When Rabbit River returned to Tokyo, it was already evening, the autumn breeze was bleak, the weather was slightly cool, and Rabbit River suddenly sneezed.


Conan asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his nose and said without care: "It's okay, it's okay, eighty percent someone missed me." "

Cuptocho, somewhere in a bar.

Under the slightly drunken lighting, the saxophone on the gorgeous stage plays jazz, and the air is filled with the ambiguous smell of tobacco and alcohol.

"Big brother, have you seen your guy blossoming happily?" Vodka held a business card and scoffed, "He doesn't know yet that this is the last glass of wine in his life, big brother, big brother?" Gin

Jiu leaned back in his chair, cigarette in his mouth, looking absent-minded.

Vodka saw that the eldest brother ignored people, slumped his face and glanced at the stage, and said with a smile: "Oh, the eldest brother is watching the singer who will go on stage next, right, her voice is always so fascinating, and she gave birth to a beautiful embryo, it turns out that the eldest brother likes this type?" Gin

Jiu is still indifferent.

At this time, the waiter brought two cups of bitter martini and said, "This is bitter martini, and the singer invited two."

Vodka picked up the wine glass and said lightly: "Then we will reward her with a face!" The

next second, Gin Jiu pressed the cigarette directly into the vodka glass, and the vodka was a little overwhelmed.

Gin Jiu turned his head to look at the waiter and said expressionlessly, "What do you want to do?" Seeing

that the waiter was stunned, Gin Jiu grabbed the waiter's hair and pressed his head on the table, and with the other hand he picked up the ice pick in the ice bucket and poked it down mercilessly, only poking a human skin mask.

"Belmode!" Gin Jiu turned his head and stared indifferently at the amorous blonde in front of him.

“ I'm just kidding!" Belmode spread his long hair and laughed, "Don't take it seriously, your expression is quite scary!"

"Big brother! Bay, Belmode? Vodka looked left and right stupidly, and immediately put down the wine glass in his hand in fright.

The devil knows what this woman put in the wine, fortunately there is a big brother who saved his life!

Belmod tied up his dazzling blonde hair and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm just watching someone covet the beauty of other singers and tease you." The

old vodka blushed and said sarcastically: "Are you okay like this?" If anyone notices that you, a big star, are with people like us..."

Belmode's blonde hair tail swayed slightly, especially sultry, and she teased: "Don't worry, everyone else's eyes are fascinated by that charming singer, how can you see the people in the audience."

Gin Jiu interrupted Belmode's nonsense, and said in an icy tone: "To get back to business, how did you check the thing I asked you to find?"

Belmod said vaguely, "Well, to be honest, I haven't found the Lord yet."

Vodka said flatteringly: "What is true or not righteous, if you have any news, reveal a little!"

"It's useless, vodka." Gin Jiu lit another cigarette, "You didn't know her on the first day, this woman's nasty mysticism." "

Ah, thanks for the compliment." Belmod smiled slightly, "A secret makes a woman woman.

Gin Jiu said disdainfully: "Hmph, disgusting."

Seeing Gin Jiu's attitude, Belmod put his arm on Gin Jiu's shoulder and said in a light tone: "Compared to that matter, how is the progress on your side?" Did the kitten that escaped before be found?

Gin Jiu said quietly: "I haven't found it yet, but soon, my nose is most sensitive to the taste of traitors, and one day I must let her know what real fear is." "

Oh? Good luck then! Belmode smiled meaningfully.

Gin Jiu changed the subject and said, "Then again, about that little rabbit cub... Tut! Is it really good to leave him alone like that?

Belmod bowed his head and whispered in his ear, "I advise you to leave it alone, Rum's impatient son actually stabbed the boss about that child, and now the boss's guard is already contacting him." "

Huh? Just in contact? Gin Jiu frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the result.

Belmod said indifferently: "After all, it has been confirmed that he is that person's child, you have to know that anyway, the boss is still quite jealous of that child." "

Fear?" Gin Jiu, who didn't understand the truth, didn't understand, "It's just a little ghost!"

Belmod laughed and said nothing, not only jealous, but also coveting the man's bloodline, like a crow trying to devour the rotten bloodline.

It's a pity that this kind of thing can only be passed on from generation to generation and cannot be transferred.

Vodka stupidly interjected, staring at the bitter martini in front of him, sour, sour, he should not be here, but under the car.

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