It was another day, and as soon as Rabbit Chuan went out, he saw Dr. Akasa next door who was going to take the children to camp again.

"Good morning, Brother Rabbitchuan!" Ayumi little loli waved to Rabbit River energetically.

Mitsuhiko ran over excitedly and asked, "Brother Rabbitakawa good morning, do you want to go camping with us?"

"Early~ but don't!" Rabbit Chuan refused without thinking.

"Huh?" Ayumi's little face collapsed, obviously a little disappointed, "Why?" Why didn't brother Rabbit Chuan go if he didn't go? And Haibara-san can't say it. "

Dr. Agasa is going to take Conan and them camping on Mount Shinryu in Nishitama City today.

Go to Nishitama City, and camp, what a familiar configuration! This is not the beginning of a theatrical version!

However, Rabbikawa knows that the twin towers of Nishitama City have not been officially completed so far, and Haibara did not go with him this time.

So now it seems that nine out of nine percent of this camping can encounter some theft, robbery and smuggling gangs.

Not interesting, don't go!

Anyway, only Conan, no gray plains, it is certainly not a big case.

"I know!" Genta jumped up and raised his hand and said, "You guys don't want to eat delicious food behind our backs, right?" "

Conan, who is helping the Doctor with his luggage, is crying and laughing, hey, you are talking about yourself!

"I know!" This time it was Ayumi who raised her hand to speak, "Brother Rabbitakawa , are you going on a date today?" "

Dating!?" The three little boys present looked at Rabbit Chuan dumbfounded, "Brother Rabbit Chuan has a girlfriend?"

Conan was shocked, but today's brother is indeed a little different from usual.

Conan began to look for differences, he found that today the brother did not wear a hat, the hairstyle also changed, combed the back, the forehead was exposed to look very spiritual, even the clothes were not detective style coats, but a formal suit three-piece set draped with a black coat, and a pair of oily black leather shoes at the bottom, the whole person's temperament became extraordinary... Ripe?

Conan suddenly realized that something was wrong, could it be that Rabbit Chuan he... Really in love?!

When did this happen, he didn't even know at all?!

"No, no, there's no such thing." Rabbit Chuan denied Sanren, "I'm not going on a date.

Ayumi immediately asked, "Then Brother Tuchuan, why are you dressed so handsome today?"

Tuchuan coughed twice and said, "Ahem, this should not be called handsome, but should be called the temperament of a big guy." In

fact, Rabbit Chuan also prepared a classic white long scarf, and then hung it around his neck when he reached his destination, so as to better show the ruthless aura of the big guy Qiang.

However, Rabbit Chuan did not wear a hat, he knew that he was not burly enough, wearing a hat would look a little top-heavy, and his domineering big back was enough to show his momentum.

At this time, a familiar melody suddenly sounded in Conan's mind.

Oh ~ wave run ~ wave flow ~

haha, it turns out to be cosplay!

Rabbit River waved goodbye to the camping team and set off for today's destination, Namori Town.

Uncle Kawhira called yesterday to inform Rabbit River that Reborn, the world's number one killer and mafia tutor today, will arrive on the battlefield, that is, the House of Tsunayoshi Sawada, a candidate for Pengele's tenth generation, and the battle for the ring is about to begin.

When Rabbit River came to Kaipei Real Estate, Uncle Kawahira was still wearing that simple gray-green yukata and carrying bowls of ramen.

Uncle Kawahira: The highest-end bosses often only use the most simple way.

Rabbitikawa : Learned, learned!

Uncle Kawahira squatted on the roof opposite Sawada's house, continuing to carry bowls of ramen, and Rabbit Chuan spread his coat on the tiles, sat on it, and began to eat melon seeds.

Rabbit Chuan really wants to ask, is the monitoring method of our squatting roof a little too simple?

Why not use a monitor?

Uncle Kawahira didn't speak, and the hell ring Medusa on his finger flashed with indigo flames, which was a top-level illusion that Pengelle could not perceive.

Big guy, it's just so unpretentious.

Today, Sawada's mother received an interesting leaflet about people who would come to the house to become tutors to train their children to become the new leaders of the next generation, and they were still handsome guys, and they said that they would be willing to teach for free 24 hours as long as they were covered with food.

Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn't help but complain: "Isn't this a scam?!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that the world must be crazy, and in front of him appeared a killer who looked like a baby and called himself Reborn.

And this little baby even declared that he wanted to be his governess and raise him to be the 10th generation head of the Pengelle family of the Italian mafia ?!

What kind of scam is this?!

He Sawada Tsunayoshi is not good at sports, not good at studying, often falls flat, even Chihuahua is afraid, the average score of the city test is only 17.5 points, what to do without perseverance and nothing to achieve, and is called "waste wood gang" by the people around him, but he is really not a fool!

Reborn said to Sawada Tsunayoshi, "Don't worry, I'll cover you from today onwards, Waste Shiba Azuna!"

"What's going on with you little baby? How do you know my name, and my nickname? Sawada Tsunayoshi yelled at Reborn, "And you are a little baby, what qualifications do you have to call me Azuna?"

Rabbit Chuan gasped and subconsciously covered his face.

Please cherish the current Tsunade who dares to roar Ribaun, this is definitely the bravest time Sawada Tsunayoshi has faced Reborn!

Reborn wasn't angry, he just lightly kicked the indisputable disciple's face, and a cute little footprint immediately appeared on Sawada Tsunayoshi's face.

Sawada's mother heard the voice and rushed over, and asked with a smile: "Oh, how cute, whose child are you?"

Reborn took out his business card and introduced himself to Sawada's mother: "Ciao~ I am Reborn, a teacher in the church.

Sawada's mother and Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn't help but laugh.

Sawada Tsunayoshi laughed heartily, tears burst out of his eyes, and said, "Hahaha, what kind of joke, aren't you just a little baby?" Laugh at me to death hahaha——!

Reborn lifted his leg and kicked this annoying braincase to the floor.


The quality of the floor of the Sawada Tsunayoshi house is really good!

Sawada's mother called a heart wider than the sky, and at this time did not forget to remind her son, good cub, you are almost late for school!

Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn't care about this strange little baby, and being late at other schools would be criticized, but being late in their Namori Middle School... It's horrible!!

Next, Rabbitikawa and Uncle Kawahira saw Sawada Tsunayoshi rushing out.

Uncle Kawahira's noodles were finally finished, put down his chopsticks, and said lightly: "Let's go." "

Huh? Don't watch it? Rabbit Chuan also put down the melon seeds in his hand.

Uncle Kawahira waved his hand and said, "The tutor has confirmed the dispatch, which proves that Sawada Tsunayoshi is still the suitable person for this generation of Pengellet rings, and the battle for Pengele's rings is coming, and there will be nothing to see next." "

Rabbit-Chuan: No, it's going to look good!

A man ran hundreds of meters on the street, just to confess to a woman, whether it was a distortion of human nature or a decline in morality!

Because, Reborn hit Sawada Tsunayoshi with a Pengelle secret bomb "Death Gas Bomb" that will fight to the death to complete something that he regrets when he is hit, and Sawada Tsunayoshi is angry and fights to burst his clothes.

From then on, the "education" of Sawada Tsunayoshi becoming the leader began.

And, in this world of science and learning, this daily "education" may last for a long time....

Well, men's pants really don't look good.

Uncle Kawahira said that after that, it will be the affairs of the Cherbello organs, and they will be responsible for witnessing the battle for the ring, after all, it is their obligation to witness the whereabouts of the ring.

The Cerbello organ, all members of the Cerbello organ, are pink-haired, bronze-skinned, mask-wearing women, the same appearance, unlimited number, cold personality, perform their duties, judge the victory or defeat absolutely fairly, and no one knows their identity.

Rabbit Chuan drew a covenant equivalence between Cherbello and Misaka's sister in his heart, although it was much worse, but it was also about the same feeling.

Since someone cares, then Rabbit Chuan doesn't care, he still has the Marley ring on him, in case Reborn finds out, it will not be fun.

Rabbit River: Agent of the Benke Study World, refusing to give Uncle Kawahira the pot.

Uncle Chuanping lowered his head and measured the height of the two with his eyes, the son of the rainbow they are not blind and will not recognize the wrong person.

Rabbitakawa : Hmph!

Before leaving, Tu Chuan suddenly found a hua point and said to himself: "Huh? And today in Moricho... Is it school day? "

Uncle Kawhira: .

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