" "

Huh?" Conan turned his head to Haibara and put on a dead fish eye.

Haibara mourned, "Still, you haven't seen them for too long, and you're starting to miss them."

Conan said with a serious expression: "Don't talk nonsense, now the car is full of innocent passengers, and there are little ghost heads, I will think they have ghosts!"

However, at this moment, an old man in a black jacket walked past Conan's eyes.

Conan was frightened, and Haibara said sadly: "No, don't worry, I know just by smelling the smell, everyone in that organization will have a ..." Haibara was

stunned, and saw a Conan sniffing around her arm, really, can't be serious!

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